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Is there a Plan designated to areas for waste with fire and emergency procedures in place to confine and deal with a fire should it break out?
Is trash and waste cleared away and put in trash containers in designated areas? (Don’t let waste materials build up around site)<br>Never attempt to dispose of Trash by burning it. Site ‘bonfires’ are illegal and can get out of control easily
Is the Electrical systems, including temporary supplies, installed by a competent electrician and is it regularly maintained?
Site compounds are vulnerable to fire because of- temporary heaters, smoking, intermittent occupation, clothes drying, waste packaging, old newspapers etc. Extra checks should be in place prior to leaving the site compound-are they in place?
Are Temporary heaters properly installed in a safe position and have guards fixed? (Heaters should not be left on unoccupied)
High intensity lights should not be covered or placed near combustible material and they must be securely fixed to prevent them falling over. ARE they secured and maintained?
Is there a designated smoking area? (Do not smoke in areas of high fire risk or designated ‘no smoking’ areas. Dispose of matches and cigarette butts carefully)
Is there a hot work permit system? (Control all hot works by a permit to ensure that risk is adequately controlled)
Is the surrounding area free of combustible material before commencing hot work?
Is the Non removable items covered with heat proof blankets. (Don’t underestimate how far radiant heat and sparks can travel)
Is hot work stopped at least 1 hour before the end of the shift?
Are there fire checks at 30 minute intervals and up to and including 1 hour after completion of the work?
Are there suitable fire extinguishers readily at hand and with a fire and emergency plan in place?
Does everyone know their part in the fire safety plan?
Does everyone know where extinguishers are and how to use them?
Does the crew know the evacuation procedure and escape routes?
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