Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Step 1 - Describing the Risks and Controls
Photo of Risk
What is the Risk to?
If you have selected other, please specify here
Describe the risk - What causes the risk? (Eg. Falling limb, falling tree, eroding bank, lack of fencing etc.)
Describe the controls - What do we currently have in place to address the risk? (Eg. Regular monitoring, barricade fencing, access restriction, pruning etc.)
Step 2 - Measure the 'Likelihood' of Risk (1-5)
Likelihood of Risk
Step 3 - Measure the 'Consequence' of the Risk (1-5)
Severity Level
Step 4 - Identify 'Risk Rating'
Step 5 - Identify 'Control Rating' and required action
Does the control address the risk effectively?
Is the control officially documented and communicated?
Is the control in operation and applied consistently?
Combine 'Risk Rating' and 'Control Rating' to establish management priority
Management Priority
Record Results Recommendation
What more do we need to do to: -Prevent risk from happening -reduce or get rid of causes -strengthen controls Examples would be to nominate monitoring frequency, barricade fencing, access restrictions, tree removal, departmental notifications, no action required etc.
Name of Risk Assessor/s:
Date of assessment