Incident Information

  • Site

  • Division

  • Short Description of the Incident , date and time

  • Date of investigation

  • Investigation team

  • Location
  • Comments , make note if the investigation is subject to legal privilege

  • Sign off by principle investigator

Notes on use of this form

  • Use this form to investigate any environmental of safety incident requiring a detailed understanding of root causes and corrective actions .
    The form is constructed in section as a structured process to answer the above questions.

    The investigation of an incident should involve a team with knowledge of the plant , the process and HSE systems and investigations.

    On completion circulate the form to relevant supervisors and managers and file it with the incident details on the incident management system.

    Corrective actions must be detailed in the incident management system once approved and responsibilities and timelines assigned.


Incident Description

  • Type of Incident/Investigation

  • Rate the scale of the incident against the Visy severity score table

  • Did and Injury Occur?

  • Detailed description of the injury or incident

Event Description

  • Pre-Event Description

  • Main Event Description

  • Post Event Description

Photos and Details


  • Provide photographs of the incident scene

  • Provide photographs of any off site impacts

  • Sketch the incident scene

  • Names of any witnesses

  • Statements or information provided by witnesses

  • Were external notification procedures followed and adequate?

Cause Analysis

Cause and failure analysis (Refer to Visy Severity Rating System)

  • Was Machinery a likely cause of the incident . If so provide details<br>Consider<br>Instructions, Signage , Safety switches, Guarding, Training, Walkways and markings, Lighting, Tools

  • How did this influence the incident?

  • Was a failure with PPE a likely cause of the incident?<br>Consider<br>Usage, Availability, Appropriateness, Condition, Maintenance, Storage, Training.

  • How did this influence the incident?

  • Was housekeeping a likely cause of the incident?<br>Consider<br>Floors, passageways, work surfaces, lighting, ventilation, storage, waste accumulation .

  • How did this influence the incident?

  • Is chemical handling a likely cause of the incident?<br>Consider<br>Storage, instructions, signage, labelling, safety date sheets., training.

  • How did this influence the incident?

  • In this an environmental management failure?<br>Consider <br>Spills and leaks, maintenance, stormwater protection and planning, emissions, waste and trade waste, third party and contractor considerations.

  • How did this influence the incident?

  • Other?


  • Identify the root cause below.
    Make use of the 5 why technique , brainstorm ideas , consider which factor if removed would have prevented the incident from occurring. Review corrective actions for this root cause to ensure they would prevent the incident.

Corrective Action


  • Apply the hierarchy of Control to reduce future risks from this sort of incident based on the identified root cause.

  • Can the risk be eliminated ? If so descrbe-

  • Who is responsible for taking action and the due date?

  • Can processes or new materials be substituted for current practices so that the risk is reduced or eliminated?<br>If so describe-

  • Who is responsible for these actions and when will the actions be completed?

  • Can engineering controls be implemented to reduce or eliminate the risk?<br>If so please describe-

  • Who is responsible for the actions and when should they be completef?

  • What procedural or admin controls, if any, can be implemented to reduce or eliminate the risk of reoccurrence ?<br>Describe -

  • Who is responsible for developing these admin controls and when do they need to be finalisedf?

  • Is PPE needed due to the limited effectiveness of other controls to ensure the risk of injury is reduced or eliminated ?

  • Who is responsible for this action and what is the time frame?

  • Any other notes on controls and responses?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.