
  • Document No.

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Air Quality

  • Dust suppression techniques are employed during windy, hot or sunny conditions.

  • If winds are high and the works are creating high levels of dust, the works will be modified or stopped until the dust hazard is eliminated or is reduced to an acceptable level.

  • Construction vehicles carrying loads of loose material are covered.<br>

  • Stockpiled soils will be actively managed for dust<br>

  • Areas of disturbance will be kept to a minimum.<br>

  • Progressive rehabilitation of disturbed areas will be undertaken as soon as practicable following disturbance.<br>

  • No burning of material on site, except under the instruction of emergency services<br>

  • No smoky plant and equipment are being used.<br>

  • Vehicles leaving the construction site are in a condition that will not track mud, dirt or other materials onto any roadway.<br>

  • No evidence of offensive odours.<br>

Geology and Soils

  • Erosion and sediment control structures are located downstream of the ROW and stockpiles.<br>

  • No stockpiles located within 10m of watercourses or drainage areas.<br>

  • Erosion and sediment control structures are intact and effective.<br>

  • Scour protection will be installed in creek bank areas at risk of erosion due to creek crossing works.<br>

  • No vehicles outside designated paths.<br>

  • Vegetation and topsoil cleared during the clear and grade activity is stockpiled on the 'working' side of the construction ROW<br>

  • Trench spoil will be segregated from the topsoil and stored on the 'trench' side of the construction ROW.<br>

  • "Only subsoil shall be returned to the trench during backfilling.<br>Topsoil will not be used as padding material and remain undisturbed until reinstatement"<br>

  • Backfill is compacted to a level consistent with surrounding soils and to a relative density sufficient to prevent further settlement under natural moisture and load conditions<br>

  • Excess spoil shall not be spread within the ROW unless agreed by landowner<br>

Waste Management

  • No waste received at the site which has been generated outside the site, unless there is evidence of a licence.<br>

  • The site will be kept free of litter and waste and adequate sized refuse containers or skip bins are available.<br>

  • All construction areas are to be maintained in an orderly and hygienic standard.<br>

  • Bins and skips are not left at full capacity.<br>

Hazard and Risks

  • No smoking outside designated areas.<br>

  • No combustible material within the construction ROW during high risk construction activities.<br>

  • "For any hot works during a fire danger period the following fire mitigation methods apply:<br>- The Contractor will contact the Rural Fire Service to advise them of the project.<br>- A permit valid for use during the declared Fire Danger Period but not on Total Fire Ban Days will be obtained by the Construction Contractor.<br>- A fire-resistant shield, guard or blanket is in place to stop sparks, hot metal or slag.<br>- An area at least 1.5 metres from the operation will be cleared of flammable material or wetted down sufficiently to prevent the spread of fire.<br>- A water supply e.g. furphy or water tanker of at least 1000 litres in working order will be on hand at all times.<br>- All vehicles will contain water spray knapsack containing at least 9 litres of water.<br>- All cut-offs and hot materials from the operation will be placed in fire-proof receptacles.<br>- A spotter who has the capacity and means to extinguish fire will be in attendance at all times.<br>- The fire will be completely extinguished before the spotter leaves.<br>If possible, hot works should be postponed on total fire ban days to minimise the risk of fire."<br>

  • "If unexpected contamination is encountered, the following procedure will be followed:<br>1. Stop work immediately<br>2. Report the discovery to the Construction Contractor Site Supervisor, who will seek advice from a suitably qualified environmental consultant.<br>3. Seal off the area and contain any spread of contaminants.<br>4. Clear the affected area of the site to ensure there is nothing that could cause a fire or explosion.<br>5. Await advice from the Construction Contractor Site Supervisor before recommencing works."<br>

Noise and Vibration

  • No work is undertaken outside allowed hours.<br>

  • No activities resulting in impulsive or tonal noise emission is undertaken outside allowed hours.<br>

  • Vibration intensive activities should not be located closer to sensitive receptors than the safe working distances presented in Table 6 (of CNVMP).<br>

  • Any equipment not in use for extended periods during construction work will be switched off.<br>

  • No deliveries occur outside standard hours of works.<br>

Traffic Management

  • No deliveries or heavy transport movements during peak hours<br>

  • Parking restricted to designated areas<br>

  • "HDD or horizontal thrust boring will be utilised where the pipeline crosses major infrastructure:<br>"<br>

  • "Unless otherwise designated, speed limits will be:<br>- Construction Site or Office Compound ‐ 10 km/h;<br>- Construction ROW – 40 km/h; and<br>- Signposted speed limits on local roads."<br>

  • Adhere to posted speed limits to ensure protection of fauna and livestock.<br>

Surface and Groundwater

  • "Watercourse crossing does not occur during wet weather or where flow is not low.<br>Watercourse crossing does not occur during breeding seasons."<br>

  • Crossings will be completed promptly in order to minimise impacts.<br>

  • All equipment is in clean condition during watercourse crossings, with no leaks.<br>

  • Construction machinery will be weed free prior to allowing access to the watercourse.<br>

  • Diversion dams will be constructed of appropriate materials which will minimise watercourse sedimentation, such as steel plates, sand bags or inflatable dams (e.g. AquadamTM).<br>

  • Watercourse crossings do not occur during wet periods or when flood warnings have been issued.<br>

  • No evidence of erosion on banks<br>

  • Construction work does not occur during heavy rainfall unless deemed acceptable.<br>

  • All trenches will be immediately stabilised after the pipe has been laid and backfilled.<br>

  • Where possible, all trench crossings of the waterways will be perpendicular to the alignment of the waterways at the crossing point.<br>

  • Flow diversion measures have been implemented and operating effectively.<br>

  • Trench excavation will stop short of the watercourse until the crossing work has been initiated.<br>

  • No evidence of sediment laden water is present in waterways.<br>

  • All waste water will be disposed of in accordance with EPA guidelines and the approved Discharge Plan.<br>

  • Pipeline has been cleaned prior to hydrostatic testing.<br>

  • Hydrotesting operations will conform to AS2885.5.<br>

  • Hydrotest water is not discharged in to areas outside the designated discharge zone. No standing water remains after discharge.<br>

  • No evidence of erosion or sedimentation where hydrotest water has been discharged.<br>

Trench, Pit and Wash Area Dewatering (accumulated groundwater or perched water within a trench or pit)

  • "Energy-dissipating and sediment-trapping system is established.<br>Water with signs of adverse water quality is collected in holding tank and disposed to licensed facility."<br>

  • Any accumulated groundwater or perched water from the trench discharged to land will have permission obtained from the relevant landholder/authority to discharge.<br>

  • Records will be kept of water sourcing and disposal of accumulated groundwater or perched water from the trench.<br>

  • In the event that groundwater accumulation within the trench is consistent across a length greater than 500 m, trench breakers will be installed to prevent lateral transfer of groundwater across differing quality zones<br>


  • Hydrostatic pressure testing will occur progressively.<br>

  • Water collected in excavations, the pipeline trench or low points on site will be pumped to containers and used on site for dust suppression wherever practicable.<br>

  • Concrete washout areas/pits will be adequately sized, located away from drainage lines and waterways and maintained regularly.<br>

Fuel and Chemical Management

  • Where chemical drums (greater than 20 litres) are removed from bunded areas, they will be placed in temporary bunds and returned to the bunded area by the end of the day.<br>

  • Water captured in a bunded area will be monitored and drained (if uncontaminated) after each rain event to ensure bund capacity is maintained at all times.<br>

  • Material contaminated as a result of a spill (e.g. soil or solid absorbent) must be removed (i.e. excavated or swept up) and placed in an appropriate container to prevent further contamination. An accredited chemical waste contractor will be engaged to dispose of the material and to provide copies of Waste Transport Certificates and Certificates of Disposal for each consignment. Records will be kept of all certificates<br>

  • In the event of a minor spill occurring that can be immediately and safely contained by on-site construction personnel, the spill must be reported internally to the APA Project Manager and work practices reviewed and modified as necessary<br>

  • Where the spill of any material has resulted in environmental harm or degradation, it must be reported as an environmental incident to the APA Project Manager. Where spills have resulted in harm to the environment, the NSW EPA must be notified.<br>


  • ROW is no larger than 20 m at locations of remnant native vegetation patches identified in Table 3 and Table 4.<br>

  • Site compounds and parking areas, site-offices, stockpiles and other ancillary works areas will be located in existing cleared areas, and a minimum of 40 m away from waterways or other sensitive areas.<br>

  • Work areas clearly marked and no construction movements outside work areas.<br>

  • No unnecessary felling of large-hollow-bearing trees.<br>

  • No unnecessary felling of standing dead trees.<br>

  • The disturbance, removal or breaking up fallen timber (especially larger logs) will be avoided wherever possible.<br>

  • Where it is unavoidable to disturb fallen timber, the timber will be stockpiled and returned to the ROW following completion of construction.<br>

  • Clearing of native vegetation will be minimised when crossing roads by utilising clearings (where present) and reducing the width of the ROW to 20m (KP 7.3, 11.4, 20.6, 33.5 and 57.6).<br>

  • Where the removal of hollow trees cannot be avoided, a two stage clearing process will be adopted in accordance with the vegetation clearing procedure detailed in Section 6.1. Any hollows recovered from felled trees should be considered for use in providing supplementary habitat in the form of modified nest boxes and in consultation with OEH.<br>

  • If an area of outcropping rock is encountered, adjust the local alignment of the pipeline if feasible to avoid it. <br>

  • During vegetation clearance, details of trees and native vegetation removed will be documented in accordance with the recording procedure in Section 6.1 of BMP.<br>

  • Trenching will be undertaken progressively to minimise the period of time the trench is open and the length of open trench.<br>

  • Ramps and trench plugs with slopes of no greater than 50% will be placed at least every 500 m to assist escape for larger fauna species. Where possible, locate trench plugs to coincide with stock and wildlife trails.<br>

  • Branches, ramped gangplanks or similar will be placed at regular intervals (500 m) in the trench to create ‘ladders’ to assist small fauna to exit the trench.<br>

  • Where practicable, cool insulated cover will be supplied in the trench to allow smaller fauna species to shelter in shade and / or climb above accumulated water.<br>

  • Dedicated personnel will survey the open trench (all areas of open trench) and relocate any trapped fauna species. Such persons will be qualified or appropriately trained to assess and handle any injuries to native fauna that may occur due to trench fall.<br>

  • Any excavated material containing weeds will not be stored near waterways or existing stands of native vegetation.<br>

  • Site photos

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