Waste Management Audit & Action Plan
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Waste Management and Compliance Audit Proforma
Areas Excluded
Ward/Department Audit Check List
Clinical waste segregation posters displayed in all relevant areas as an aid to staff?
Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) displayed in all relevant areas as an aid to staff?
All waste bins in the area are foot operated where necessary, lidded and in good working order?
All waste bins are visibly clean?
Are spare waste bags stored on or at the bottom of waste bins?
All bag colours in use are appropriate for the location and type of waste in them?
Waste bags for disposal are no more than 2/3 full; correctly tied and labelled with the correct information (hospital, ward / dept and date)?
Cytotoxic waste stream (Purple bags) are being used correctly
Infectious waste stream (Black bags) is being used correctly?
Do barriered patients waste bins have orange Infectious waste bags in them?
Non-infectious (Offensive) clinical waste stream (Tiger Stripe Bags) is being used correctly?
Domestic waste stream (Black Bags) is being used correctly?
Dry Mixed recycling (Clear bags) is being used correctly?
The sharps containers in use comply with national standards (UN 3291, BS 7320)?
Suitable sharps containers are in use for the sharps waste produced (Yellow, Orange and Purple)?
Needles and syringes are discarded into a sharps container at the point of use?
Yellow lidded sharps containers contain only sharps contaminated with POMs and other Non-Blood Sharps?
Purple lidded sharps containers contain only sharps contaminated with Cytotoxic or Cytostatic medicines (Cyto’s)?
Orange lidded sharps containers contain only sharps used for bloods?
Sharps containers have been filled correctly and not above the fill line and are free of materials protruding from the aperture?
The temporary closure mechanism is being engaged when sharps containers are not in use?
All sharps containers have been in use for less than three months from opening?
All reusable sharps container labels have been dated on opening in accordance with the Trusts Waste Management Policy?
All reusable sharps containers have been checked to ensure that the permanent closure tabs are engaged and the label has been fully completed on final closure?
All disposable sharps containers have been assembled correctly in accordance with the Trusts Waste Management Procedure?
All disposable sharps containers have been signed on assembly in accordance with the Trusts Waste Management Procedure?
All disposable sharps containers have matching coloured lids and labels?
All disposable sharps containers have been checked to ensure that the lid is on fully and signed off upon final closure?
All sharps containers are stored safely out of reach of children on a flat work surface at waist height, on a bracket or a cartsmart (Not on the floor)?
The red lidded anatomical boxes contain only anatomical waste including full/partially full blood bags?
The blue lidded pharmaceutical containers contain only medicine type containers and IV bags?
All pharmaceutical glass containing more than residues is sent back to Pharmacy?
Out of date Pharmaceuticals are they stored securely?
Suction waste is disposed of in a manner which prevents spillage e.g. into a rigid leak proof container or waste solidified with a gelling agent?
When a Diabetic patient is admitted to the ward, do they self-administer their own insulin? If so how do they dispose of the needles?
Coffee type glass is being correctly segregated and packaged in stout cardboard boxes? (NB: Not Pharmaceutical Glass)
Used/unwanted batteries are stored in suitable containers for collection by the waste porters? (9V & button type battery terminals must be taped over)?
Is all hazardous waste disposed of in line with the Waste Management Policy?
Clinical waste bags and full sharps containers are stored in a secure room, cupboard or container that is inaccessible to the public?
All sharps containers are collected by the waste porters separately from other waste?
All yellow clinical 770L waste carts in public accessible areas are locked to prevent access?
Internal storage areas are clean and tidy, amount of waste stored is within capacity and removed frequently?
All other storage/handling issues around waste are satisfactory?
Is all Confidential waste disposed of in line with the Waste Management Policy?
Concerns / compliments brought to the attention of the ward manager at the time of audit:
Additional Comments:
I confirm that I have read the contents of this Waste Audit Report undertaken by the Trust “Waste Compliance Officer”. I understand my responsibility in implementing the recommendations made in the WASTE AUDIT REPORT - SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS AND ACTION PLAN, and will continue to monitor and maintain the recommendations made in order to provide a safe environment. I have communicated all findings and known risks to relevant staff & other relevant users of the Ward/Department.
Person to action the recommendations of this Waste Audit Report:
Review Date:
Waste Compliance and Audit assessor
Advice concerning any aspect of this Waste Audit Report can be obtained from:
• George Cook (Environmental Waste Officer): T: 0191 4041000 ext.2546 e-mail: george.cook4@nhs.net
• Michael Simons (Environmental Waste Officer): e-mail: m.simons@nhs.net
• Gordon Smith (Environmental Waste Manager): T: 0191 4041190 email: gordon.smith16@nhs.net
Waste Container Contents
Type of bin in this area
- Orange
- Tiger
- Black
- Recycle
Type of Sharps in this area
- Y
- O
- P
- B
- R
- Am
- N/A
Waste Compliance - Staff Questionnaire
Job Role
Who did you question?
Anatomical Waste
Do you dispose of anatomical waste on your Ward/Dept?
If Yes into which container would you dispose of a human finger or toe?
- Y
- O
- P
- B
- R
- Am
Cytotoxic Waste
Do you dispose of Cytotoxic or Cytostatic (Cyto’s) drug waste on your Ward/Dept?
If Yes into which container would you dispose of the sharps waste contaminated with Cyto’s i.e. chloramphenicol (also found in eye and ear drops)?
- Y
- O
- P
- B
- R
- Am
If Yes into which bag would you dispose of the waste contaminated with Cyto’s i.e. IV bags/tubing, cotton wool, wipes and PPE etc.?
Needle/Syringe Waste
Do you dispose of any needles/syringe used for the administration of medicines on your Ward/Dept?
If Yes Where and when do you dispose of used syringes/ scalpels, scissors, razors or other sharps?
- Yellow
- Orange
- Purple
- Blue
- Red
- Amalgam
If Yes Where and when do you dispose of empty Pharmaceutical or medicine packaging?
If Yes how would you dispose of an unused syringe body that had been accidently dropped on the floor?
- Y
- O
- P
- B
- R
- Am
- N/A
How would you dispose of syringe needles and syringe bodies that have been used for the taking of bloods?
- Yellow
- Orange
- Purple
- Blue
- Red
- Amalgam
- N/A
Drug/Medicine Disposal
Do you dispose of any drugs/medicines on your Ward/Dept?
If Yes into which container would you dispose of nominally empty drugs/medicine containers or blister packs?
- Y
- O
- P
- B
- R
- Am
If Yes how would you dispose of drugs/medicine containers that contain more than one dose?
If Yes if you were giving a patient two paracetamol tablets and one dropped onto the floor where would you dispose of it?
- Y
- O
- P
- B
- R
- Am
Infectious Waste
Do you dispose of Infectious waste on your ward/Dept?
If Yes into which bag would you dispose of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e.g. gloves, facemasks, gowns that are contaminated with infectious body fluids?
- Orange
- Tiger
- Yellow (HI)
- Black
- Recycle
- N/A
If Yes into which bag would you dispose of swabs, tissues or other soft items that are contaminated with infectious body fluids?
- Orange
- Tiger
- Yellow (HI)
- Black
- Recycle
- N/A
If Yes into which bag would you dispose of nappies and feminine hygiene products that are contaminated with infectious body fluids?
- Orange
- Tiger
- Yellow (HI)
- Black
- Recycle
- N/A
Offensive Waste
Do you dispose of non-infectious (Offensive) waste on your ward/Dept?
If Yes into which bag would you dispose of PPE e.g. gloves, facemasks, gowns that are not contaminated with infectious body fluids?
- Orange
- Tiger
- Yellow (HI)
- Black
- Recycle
- N/A
If Yes into which bag would you dispose of swabs, tissues or other soft items that are not contaminated with infectious body fluids?
- Orange
- Tiger
- Yellow (HI)
- Black
- Recycle
- N/A
If Yes into which bag would you dispose of nappies and feminine hygiene products that are not contaminated with infectious body fluids?
- Orange
- Tiger
- Yellow (HI)
- Black
- Recycle
- N/A
Domestic/Recyclable Waste
Other, Domestic and Recyclable waste stream bins?
How and where would you dispose of your nominally empty Alcohol Hand Gel containers?
Into which bin would you dispose of dead flowers, banana skins or apple cores?
Into which bin would you dispose of rinsed out drinks cans/bottles; newspapers and magazines?
Into which bin would you dispose of tea bags, microwave meal trays, fast food cartons or food waste?
Into which bin would you dispose of cardboard and other packaging including sterile packaging from medical items/equipment?
How and where would you dispose of your empty glass jars and bottles e.g. Coffee, jam etc.?
- Orange
- Tiger
- Black
- Recycle bag
- Cardboard box
- N/A
Where would you dispose of written records or other written documentation containing identifiable confidential information about patients, staff or the organisation?
- Orange
- Tiger
- Black
- Recycle
- Confidential waste bin
- N/A