Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Equipment servicing checklists
Has gym equipment been serviced. Provide evidence.<br>
Has pool test kit been serviced. Provide evidence.
Fire equipment serviced and maintained. Provide evidence.
Emergency lighting serviced and maintained. Provide evidence.
All test and tagging been completed. Provide evidence.
Has the sauna been serviced. Provide evidence.
Boilers been serviced and checked 6 monthly. Provide evidence.
Everything else meets standard.
Rodent Control
Rodent controls in place. Provide evidence.
MSDS check
Are MSDS's in date. Record what sheets have been replaced.
Chemical manifest up to date and stored in a suitable location.
Has warning and directional signage been audited. Anything require attention.
Trip hazards
Any trip hazards identified through monthly OHS checklist
Any trips been recorded through Public Incident Reports.
Lifting Equipment Checks
Are manual vacs operational and safe. Date inspected and staff name.
All pulley devices for grates and lint baskets been checked and lubicated. Move freely without jolting. Date inspected and staff name.
Has gym equipment been lubricated. Date completed and staff name.
Gas Isolation
Has a gas isolation check been conducted. Emergency stop buttons been tested. Date and staff name.
Hypo bunds
Has bunding been filled with water and checked for leaks. Provide evidence.