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Weekly managers self audit


    1. Please answer "Yes = if required action," "No = if not," or "N/A" on the questions below.
    2. Add photos and notes by clicking on the paperclip icon
    3. To add a Corrective Action click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action," provide a description, assign to a member, set priority, and due date
    4. Complete audit by providing digital signature
    5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link

Critical Contravention Checklist

  • Critical STD: Fitness to work<br>Observation or evidence that employees allowed to continue preparing and servng food when they become ill

Personal Hygiene

  • • Staff in food handling area observed doing the following

  • Critical STD: Personal Hygiene<br>Cuts, Sores not covered with a blue, clean plaster/dresing

  • Critical STD: Personal Hygiene<br>Staff wearing inadequate or dirty (or failing to wear) protective clothing

  • Critical STD: Personal Hygiene<br>Thorough washing and drying of hands not occuring before starting work - need to check for hot and cold running water, soap and hand drying facilities at each hand basin

  • Critical STD: Personal Hygiene<br>After using the toilet, smoking, blowing nose, coughing, sneezing, cleaning, or touching cleaning implements or chemicals, handling rubbish, handling raw food, every break

  • Critical STD: Personal Hygiene<br>Staff found spitting or smoking in food areas, eating or drinking whilst handling food, coughing or sneezing over food

  • Critical STD: Personal Hygiene<br>Food not discarded following staff contamination

Delivery of Goods

  • Critical STD: Delivery<br>Chilled food accepted above 8oC

  • Critical STD: Delivery<br>Food products accepted beyond best before/use by date

Storage of Good General

  • Critical STD: Storage<br>Food stored wrapped or covered so as to prevent a risk of contamination

  • Critical STD: Storage<br>Unfit food or unmarked unsuitable food found on site

Storage of Good Chilled

  • Critical STD: Storage<br>Temperature of food which should be held chilled found above 8oC

  • Critical STD: Storage<br>Raw food stored above cooked ready to eat food

  • Critical STD: Storage<br>Pressence of food outside shelf life

  • Critical STD: Storage<br>Chilled food incorreclty labelled or not labelled

Defrosting Food

  • Critical STD: Defrosting<br>Defrosting food is not labelled incorrectly

  • Critical STD: Defrosting<br>Foods defrosting at ambiant temperatures

  • Critical STD: Defrosting<br>Food not thoroughly defrosted before cooking/reheating

Food Preparation

  • Critical STD: Preparation<br>Incorrect colour coded boards/utensils being used

  • Critical STD: Preparation<br>Inadequate separation between raw and cooked/ready to eat products

  • Critical STD: Preparation<br>Food is being prepared which is outside it's shelf life

  • Critical STD: Preparation<br>Evidence that ready to eat chilled food is held at ambient temperature for longer than is necessary

Washing of Fresh Produce

  • Critical STD: Preparation<br>Produce not washed in either cold running water or chlorinated cold water


  • Critical STD: Cooking<br>Core temperature 75oC or hotter not reached (except permitted variations)

Cooling of Food

  • Critical STD: Cooling<br>Cooled food over 8oC more than 4 hours after end of cooking without appropriate action taken

  • Critical STD: Cooling<br>Food exposed to a risk of cross contamenation post cooking

  • Critical STD: Cooling<br>High risk food being cooled without a record of a start time or temperature

Reheating Food

  • Critical STD: Reheating<br>Food not reheated to a core temperature of min of 75oC (82oC in Scotland)

Hot Holding of Food

  • Critical STD: Hot Hold<br>Food fallen below 63oC not consumed within 2 hours or discarded

  • Critical STD: Hot Hold<br>Risk of cross contamination presented to food being hot held

Display for cold/ambient service

  • Critical STD: c/ambient display<br>High risk foods displayed at more than 8oC for longer than 4 hours

  • Critical STD: c/ambient display<br>Risk of cross contaminaiton presented to desplayed chilled food

  • Critical STD: c/ambient display<br>Food displayed at above 8oC not discarded at the end of the service period

  • Critical STD: c/ambient display<br>Hot buffet records not completed each session

Temperature probe and accuracy check

  • Critical STD: Probe Care & Accuracy<br>Probe thermometer not available

Cleaning of Food Areas and equipment

  • Critical STD: Cleaning & Pest Control<br>Cleaning not effectively managed

  • Critical STD: Cleaning & Pest Control<br>Cleaning regime/schedule clearly not in use

  • Critical STD: Cleaning & Pest Control<br>Unsatisfactory levels of cleaning posing contaminations risk

  • Critical STD: Cleaning & Pest Control<br>Cleaning chemicals stored in food container

Pest Controls

  • Critical STD: Cleaning & Pest Control<br>Evidence of untreated or unreported Infestation

  • Critical STD: Cleaning & Pest Control<br>Pest infestation posing imminent risk to health

Prevention of Foreign body contamination

  • Critical STD: Corrective action & Management controls<br>Contaminated food not discarded


  • Critical STD: Storage<br>Air temperatures of chillers/freezer not recorded twice daily

  • Critical STD: Storage<br>Stored product temperatures (in any chiller) not recorded min weekly

  • Critical STD: Cooling<br>Core temprature of each cooking method not recorded min. weekly

  • Critical STD: Cooling<br>Cooling records do not demonstrate that food is cooled to 8oC in 4 hrs without appropriate action taken

  • Critical STD: Reheating<br>Core temperature of one item of hot-held food not recorded min once per session

  • Critical STD: Hot Hold<br>The temperature of one item of hot-hold food not recorded min once per session

  • Critical STD: c/ambient display<br>Temperature of one cold-displayed food item not recorded min once per session

  • Critical STD: c/ambient display<br>For each type of food on ambient display, time of service period not recorded to demonstrate the 4 hr rule applied

  • Critical STD: Corrective action & management controls<br>Management record keeping sign off, and weekly checklist not completed properly

  • Critical STD: Delivery<br>Delivery temperatures not recorded

  • Critical STD: Probe Care and Accuracy<br>Result of probe accuracy checks not recorded min weekly

  • Critical STD: Corrective Action & Management Controls<br>Food handlers with 4 weeks of employment not having received foundation food safety training on El-Box.


  • Completed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.