
  • audit title

Weekly stock and kitchen performance


  • What were food sales in £'s

  • Was this up or down against forecast?

  • Was there any circumstances which affected sales this week?


  • How much were refunds in £'s?


  • What was the food stock result in £'s

  • Was the food stock green amber or red?

  • Was manager feeding processed correctly and every day?

  • Were the issues with last weeks stocks discussed throughout the team?

  • What are the issues with this weeks stocks?

  • What is the plan to deal with them?

  • Were defrost levels adhered to?

  • Were prep lists adhered to?

  • Were food orders completed accurately?

  • Were sufficient grab tests completed?

  • Did anyone show any poor portion control?

  • Did the team as a whole contribute to managing the stock?

  • What is our food stock tracking for the period?


  • What were the food times last week?

  • Were the food times better than last week?

  • Was anyone's food times over 10 minutes?

Daily food times

  • Monday food times?

  • Tuesday food times?

  • Wednesday food times?

  • Thursday food times?

  • Friday food times?

  • Saturday food times?

  • Sunday food times?


  • Was all weekly cleaning completed and signed off last week?

  • Was cleaning as you go always adhered to throughout the week?

  • Were there any occasions where standards were not a1?

  • Were there any members of staff who did not keep the kitchen clean and tidy?

  • Were close downs completed to a high standard every day?

  • Has the person been spoke to about the issues if any?

  • Did any kitchen checks by Eddie or any other head office caller find the kitchen to be of a good standard?


  • Did any member of the team stand out as being particularly good last week?

  • Who was most improved performer in the kitchen last week?

  • Were one to ones completed with all members of the team?

  • Were there any staff who showed a negative, lazy, disruptive attitude or poor team work last week?

  • Does anyone in the kitchen require any specific further training which needs dealt with urgently?

  • How would you rate the whole kitchen teams performance last week?

  • Any other staff issues?


  • Was the dmlb completed correctly?

  • Have all maintainance issues ben dealt with?

  • Has there been any occasions where mega stock action points/compliance has not been achieved which would lose marks on a mega stock?

  • Were the kitchen comms boards completed properly last week?

  • Were the staff tested on the sop of the week and explained if needed?


  • Was wastage entered every day?

  • How much food special was entered on wastage?

  • Does that match the Aztec total?


  • Stock completed on

  • Completed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.