Title Page
Store name
Store number
Conducted on
Prepared by
Back door
Are the waste cages locked?
Is the waste location clean & there is no build up of waste at the back door?
Are cages waiting to be returned to DC secured?
Can the back door colleague describe the waste process?
Spot check x5 lines from the waste cage. Take a picture of each barcode and review green screen to establish if those lines have been recorded - select N/A
Is the waste location clean?
Has waste been cleared & not allowed to build up?
Does the waste location have an area for DAM & OOC?
Damages & OOC are separated and placed in the correct location?
Are damages being cleared through out the day?
Is the waste location clean?
Has waste been cleared & not allowed to build up?
Does the waste location have an area for DAM / OOC / Repairable / Eggs & Meat?
Damages / OOC & repairable are separated and placed in the correct location?
Are damages being cleared through out the day?
Are milk returns being actioned regularly?
Do Counters have a waste location?
Is it maintained as other Fresh departments?
Are Counters booking waste daily?
Is the waste location clean?
Has waste been cleared & not allowed to build up?
Does the waste location have an area for DAM / OOC / Repairable & Transfers?
Damages / OOC & repairable are separated and placed in the correct location?
Damages / OOC & repairable are separated and placed in the correct location?
Is loose produce bagged and labelled ready to be recorded?
Is free fruit being transferred daily?
Is the waste location clean?
Has waste been cleared & not allowed to build up?
Does the waste location have an area for DAM & OOC?
Damages & OOC are separated and placed in the correct location?
Damages & OOC are separated and placed in the correct location?
Are salvageable products being dealt with regularly?
Is the waste location clean?
Has waste been cleared & not allowed to build up?
Is there a secure location for recorded meat & eggs?
Is frozen recorded waste (meat / eggs) being secured once checked by lead team manager / duty manager as every day food waste is?
Is meat / eggs & frozen recorded waste being sent back to DC regularly?
Waste Files
Does every department have a waste file?
Are waste files situated in one location?
Is every waste print signed as proof of waste validation?
Does every waste file contain 4 weeks of waste prints?