Title Page
Document No.
Conducted on
Client :
Prepared by
Personnel Attending
Subcontractor Company
Site Entry Box
Are the site contacts displayed and up to date? Is there specific information to relevant site rules , and PPE?
Is there a copy of the site prestart in the box? Have all workers signed onto daily prestart (view document and ascertain signatures)<br><br>
Are all the site hazards listed?
Is there a haul road management plan as to where plant is operating and plant movement rules that apply to haul roads?
Is there an emergency plan with information as to assembly area?
Site portacom facilities
Are there adequate facilities for staff?<br>Lunchroom, toilet, hand washing all in clean condition?
Is there a notice board that is currently updated with safety and site information.<br>Are all contacts displayed?
Are all the site hazards listed?
Is there an emergency plan with information as to assembly area?
Is there compliant emergency equipment available I.e. First aid kits, fire extinguishers.<br>Working emergency horn.
Is there information displayed as to general site hazards and risks?
Is the housekeeping up to an acceptable standard?
Is the lock out tag board current?
Hydration-is there quality drinking water available?<br>In summer is there an adequate supply of ice to cool water containers?
Risk Management
Risk Management
Is the current Work Instruction and Operational Risk Register available at the location of works and and all workers have signed on they clearly understand the tasks and risk?
Have all workers in the crew signed on to the site specific pre-start and have a clear understanding of the tasks at hand and risks associated?
Can workers demonstrate the site specific controls for the hazards/risks associated with the activity? Give examples and evidence
Can workers explain and demonstrate their understanding of the "Golden Rules" applicable to their task at the time of this visit and applying the rules e.g. Operating plant mandatory requirements
Up to date, valid & coloured service plans available on site including asbuilts and asset owners?
Is there a current an up to date Traffic Management Plan in place and a qualified STMS on site where required?
Are the relevant Permits available for critical activities and controls being followed?
Structures: are all safety handrails/work platforms displaying a current scarf tag?
Are all excavations being managed (trench shields, battered back, benched holes covered)
General Site Observations
General Site Observations
Are amenities clean and tidy?
Are personnel undertaking good ergonomic practices; not over stretching or twisting body
Personnel wearing the minimum personal protective equipment/clothing e.g. Hard hat;safety lace up boots:safety eyewear;long pants and long sleeve shirts, clean and zipped up orange hi-vis vest (unless STMS) and carrying gloves for manual activity tasks
Additional PPE available for specialised activities e.g. Double eye protection for cutting or grinding, chaps etc.
Are tools and equipment in good condition, no obvious defects (if not tag out and remove from site immediately?)
Are all electrical tools/equipment, leads, RCD devices being used currently tested and tagged by a competent person?
Are all leads off the ground and not causing a potential trip hazard?
Is the lifting chains/strops D shackles and equipment displaying a current test/tag?
Are harnesses/lanyards tested and tagged, showing no signs of deterioration and stored safely when not in use?
Housekeeping up to standards, no visible trip hazards, facilities clean and tidy, rubbish bins provided and not overflowing?
Are compliant emergency equipment available and on site e.g. First aid kits/fire extinguishers
Is the worker displaying an induction sticker on helmet? ( Confirm name and number)<br>Has the worker produced CONSTRUCTSAFE card.
Are haul roads being managed appropriately with watering so risks are minimised?
Are there any activities being undertaken that require checklists/permits? Is there evidence that these have been signed by foreman and operators?
Are site speed limits being adhered to ( use camera for checks)
Do operators have valid licenses, e.g. Full drivers licence, WTR endorsed? Photo required.
Have operators completed a daily plant pre-checklist prior to operating the plant/equipment?
Have you observed operators, drivers of light vehicles and passengers wearing seatbelts in moving vehicles?
Has the plant been Project inducted and Risk Assessed and displaying an<br>induction sticker?
Is there current 'Certified Safe' sticker displayed on the cab window?
Are vehicles parked safely e.g reverse parking where practicable? Parked against bunds or in V drains if not chocks in place.
Are exclusion zones set up where practicable using flags cones hit sticks and spotters standing in a safe place where required?
Are seat belts being worn in moving plant.
Is plant using orange flashing lights?
Are erosion and Sediment controls in place and effective?
Spill kits available?<br>Are they stocked?<br>Are there any signs of leaks or spills
Is dust and noise and waste being managed?
Are hazardous substances stored safely in bunded trays and containers labelled correctly?
Are the Safety Data Sheets available and current (within 5 years) and are crews aware of the control measures?
Are sediment ponds/exavations retaining water visible to the public fenced and signage displayed?
Are consents in place and being complied with.
Are environmental hazards and controls specified on hazard ID?
Trees and waterways check that runoff from site doesn't enter waterways. Trees not to be impacted without correct authorisation.
Are all activities involving concrete,lime, or cement being managed to prevent runoff or pollution?
Is weather being monitored for any risky activities?
Critical Risk Non-Compliance
If any of the following safety critical areas are not compliant then work must stop until the issue is resolved. Please provide non-compliance brief description and how you mitigated the risk to prevent recurrence.
Permits not in place e.g Working at Heights, B4UDig, Confined Spaces, Hot Works etc.
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Work Training Competencies - If any certificates are out of date or crew are undertaking work for which they hold no valid training qualification
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Traffic Management Plan not being followed / members of the public safety at risk
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Breach of Work Instructions/Golden Rules (not following procedures)
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Unsafe behaviour/act/conditions e.g. Horseplay, operating faulty machinery, disobeying site rules
Any other Actions/Recommendations
Positive Behaviours Identified
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Site Representative Agreed Actions
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