Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by

  • Location
  • Manager of Shift

House Proud Questions

Entrances and car-parking

  • Fuel totem brand signs, lit and in good repair

  • Car Park signage is clean

  • Carpark lights in good repair and fully working

  • Directional signage, in good repair, clean and lights working

  • Road markings and directions legible

  • Potholes filled or marked to avoid

  • Dog drinking water clean with fresh water

  • Dog walking areas clearly marked with brand signage and kept litter free

  • Disabled bays clearly marked and easy to find

  • Family bays clearly marked and easy to find

  • Clear directions to HGV and coach park

  • Kerb stones clean

  • Picnic tables and sheds ready for use

  • Grass areas well groomed

  • Plants and trees not overgrown and signage can be seen easily

  • Fencing in good order as necessary

  • Signage and lights working (Hours of darkness)

  • Zebra crossings well marked and lit.

  • Bins not overflowing and clean

  • Coffee cup holders not overflowing and clean

  • Generally litter free

  • Slabs clean,chewing gum free and no trip hazards

  • Windows clean and smear free

Coach/HGV Parking

  • Coach park-signed well and easy to find

  • HGV park-signed well and easy to find

  • Clear white lines with coach only/HGV only messages

  • Safe passageways for customers to access amenity building

  • Coach park free of HGV traffic & vice versa

  • Litter free with bins available

First impressions

  • Automatic doors working with safety stickers in position

  • Over door heaters and air curtains working

  • Door mat in good condition and clean

  • Glass doors smear free

  • Wet floors signs being used appropriately

  • Directional signage that is clear to customer journey

  • Ventilation units working and dust free - feels comfortable and correct of time of year

  • Walls, celings and floors clean and in general good condition

  • Lighting working and bright

  • Colleagues engaging with customers and in correct uniforms with lanyards and name badges

  • Evidence of "speedy table clearing"

  • Floors - clean and in good repair

  • Tables and chairs clean, in working order and free from debris

  • Self service coffee machine working, clean and well maintained

  • A Boards clean and in the correct location

Toilets Male

  • Toilets-First impressions do they look and smell fresh

  • Air freshener stocked and working

  • Soap dispensers-full

  • Urinals-clean

  • Lights-working and bright

  • Seats-not broken and clean

  • Taps-clean and working. Hot water is hot and cold is cold

  • Sinks-clean

  • Mirrors-smear and graffiti free

  • Hand dryers -clean dust free and working

  • Cleaning cupboard with correct equipment, clean and secure

  • Coat hangers in place on every toilet

  • Cubicle walls-clean, no holes or damage and graffti free

  • Vents in ceiling clean

  • Floor surfaces clean and dry

  • Door locks - in place and working in every toilet

  • Hourly toilet checks complete

Toilets Female

  • Toilets-First impressions do they look and smell fresh

  • Air freshener stocked and working

  • Soap dispensers-full

  • Lights-working and bright

  • Seats-not broken and clean

  • Taps-clean and working. Hot water is hot and cold is cold

  • Sinks-clean

  • Mirrors-smear and graffiti free

  • Hand dryers -clean dust free and working

  • Cleaning cupboard with correct equipment, clean and secure

  • Coat hangers in place on every toilet

  • Cubicle walls-clean, no holes or damage and graffti free

  • Vents in ceiling clean

  • Floor surfaces clean and dry

  • Door locks - in place and working in every toilet

  • Sanitary bins clean and not overflowing

  • Hourly toilet checks complete


  • First impressions do they look and smell fresh

  • Shower heads clean

  • Fans and ceilngs clean

  • Walls clean and no graffitti

  • Bins are clean and emptied regularly (not overflowing)

  • Shower bench in good order

  • Water runs at the correct temperature (Hot is hot, cold is cold)

Changing Places -Disabled Toilets

  • Clean, tidy and in good order

  • Ceiling hoist -clean and in working order

  • Height adjustable bench -clean and in working order

  • Toilet rolls and soap dispensers full

  • Alarm-working and cord not tangled

  • Hourly toilet checks complete

Baby Changing

  • Walls, floors clean and in good order

  • Changing bed clean with clean mat and liners available

  • All equipment in working order

  • Nappy bin clean and not overflowing

Colleague Toilets

  • Toilets-First impressions do they look and smell fresh

  • Air freshener stocked

  • Soap dispensers -full

  • Urinals-clean

  • Lights-working and bright

  • Seats-not broken and clean

  • Taps-clean and working. Hot water is hot and cold is cold

  • Sinks-clean

  • Mirrors-smear and graffiti free

  • Hand dryers -clean dust free and working

  • Cleaning cupboard with correct equipment, clean and secure

  • Cubicle walls-clean, no holes or damage and graffti free

  • Bins are clean and emptied regularly (not overflowing)

  • Vents in ceiling clean

  • Floor surfaces clean and dry

  • Door locks - in place and working in every toilet

  • Lockers-clean and doors intact with locks or padlocks

Colleague Room

  • Areas bright and freshly painted

  • Clean walls, ceilings and floors

  • Feeling comfotable, relaxing and inviting

  • TV working if applicable

  • Microwaves and fridges in working order

  • Communication boards-update, relevant and engaging

  • Furniture in good order with eating facilities

  • All colleague personal items in lockers

Back of House including office areas

  • Corridors clean floor

  • Doors and frames clean

  • Internal glass clean

  • Walls clean and freshly painted

  • Air con units clean

  • Cleaning rota in place

  • Posters and colleague information boards up to date and relevant

  • Carpets clean (if applicable)


  • Generally clean and tidy-good working environment

  • Chair-intact and clean

  • Desk-tidy and clean

  • Computers-working order

  • Bins-not overflowing

  • Notice boards up to date and relevant

  • Filing cabinet-secure

  • IT equipment in good order and sufficient workstations

  • Security-doors locked & code changed regularly

  • Lighting-working and bright


  • Review last Food Alert audit and House Proud audit to check all actions complete

  • Colleague noticeboard up to date

  • Fire Doors intact and working-free from obstruction and closed

  • Defibrillators in place with spare pads-evidence of being monitored

  • Fire extinguishers wall mounted and checked by engineer

  • Fire escape routes signposted & clear

  • Chemical cupboard -secure and clean, tidy and well stocked

  • Site BCP and emergency procedures up to date

  • First Aid supplies in stock and in date

  • Site and department Risk Assessments in place and in date

  • Fire evacuation point clearly marked and team aware

  • ALERT65 - Property Certificates in date and no open actions

  • ALERT65 - Accidents and Incidents completed correctly

  • ALERT65 - Food Complaints completed correctly

  • Are all pest control recommendations actioned

  • Have all maintenance issues been logged

  • Nitrous Oxide is locked away

  • COSHH data sheets available

Filling Station

  • Name the Manager on Shift today?

  • Coffee machines - calibration, cleanliness and good order

  • Food Safety - Check dates, rotation of product, cross contamination (FOH & BOH)

  • ALERT65 check - temp control, cleaning schedules etc

  • Cleaning chemicals and equipment in place and available - include check of chemical storage

  • Fridge temperatures - 1 - 8, seals in tact, clean and tidy

  • Fridge shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Freezer temperatures - 18 - 23, seals in tact, clean and tidy, no ice build up

  • Freezer shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Ice machine - clean internal and external, evidence of cleaning records

  • Lighting in place and in tact

  • Floor, walls, ceiling - clean, tidy and undamaged

  • Refuse - bins clean and waste segregated as appropriate, minimal amounts

  • Dishwasher - Clean, temperature at the right level, good working order

  • Sinks - clean, water runs at correct temperature and undamaged

  • Handwash sinks - water correct temperature with soap, blue roll and sanitiser

  • Is there a two stage clean procedure in place for raw and RTE foods in the kitchen preparation area

  • Racking/Shelving - Clean, Tidy and undamaged

  • Cleaning - rota in place and reflects condition observed

  • PPE in place, evidence of use, in good condition

  • Are all open products on display appropriately & fully stocked, well presented, Clearly labelled & priced, Visibly fresh & appealing

  • Are all open products free from evidence of any allergen cross contamination

  • Milk jug is changed for every drink

  • Colour coded milk jugs are being used and colleagues aware of colours

  • All milk jugs have temperature strips in place and colleagues aware of temperature

  • Was the condiment unit fully stocked, clean and tidy

  • Floor surface clean

  • Adequate stock of bags on open displays

  • Knives sharp and clean (separate knives for RTE and Raw)

  • Correct use of colour coded chopping boards

  • Correct use of colour coded cloths

  • Correct use of colour coded equipment

  • Allergen tickets available for all open and loose products

  • Ask a colleague two allergen questions and check they follow the correct procedure

  • Are all temperature probes working & calibrated

  • All colleagues displaying a name badge/lanyard

  • All colleagues delivering service with a smile

  • All colleagues wearing the correct uniform and look presentable

  • Were you acknowledged if there was a long queue

  • Was the colleague warm and friendly

  • All colleagues following the uniform policy of hair tied back, clean nails and no jewelry

  • If more than 5 customers in a queue were there more than 2 tills in operation

  • Order 1 Coffee. Is it made to the correct specification

  • Choose 1 Hot Product. Is it made to the correct specification

  • How long did it take from joining the queue to receive your order?

  • Full product availability today

  • Do colleagues understand product control times

  • All colleagues selling fuel are Sure Site trained

  • Refusals log being completed


  • Name the Manager on Shift today?

  • Coffee machines - calibration, cleanliness and good order

  • Food Safety - Check dates, rotation of product, cross contamination (FOH & BOH)

  • ALERT65 check - temp control, cleaning schedules etc

  • Cleaning chemicals and equipment in place and available - include check of chemical storage

  • Fridge temperatures - 1 - 8, seals in tact, clean and tidy

  • Fridge shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Freezer temperatures - 18 - 23, seals in tact, clean and tidy, no ice build up

  • Freezer shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Ice machine - clean internal and external, evidence of cleaning records

  • Lighting in place and in tact

  • Floor, walls, ceiling - clean, tidy and undamaged

  • Refuse - bins clean and waste segregated as appropriate, minimal amounts

  • Dishwasher - Clean, temperature at the right level, good working order

  • Sinks - clean, water runs at correct temperature and undamaged

  • Handwash sinks - water correct temperature with soap, blue roll and sanitiser

  • Racking/Shelving - Clean, Tidy and undamaged

  • Cleaning - rota in place and reflects condition observed

  • PPE in place, evidence of use, in good condition

  • Are all open products on display appropriately & fully stocked, well presented, Clearly labelled & priced, Visibly fresh & appealing

  • Are all open products free from evidence of any allergen cross contamination

  • Milk jug is changed for every drink

  • Colour coded milk jugs are being used and colleagues aware of colours

  • All milk jugs have temperature strips in place and colleagues aware of temperature

  • Was the condiment unit fully stocked, clean and tidy

  • Floor surface clean

  • Adequate stock of bags on open displays

  • Correct use of colour coded tongs

  • Knives sharp and clean

  • Correct use of colour coded knives and wires (cheese)

  • Correct use of colour coded chopping boards

  • Correct use of colour coded cloths

  • Correct use of colour coded equipment

  • Allergen tickets available for all open and loose products

  • Ask a colleague two allergen questions and check they follow the correct procedure

  • Are all temperature probes working & calibrated

  • All colleagues displaying a name badge/lanyard

  • All colleagues delivering service with a smile

  • All colleagues wearing the correct uniform and look presentable

  • Were you acknowledged if there was a long queue

  • Was the colleague warm and friendly

  • All colleagues following the uniform policy of hair tied back, clean nails and no jewelry

  • If more than 5 customers in a queue were there more than 2 tills in operation

  • Order 1 Coffee. Is it made to the correct specification

  • Choose 1 Gelato. Is it made to the correct specification

  • Is the nut gelato in the correct location with a red spatula

  • Is the vegan gelato in the correct location with a green spatula

  • Are all wafers and cones dated

  • Do colleagues understand the correct temperature of Gelato (-13)

  • Do colleagues understand the correct weight of one scoop (100g)

  • Are all loose products date labelled with batch codes

  • Is the cheese diary in use and used correctly

  • Do the cheese tickets fully specify if pasteurised or unpasteurised

  • Are the colleagues on the cheese deli using separate equipment for pasteurised, unpasteurised and blue

  • How long did it take from joining the queue to receive your order?

Quick Kitchen & Shed

  • Name the Manager on Shift today?

  • Coffee machines - calibration, cleanliness and good order

  • Food Safety - Check dates, rotation of product, cross contamination (FOH & BOH)

  • ALERT65 check - temp control, cleaning schedules etc

  • Cleaning chemicals and equipment in place and available - include check of chemical storage

  • Fridge temperatures - 1 - 8, seals in tact, clean and tidy

  • Fridge shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Freezer temperatures - 18 - 23, seals in tact, clean and tidy, no ice build up

  • Freezer shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Ice machine - clean internal and external, evidence of cleaning records

  • Lighting in place and in tact

  • Floor, walls, ceiling - clean, tidy and undamaged

  • Refuse - bins clean and waste segregated as appropriate, minimal amounts

  • Dishwasher - Clean, temperature at the right level, good working order

  • Sinks - clean, water runs at correct temperature and undamaged

  • Handwash sinks - water correct temperature with soap, blue roll and sanitiser

  • Racking/Shelving - Clean, Tidy and undamaged

  • Cleaning - rota in place and reflects condition observed

  • PPE in place, evidence of use, in good condition

  • Digital screens working

  • Self service screen working (Gloucester)

  • Are all open products on display appropriately & fully stocked, well presented, Clearly labelled & priced, Visibly fresh & appealing

  • Are all open products free from evidence of any allergen cross contamination

  • Milk jug is changed for every drink

  • Colour coded milk jugs are being used and colleagues aware of colours

  • All milk jugs have temperature strips in place and colleagues aware of temperature

  • Was the condiment unit fully stocked, clean and tidy

  • Floor surface clean

  • Adequate stock of bags on open displays

  • Knives sharp and clean

  • Correct use of colour coded chopping boards

  • Correct use of colour coded cloths

  • Correct use of colour coded equipment

  • Allergen tickets available for all open and loose products

  • Ask a colleague two allergen questions and check they follow the correct procedure

  • 4 Hour rule being followed for ambient products

  • Are all temperature probes working & calibrated

  • All colleagues displaying a name badge/lanyard

  • All colleagues delivering service with a smile

  • All colleagues wearing the correct uniform and look presentable

  • Were you acknowledged if there was a long queue

  • Was the colleague warm and friendly

  • All colleagues following the uniform policy of hair tied back, clean nails and no jewelry

  • If more than 5 customers in a queue were there more than 2 tills in operation

  • Order 1 Coffee. Is it made to the correct specification

  • Choose 1 Hot Product. Is it made to the correct specification

  • How long did it take from joining the queue to receive your order?

Front of House Kitchen (Flatbread, Coffee, Hotplate, Deli)

  • Name the Manager on Shift today?

  • Coffee machines - calibration, cleanliness and good order

  • Food Safety - Check dates, rotation of product, cross contamination (FOH & BOH)

  • ALERT65 check - temp control, cleaning schedules etc

  • Cleaning chemicals and equipment in place and available - include check of chemical storage

  • Fridge temperatures - 1 - 8, seals in tact, clean and tidy

  • Fridge shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Freezer temperatures - 18 - 23, seals in tact, clean and tidy, no ice build up

  • Freezer shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Ice machine - clean internal and external, evidence of cleaning records

  • Lighting in place and in tact

  • Floor, walls, ceiling - clean, tidy and undamaged

  • Refuse - bins clean and waste segregated as appropriate, minimal amounts

  • Dishwasher - Clean, temperature at the right level, good working order

  • Sinks - clean, water runs at correct temperature and undamaged

  • Handwash sinks - water correct temperature with soap, blue roll and sanitiser

  • Racking/Shelving - Clean, Tidy and undamaged

  • Cleaning - rota in place and reflects condition observed

  • PPE in place, evidence of use, in good condition

  • Are all open products on display appropriately & fully stocked, well presented, Clearly labelled & priced, Visibly fresh & appealing

  • Are all open products free from evidence of any allergen cross contamination

  • Milk jug is changed for every drink

  • Colour coded milk jugs are being used and colleagues aware of colours

  • All milk jugs have temperature strips in place and colleagues aware of temperature

  • Was the condiment unit fully stocked, clean and tidy

  • Floor surface clean

  • Adequate stock of bags on open displays

  • Knives sharp and clean

  • Correct use of colour coded chopping boards

  • Correct use of colour coded cloths

  • Correct use of colour coded equipment

  • Allergen tickets available for all open and loose products

  • Ask a colleague two allergen questions and check they follow the correct procedure

  • Are all temperature probes working & calibrated

  • All colleagues displaying a name badge/lanyard

  • All colleagues delivering service with a smile

  • All colleagues wearing the correct uniform and look presentable

  • Were you acknowledged if there was a long queue

  • Was the colleague warm and friendly

  • All colleagues following the uniform policy of hair tied back, clean nails and no jewelry

  • If more than 5 customers in a queue were there more than 2 tills in operation

  • Childrens Play area clean, tidy and safe

  • Microwave clean and tidy

  • Bottle warmer clean with clean water

  • Seating areas clean and tidy internally and externally

  • Order 1 Coffee. Is it made to the correct specification

  • Choose 1 Hot Product. Is it made to the correct specification

  • Choose 1 Flatbread. Is it made to the correct specification and weight

  • How long did it take from joining the queue to receive your order?

Back of House Kitchen

  • Name the Manager on Shift today?

  • Food Safety - Check dates, rotation of product, cross contamination (FOH & BOH)

  • ALERT65 check - temp control, cleaning schedules etc

  • Cleaning chemicals and equipment in place and available - include check of chemical storage

  • Fridge temperatures - 1 - 8, seals in tact, clean and tidy

  • Fridge shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Freezer temperatures - 18 - 23, seals in tact, clean and tidy, no ice build up

  • Freezer shelves clean and vents free from dust

  • Ice machine - clean internal and external, evidence of cleaning records

  • Lighting in place and in tact

  • Floor, walls, ceiling - clean, tidy and undamaged

  • Refuse - bins clean and waste segregated as appropriate, minimal amounts

  • Dishwasher - Clean, temperature at the right level, good working order

  • Sinks - clean, water runs at correct temperature and undamaged

  • Handwash sinks - water correct temperature with soap, blue roll and sanitiser

  • Racking/Shelving - Clean, Tidy and undamaged

  • Cleaning - rota in place and reflects condition observed

  • PPE in place, evidence of use, in good condition

  • Are all open products free from evidence of any allergen cross contamination

  • Are all open products free from evidence of any cross contamination

  • Floor surface clean

  • Knives sharp and clean

  • Correct use of colour coded knives

  • Correct use of colour coded chopping boards

  • Correct use of colour coded cloths

  • Correct use of colour coded equipment

  • Ask a colleague two allergen questions and check they follow the correct procedure

  • Are all temperature probes working & calibrated

  • All colleagues wearing the correct uniform and look presentable

  • All colleagues following the uniform policy of hair tied back, clean nails and no jewelry

  • Are allergen labels being correctly used on products

Rear of Building

  • ‘No Entry’ clearly marked

  • Doors locked and building secure

  • Cameras in position and night cameras (if available)

  • Delivery bays clean and tidy

  • Bell working for attention

  • Compactor clean and working -over 18s sign in place

  • Food bins clean and not overfollowing

  • Bailer working and clean- bails 3 metres from building

  • Rear doors closed to prevent pest access

  • Area is litter/crate free

Colleague Communication

  • Ask a colleague three questions from this weeks Catering and Retail bulletins. Are they aware of key updates

  • Ask a colleague a question from this weeks Nabil video. Are they aware of key updates?

  • Ask a number of colleagues to name and describe three craft producers we work with. Are they able to name the producers?

  • The site has regular weekly Huddles

  • The Operations Manager posts videos to update colleagues


  • All Managers have completed Level 3 Food Safety Highfield Training

  • All Managers have completed Level 3 Health & Safety Highfield Training

  • Site has a Health & Safety Pathway completion rate of 90% and above

  • Site has a Food Safety Pathway completion rate of 90% and above

  • Is there a First Aider on shift today and is their name displayed on the colleague noticeboard

  • Is there a Fire Warden on shift today and is their name displayed on the colleague noticeboard


  • Parking areas well lit

  • Rear entrance locked

  • Store rooms locked

  • Cash windows mirrored

  • Cameras on exits

  • Night cameras on exits

  • Panic button working

  • Filling Station cameras

Overall Impressions

  • Please provide key positives from todays visit?

  • Please provide areas of improvement from todays visit?

  • Please name colleagues who stood out to you today?

  • There is a visible Manager presence on shift today

  • The correct deployment model being used today

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.