Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Parking lot
Is all outdoor lighting operational?
Is vacuum topper light on?
Are all canopy lights operational?
Monument sign working and current?
Free of trash?I
Snow cleared curb to curb?
Vacuum cleared around and hose rolled up?
Pump islands - Tops of pumps, bollards, arounds trash cans and displays free of snow?
Sidewalks clear and salted ?
Tank covers cleared and accessible?
Dumpster area clean and slip free?
Outside displays clear of snow and ice? With visable signage (Firewood, salt, ice, window wash, propane, airhose)
Excess salt by building or on sidewalks and entrance doors/kickplates?
Is the American Flag in good condition? Not ripped or frayed.
Is the carwash open?
Why is it not open?
Are the heat pads working?
Is the heat in the bay working?
Is the bay clean and free of debris? Including windows and doors
Is the code box free of snow and ice build up and operational?
Is the entryway dry and salt free?
Are the rugs well maintained?
Are the wet floor signs out? (Select N/A if dry)