Title Page
Site conducted
This report documents a review of the Contractor's Work Health & Safety Management Plan (WHSMP).
Project Name:
Name of Contractor:
Contract Number:
Site Name:
Title of document reviewed:
Revision Number and Issue Date of document reviewed:
Conducted on:
Reviewed by:
Does the WHSMP provided for review include a full set of all listed appendices and attachments, produced in legible format?
The WHSMP as submitted is incomplete. Email the Contractor and ask them to resubmit a complete document for review but carry on with the current inspection.
Contractors Policies and systems
Does the Plan include a definition of the contractor’s WHS policies and objectives?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan define how the contractor will manage compliance with their WHS management system?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the plan include a disciplinary code of practice?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Plan communication and review
Does the Plan describe how each person who will work at the site will be made aware of the content of the WHS management plan, that a copy of the plan is readily accessible to any person who is to carry out construction and their right to inspect the plan, before commencing work?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe procedures for auditing, reviewing the WHS management plan to ensure it remains up to date, and for communicating any revisions to all relevant persons?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Risk management
Note that WaterNSW’s Risk Management Procedure requires that the hierarchy of controls must be applied when selecting WHS risk controls, with the objective of eliminating health and safety risks as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). That is elimination followed by substitution, isolation, engineering controls, administrative controls and finally use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Has a Risk Register been developed for the works?
Request the Project Manager to identify the key risks from Risk Workshops, Sid Meetings etc
Does the WHSMP address the appropriate risks from the Risk Register?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how the Principal Contractor will identify hazards, and assess and control WHS risks?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how the contractor will verify (by inspections and tests) that work areas, work methods, materials, plant and equipment comply with WHS legislation, Regulations, Codes and Standards and when WHS control measures will be reviewed?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
This should include requirements for review of controls when:
- results of monitoring indicate that the control measure does not control the risk, or
- an incident occurs because of the risk, or
- a change occurs to the work or the work environment or the work method, or
- a new relevant hazard or risk is identified -
Does the plan include a process to anticipate and manage changes during the project that could negatively impact on WHS & the implementation of change management controls?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Roles and responsibilities
Does the Plan include details of the Principal Contractor including business name, name of representative and contact details?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan include the names, positions and health and safety responsibilities of all persons at the workplace whose positions or roles involve specific WHS responsibilities in connection with the project?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note that it is mandatory to include this information in the WHSMP.
Refer Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] 309 (2) (a) -
Does the Plan identify the signage that will be installed showing the Principal Contractor's name and telephone contact numbers and the location of the project site office?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note that it is mandatory to include this information in the WHSMP.
Refer Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] 308
Consultation and communication
Does the Plan describe the arrangements in place, between any persons conducting a business or undertaking at the workplace where the construction project is being undertaken, for consultation, cooperation and the co-ordination of activities in relation to compliance with their duties under the WHS Act the WHS Regulation and relevant regulations, codes and standards?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
(This should include provisions for health and safety information to be shared with workers; for workers to express their views and contribute to decision-making about work health and safety matters, and for advising workers of the outcome of consultation. The provisions should cover workers who are employees of the Principal Contractor and also sub-contractors or other suppliers who work on the site)
Does the Plan describe arrangements for consultation, cooperation and coordination of activities between the Principal Contractor and any other persons or organisations conducting an activity at the site?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note that it is mandatory to include this information in the WHSMP.
Refer Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] 309 (2) (b) -
(Consider other parties including WaterNSW operations and maintenance staff who may need to access the project work site; sub-contractors engaged by the Principal Contractor; and other contractors engaged by WaterNSW to work on or near the project site)
Does the Plan define how the contractor will establish and implement consultation arrangements with workers, workplace committees and others’ representatives on WHS matters?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Induction, training, licences & fitness for work
Following an amendment to the WHS Regulation in December 2017, the NSW Government implemented a register of high risk work, asbestos and demolition licence holders, and general construction induction training card holders. The register does not include holders of explosives and firework licences (see https://www.licencecheck.nsw.gov.au/s/)
Does the Plan contain procedures to ensure that a worker is not allowed to carry out construction work unless the worker has successfully completed general construction induction training?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe a process for the identification of the competencies required by workers, together with selection, placement and any training requirements and how the Contractor will ensure that workers hold the required competencies?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe arrangements for providing regular up to date WHS information, training and instruction to workers, having regard to the nature of the work, the nature of the risks associated with the work, and the control measures implemented?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Tick the checkbox to see the full set of High Risk Work Licences / License Classes as per Schedule 3 of the WHS Regulation 2017
Does the Plan contain procedures to ensure that a person who carries out any class of high risk work must hold a valid high risk work licence for that work (or be directly supervised by a person holding a valid high risk work licence for that work)?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Tick the checkbox to see the types of Asbestos work licenses required in NSW
There are two types of asbestos removal licences.
Class A. Can remove any amount or quantity of asbestos or asbestos containing materials (ACM), including:
- any amount of friable asbestos or ACM
- any amount of asbestos contaminated dust or debris (ACD)
- any amount of non-friable asbestos or ACM
Class B. Can remove:
- any amount on non-friable asbestos or ACM
- ACD associated with the removal of non-friable asbestos or ACM -
Does the Plan contain procedures to ensure that a person who carries out asbestos removal must hold an appropriate asbestos removal licence (Class A or B)
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Tick the checkbox to see the types of Demolition licenses required in NSW
There are two types of demolition licences:
Demolition licence (DE1). This licence is required to demolish (or partially demolish), any building, structure or installation that:
- is over 15 metres in height
- is a chemical installation
- involves a tower crane on site
- involves a mobile crane with a rated capacity of more than 100 tonnes
- has structural components that are pre-tensioned or post-tensioned
- involves floor propping
- involves explosives.
Restricted demolition licence (DE2). This licence is required to demolish (or partially demolish), any building, structure or installation that:
- is between four metres and 15 metres in height involving mechanical demolition such as using excavators, bulldozers or cranes
- is between 10 metres and 15 metres in height and affects its structural integrity
- involves the use of load shifting machinery on suspended floors. -
Does the Plan contain procedures to ensure that a person who carries out demolition works must hold an appropriate demolition licence (Class DE1 or DE2)
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the plan include a fitness for work program, including processes to ensure employees are medically fit and suited to perform their functions safely.?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Site safety procedures
Click the checkbox to see the full set of Site Safety Rules to be considered by the SafeWork NSW Codes of Practice, where applicable
Alcohol and Drugs<br>• The consumption of, or being under the influence of, alcohol or illegal drugs on the site is<br>prohibited.<br><br>Demolition, excavation, formwork and other structural frames<br>• All demolition, excavation, formwork and work with other structural frames will be done in accordance with the relevant legislation, regulations, standards, codes and procedures<br><br>Elevated work<br>• All work at heights will be done in accordance with the relevant legislation, regulations, standards, codes and procedures<br><br>Electrical work, overhead wiring, installations and equipment<br>• No working live<br>• All electrical work, plant and equipment must comply with WHS and electrical safety legislation, regulations, standards, codes and procedures, including inspection and tagging of leads and power tools<br>• The presence and location of all electrical cables will be identified before commencing adjacent work<br><br>Hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods<br>• A register of hazardous chemicals must be kept and maintained for all hazardous chemicals brought onto the work site<br>• All hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods must be used, handled and stored in accordance with requirements.<br>Illness/injury and emergency procedures<br>• All first aid facilities and illness/injury and emergency procedures will be clearly identified and used, including reporting illness/injury and incidents<br><br>Induction and safety training<br>• Before starting work on site all workers must attend induction training in health and safety aspects of general construction work<br>• Before starting work on site all workers must attend adequate site-specific induction training and induction training for the work activity being undertaken<br>• All workers must attend appropriate refresher training and be involved in regular discussion of work site WHS matters<br>• All visitors when on the work site must be accompanied by a person who has received the above training.<br><br>Personal protective equipment<br>• All workers and visitors must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when on the work site<br>Protection of all workers and the public<br>• Effective barricades, fencing and overhead protection will be used<br><br>Safe working<br>• Fire prevention, housekeeping and other site safe working procedures should be included.<br><br>Site access and security<br>• Ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the workplace is secured from unauthorised access<br>• All entry to, movement on, passage adjacent to, and exit from, the work site of workers and other persons, vehicles and equipment will be controlled in accordance with required procedures
Does the Plan include any site-specific health and safety rules, and the arrangements for ensuring that all persons at the workplace are informed of these rules?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note that it is mandatory to include this information in the WHSMP.
Refer Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] 309 (2) (d)
Does the project scope include design of any structure or plant?
Does the Plan describe arrangements for consultation between WaterNSW, the principal contractor and the designer of any plant or structure to ensure that the principal contractor and the designer are informed of hazards and risks at the workplace where the construction work will be carried out?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how designs will be reviewed to ensure that regulatory and contracted WHS requirements are met?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
The Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] includes requirements for design of guarding, operational controls, emergency stop controls and warning devices. The contract may also include other WHS design requirements specified by WNSW.
Does the Plan require that the designer of any structure must provide a written report to WaterNSW and the principal contractor specifying the hazards involved in constructing the design?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe arrangements for ensuring that plant and structures are installed, constructed and commissioned in accordance with the design and information provided by the designed or supplier?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Procurement and subcontracting
Does the Plan describe how suppliers and subcontractors will be assessed for their ability to comply with the Principal Contractor's WHS requirements for provision of plant, materials and services?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan provide details for verifying, stopping, rejecting or quarantining unsafe work methods, work areas, materials, plant and equipment?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
High risk construction work
Does the Plan describe the arrangements for the collection, assessment, monitoring and review of Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) at the workplace?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note that it is mandatory to include this information in the WHSMP.
Refer Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] 309 (2) (e) -
Does the Plan require that a SWMS is prepared for all high risk construction work, before the high risk construction work commences?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan require that any person undertaking high risk construction work must give a copy of the SWMS to the principal contractor, before the high risk construction work commences?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how the Principal Contractor will ensure that high risk construction work is carried out in accordance with the SWMS and require that if high risk construction work is not carried in accordance with the SWMS then the work must be stopped immediately, or as soon as it is safe to do so?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Managing construction hazards specified in the Regulations & WNSW Policies, Procedures and Forms
Is the work on site expected to include remote or isolated work, including lone workers? <br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 3 Part 3.2 Division 6
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing remote or isolated work, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include potential for exposure to airborne contaminants?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 3 Part 3.2 Division 7
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing exposure to airborne contaminants, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include work in or near hazardous atmospheres?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 3 Part 3.2 Division 8
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing hazardous atmospheres, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include storage of flammable or combustible substances?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 3 Part 3.2 Division 9
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing storage of flammable or combustible substances, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include potential for falling objects?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing potential for falling objects, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to create exposure to noise?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.1
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing exposure to noise, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include hazardous manual tasks?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.2
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing hazardous manual tasks, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include work in or near confined spaces?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.3
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing work in or near confined spaces, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include potential for a person to fall from height?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.4
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing potential for a person to fall from height, using the hierarchy of controls?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include demolition work?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.6
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing demolition work, using the hierarchy of controls?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include electrical installation or work on electrical equipment?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.7
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing electrical installation and work on electrical equipment?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan mandate that work must not be carried out on energised electrical systems or equipment (unless the specific exemptions in Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.7 Clause 157 apply)?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
check box to view permitted exemptions allowing work on energised electrical systems
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.7 General electrical safety in workplaces and energized electrical work
157 Electrical work on energised electrical equipment—when permitted
(1) A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that electrical work on energised electrical equipment is not carried out unless:
(a) it is necessary in the interests of health and safety that the electrical work is carried out on the equipment while the equipment is energized (Example. It may be necessary that life-saving equipment remain energised and operating while electrical work is carried out on the equipment), or
(b) it is necessary that the electrical equipment to be worked on is energised in order for the work to be carried out properly, or
(c) it is necessary for the purposes of testing required under clause 155, or
(d) there is no reasonable alternative means of carrying out the work.
(2) The electrical work that may be carried out under subclause (1) (a), (b) and (d) may include testing of the energised electrical equipment. -
Is the work on site expected to include diving work?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 4 Part 4.8
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing diving work, using the hierarchy of controls?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include excavation work?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter Chapter 6 Part 6.3 Division 3
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing excavation work, using the hierarchy of controls?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include use or storage of hazardous chemicals?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 7 Part 7.1
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing use and storage of hazardous chemicals, using the hierarchy of controls?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include lead risk work?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 7 Part 7.2
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing lead risk work, using the hierarchy of controls?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is the work on site expected to include work involving asbestos or exposure to airborne asbestos?<br>Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] Chapter 8
Does the Plan describe specific controls for managing work involving asbestos and exposure to airborne asbestos, using the hierarchy of control?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the plan describe controls for managing flooding of works?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the plan describe controls for working over water?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the plan describe controls for lifting procedures, including a lifting and slinging inspection program?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the plan include an isolation management program?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the plan include a program for drivers and vehicle use and interaction, including access for emergency vehicles
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from plan)
- Not applicable for this project
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Emergency and incident response
Does the Plan describe arrangements for managing any work health and safety incidents that occur, investigating incidents, near misses and illness/injury, for producing a report about the investigation and implementing corrective actions?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note that it is mandatory to include this information in the WHSMP.
Refer Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 [NSW] 309 (2) (d) -
Does the Plan define accountability and process for reporting notifiable work health and safety incidents (both to SafeWork NSW and to WNSW)?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note that the Plan must clearly state:
SafeWork NSW must be notified before any potentially dangerous work related activities are undertaken.
You must call 13 10 50 immediately if there is a notifiable incident(s) (e.g. serious injury, dangerous incident or death) -
Does the Plan define accountability and process for reporting all other (non-notifiable) work health and safety incidents to WNSW?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how emergency plans will be prepared for the workplace, including: - procedures for response to an emergency - site evacuation procedures - TESTING OF THE EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - accountability and process for notifying external emergency service organisations - accountability and process for obtaining medical treatment and assistance - procedures for coordination and communication during response to an emergency?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how emergency response plans will be communicated to persons working at the site?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan include responsibility for developing and implementing injury management programs and coordinating the rehabilitation of injured personnel?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref WHSMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
I have reviewed this WHS Management Plan and recommend that:
- The WHSMP is suitable and acceptable and can be adopted without change
- The WHSMP is generally suitable but requires minor additions or revisions as described in this review. It should be amended and re-submitted for further review
- The WHSMP is not suitable or acceptable and requires significant amendment as described in this review. It should be amended and re-submitted for further review