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Communication Procedures and Processes

Formal communication preocredures

  • Is there a formal procedure in place covering communication?

  • How is this disseminated?

  • Is there evidence of this being communicated?

  • Are those responsible for implementing it aware of its content and their responsibilities?

Safety Observation, Reporting and Feedback

  • Is there a formal process in place to report HSEQ positive and negative observations?

  • How is this process communicated to those who are expected to report observations?

  • Is there a mechanism in place to report observations anonymously?

  • Is there a system in place to record, analyse and act upon observations received?

  • Is there a system in place to provide formal feedback on observations reported to the individual and wider audience?

  • Is there a recognition system in place to encourage and reward observation reporting?

  • Ask two workers at random if they have submitted observation cards and if they have, do they feel managements take on board their observations and act upon it and provide sufficient level of feedback?

  • Is pertinent safety information from the PC Safety Committee fed down to the workforce - please provide an example of this?

  • Is pertinent safety information gathered from the workforce fed up over into the PC safety committee meeting - please provide an example?

Dissemination of Work Instructions

  • How are risk assessments, method statements and other HSEQ documents and safety information communicated to those who require it?

  • Is there evidence of RAMS being communicated to those who require the information?

  • Is there additional HSEQ briefings e.g pre-start briefing and toolbox talks taking place?

  • Do briefings/TBT's provide a platform for those being briefed to raise concerns and provide opportunities to converse and communicate with the person(s) providing the briefing?

  • Personnel using PPE correctly?


  • Is there a structure in place to hold regular HSEQ meetings to discuss the HSEQ performance, workplace campaigns, plan proactive strategies, SIMOPS etc.?

  • Are there regular HSEQ committee meeting staking place and recorded - provide evidence?

  • Are the minutes formally disseminated to attendees and displayed on a notice board for the workforce to review and digest?

Simultaneous Operations

  • Is there a formal procedure in place to ensure SIMOPS are identified, impacts analysed and discussed with those carrying out the works?

  • Is there evidence of SIMOPS being communicated between interested parties?


  • Is there a formal procedure in place to ensure HSEQ information is communicated to personnel required to access and work on the site?

  • How does the PC/Contractor check and confirm the messages are understood?

Communicate of workplace HSEQ campaigns

  • How are campaigns communicated to the workforce?

  • Ask a worker what was the message from the last workplace campaign to gauge their understanding of the message - Did they understand the message?

  • Are the visual aids/posters erected in common rooms / HSEQ notice boards and meeting rooms and are they relevant to the latest campaign?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.