
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Inspection Items

  • Does the emergency evacuation plan clearly reflect the workplace layout?

  • Are color-coded building emergency response cards located at each workstation?

  • Have workers received information about the emergency plan for the workplace?

  • Has an evacuation drill been conducted in last 12 months? <br>(seek conformation from Emergency warden and record the last evacuation drill date in comments section)

  • Is the Emergency contacts poster up to date? <br>(Poster should have Wardens, First aid officer, Safety coordinators, Environmental coordinators and Emergency services)

  • Are building fire exits appropriately signposted?

  • Is fire fighting equipment (extinguishers, fire hoses) tagged and in current test?

  • Is there unobstructed access to fire fighting equipment?<br>(1m to clear access)

  • Emergency cabinet contains required information. ( Hazardous substance manifest, Fire fighting equipment maintenance records, Emergency evacuation employee training records, Fire alarm maintenance records - where applicable)

Buildings and Fences

  • Is building's roof cladding, gutters and drains in a sound condition?<br>( Perform a visual inspection from ground level)

  • Are drains inlets/outlets and pits throughout the site clear of silt/waste/weed build-up?

  • Is wash down area adequately maintained and checked for weeds?

  • Are building door and locks operational?

  • Are fences and gates maintained in serviceable condition?

  • Are signs/notices in good condition, appropriate, clearly visible and identifiable?

Workplace Traffic

  • Are roadways and path surfaces in good condition?

  • Are adequate controls in place to ensure vehicle and pedestrian safety in workplace areas?

  • Are pedestrian walkways clearly defined and signposted as required?

  • Are signs/notices in good condition, appropriate, clearly visible and identifiable?

  • Is access restricted to Hazardous operating areas where required?

  • Are controls affective?


  • Are shower and toilet facilities clean and functional?

  • Are fridges and freezers clean and operational?

  • Are workplace amenities maintained in a clean, hygienic manner?

Office Environment

  • Is the office equipment fit for purpous and in servisable condition?

  • Is the office area clean and tidy, free of trip hazards?

  • Is appropriate information available to employees on office workstation and computer monitor setup?

  • Are employees using appropriate manual handling techniques?

  • Are manual handling/ergonomic posters placed in strategic areas?

  • Have all office staff completed an office ergonomic self assessment at their current workstation?

  • Are computer cables and electrical leads stored/placed suitable to minimize trip hazards?

  • Is mechanical assistance available for handling heavy loads?


  • Is workplace lighting adequate for task? <br>If unsure, have light level measured.

  • Are all lights operational?

  • Is the level of natural lighting satisfactory?<br>Check condition of sources (eg. Are windows kept clean?)

  • Are lighting levels adequate for any recent changes to site/building layout?


  • Are traffic areas, access ways, exits, straits or work areas clear of obstructions?<br>Check electrical leads are restrained.

  • Are work areas/benches in good conditions and clear of rubbish and surplus equipment?

  • Are stock materials clear of work areas & stored safely?

  • Workplace yard maintained in tidy condition (mowing, storage, etc)?

Floors & Access Ways

  • Are stairs and access ways in sound condition (eg. No worn/damaged treads, trip hazards, slippery)?

  • Are pedestrian walkways clearly marked? (Where applicable)

  • Pare handrails in safe condition?

  • Are there any location where a person may fall, if so have these been assessed?

  • Are floor surfaces/coverings in good condition?<br> Check position/condition of mats.

  • Are floor surfaces free of slippery substances?

Warehouse/Storage Areas

  • Are storage bins and cupboards provided?

  • Are storage bins racks in a sound condition and SWL signage erected where applicable?

  • Is inspection regime for racking up to date? ( Where applicable)

  • Are pallets, racks and shelvings in good condition?

  • Are materials stored in safe manner, materials properly stacked, secured on pallets or not hanging out of shelves or racks?

  • Are pallets correctly secured in upright racking?

  • Are access equipment (ladders, stools) inspected and in test?

  • Are storage containers, pallets, boxes, cable drums in good condition?

  • Are cable drums in a serviceable condition in accordance with MP001200R105, and BS00140R146?

  • Does the storage rack design allow for safe lifting & materials movement?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Is appropriate PPE available and in good condition?

  • Are employees wearing PPE appropriate for task?

  • Have employees been trained in use and maintenance of PPE?

  • Is there appropriate storage facility for PPE where required?

Hazardous Chemicals

  • Are hazardous chemical storage containers labelled with product name, manufacturer, any hazard/risk associated with the product and safety phrase?

  • Are hazardous chemical signage/placards displayed as required?

  • Is workplace hazardous chemical register up to date?

  • Are up to date SDSs readily available where hazardous chemicals are used?<br>(SDS's should not be older than 5 years)

  • Are hazardous chemical storage requirement addressed?

  • Hazardous chemicals and used container disposal meets environmental requirements?

  • Are bund area walls, floors and outlets maintained?

  • Are oil/water separator maintained?

  • Is site clear of signs of recent spills or leaks?

  • Are portable spill pallets available and maintained?

  • Are oil spill containment kits available where required and maintained with a tamper proof seal?

Waste Management

  • Are there adequate waste bins available thought workshop?

  • Are waste bins regularly emptied and accumulated rubbish removed?

  • Is liquid waste storage and disposal utilized where provided?

  • Are recycling/special purpose containers utilized where provided and is there regular collection program in place?

Pressure Vessels/Systems

  • Is the workplace pressure vessel register maintained?

  • Are LPG decanting requirement adhered to?

  • Are hoses and connection in good conditions?

  • Is adequate fire protection facilities available around pressure vessel work area?


  • Are Pipelines in good condition, labelled and appropriate placards erected?


  • Has a noise survey been conducted to determine plant/tool noise levels?<br>Annotate last survey date in the comments section.

  • Are there any location within the work environment where there maybe a risk from noise?

  • Are control measures in place to address high noise exposure?<br>(Sign, PPE etc)

Tools, Plant & Equipment

  • Are work surfaces in good condition?<br>(benches etc)

  • Is bench mounted equipment securely fastened and in safe condition?

  • Are tools & equipments not in use, correctly stored?

  • Are tools, plant and equipment maintained and in safe operating condition?

  • Is adequate work space provided around machinery?

  • Are moving parts adequately guarded? Eg. Nip in points

  • Are pre-start check conducted on plant where applicable?<br>(eg. Forklift)

  • Where pre-start checks are conducted on plant are actions raised to correct defects?

  • Are operators competent and authorized to use plant and equipment as required?

  • Are mobile plant reversing alarm functional?<br>(eg. Forklift)

  • Are isolation and tag out procedures followed when machines maintained?

  • Vehicles

  • Are Vehicle inspection/maintenance records current?

  • Are vehicle decals in good condition?<br>(Ergon energy, registration labels etc)

  • Are vehicle pre-start check being performed as required?

  • Is safety signage/decals in good condition?<br>(hazard signage on VLC's, exclusion zone table, operate using remote control etc)

  • Vehicle tray is clear of rubbish and loose debris/components to minimize risk of item falling from vehicle.

  • Dunnage is available for when plant is in operation (Eg. VLC, Borer/lifter)

  • Heavy vehicle driving records completed and maintained?

  • Are safe work instructions(manuals) up to date?<br>(where applicable)

Electrical Equipment

  • Is portable electrical equipment maintained, tagged and in current test?

  • Is electrical equipment maintained (switches, power points etc)?

  • Are safety switches (RCDs) fitted/used where required and tested regularly?

  • Are in test power boards in use in lieu of double adapters or piggy back plugs which are prohibited - (refer to ESO Reg's 88 & 89)


  • Are ladders maintained, intest and stored safely?

  • Ae defective ladders withdrawn from service, tagged as unserviceable and quarantined?

Lifting Equipment

  • Is the lifting equipment fit for purpose and in test?

  • Is the workplace lifting equipment register maintained and current?

  • Is the lifting equipment stored correctly, away from oils, acids and alkalis?


  • Is welding equipment in safe condition and maintainted<br>Check integrity of leads.

  • Are welding areas screened to reduce welding flash?

  • Are electric cables/gas hoses positioned clear of welding work area?

  • Are flash-back arresters fitted to oxy-acetylene equipment?

  • Is oxy acetylene ventilation provided?

  • Are oxy acetylene hoses purged of gas when stored?

  • Is adequate ventilation provided?

  • Is the welding area clear of flammable/combustible material?

Additional Workplace Inspection Items


The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.