Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Assessement of Workplace Violence Prevention

  • ----------------------- START HERE -----------------------------

  • BEFORE you start answering the survey, please complete the following tasks:

  • ⇒ Report information only about the Reporting Site identified on the address label.

  • ⇒ Verify the information printed on the cover under Your Company Address and make corrections
    where necessary

  • ⇒ Forward this to the person who is most informed about workplace violence prevention in your


  • Name of person completing the survey:

  • Job title:

  • Phone number:

  • Ext

  • Month and day completed:

2 How many employees are currently employed by your establishment?

  • ⇒ Include all paid employees (full-time, part-time, hourly, salaried, temporary, and seasonal).


DEFINITION of Workplace Violence

  • Please use the following definition of workplace violence to answer the questions in this survey.

    Screenshot 2024-06-10 140400.jpg

Section I: Operations

  • ► Answer questions for ALL employees including contractors and subcontractors who work for the reporting site

  • 3 Which of the following types of security features are provided at your establishment, even if used as needed?

  • 3a Electronic Surveillance — Check ALL that apply

  • Specify

  • 3b Security Staff — Check ALL that apply

  • Specify

  • 3c Physical Security — Check ALL that apply

  • Specify

  • 4 Is your establishment open to the general public?

  • Select ALL of the hours that your establishment is open to the general public.

  • 5 Select ALL of the hours that employees work at your establishment, regardless of whether your establishment is open or closed to the general public during those times.

  • (If 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. and/or 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. are checked) Which of the following procedures are used between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.? Check ALL that apply

  • Specify

  • 6 Which of the following situations apply to employees who work at your establishment? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

  • 7 Do employees at your establishment work alone at any time? Examples include a clerk working alone at a convenience store, a taxicab driver, a social worker making house visits, or a nurse on a ward by him or herself.

  • Which of the following prevention strategies are used when this happens? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

  • 8 Which of the following are your staff, including security staff, authorized to do at your establishment? Check ALL that apply.

  • 9 Does your establishment have a PROCESS OR METHOD to identify clients, customers, visitors,<br>and/or patients with a history of violence?

  • 10 Does your establishment have a PROCESS OR METHOD (e.g. background checks, security<br>clearance, employment or personal reference checks) to identify potential employees or current<br>employees with a history of violence

  • 11 Does your establishment provide additional security arrangements (e.g. panic alarms,<br>workstation barriers) for employees who have been victims of workplace violence?

  • Which of the following security measures does your establishment provide? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

Section II: Programs and Policies

  • ► Answer questions for ALL employees including contractors and subcontractors who
    work for the reporting site.

  • 12 Does your establishment have a program or policy that includes workplace violence prevention?

  • Which type of format? Check ALL that apply.

  • 13 Which of the following situations does your establishment’s workplace violence program or policy address? Check ALL that apply Criminal: when the perpetrator has no legitimate relationship to the business or its employees and is usually committing a crime in conjunction with the violence (e.g. robbery, shoplifting, or trespassing). Customer or Client: when the perpetrator has a legitimate relationship with the business and becomes violent while being served by the business (e.g. customers, clients, patients, students, inmates, or for any other group that the business provides services). Co-Worker: when the perpetrator is an employee, past employee of the business, or contractor who works as a temporary employee on your site and who attacks or threatens another employee. Domestic Violence: when the perpetrator, who has no legitimate relationship to the business (but has a personal relationship with the intended victim), threatens or assaults the employee at the workplace (e.g. family member, boyfriend, or girlfriend).

  • 14 Does the program or policy instruct employees about how to report concerns or incidents of<br>workplace violence? <br>

  • Which of the following reporting methods are included in your establishment’s workplace violence program or policy? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

  • 15 Does your establishment’s workplace violence program or policy address incidents that occur<br>outside the workplace but have a workplace component or connection (e.g. harassment, stalking, physical harm, or verbal threats)?

  • 16 Does your establishment periodically review the effectiveness or impact of the workplace violence program or policy?

  • What is included in such a review? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

  • 17 Which office or persons are responsible for addressing the prevention of workplace violence in your establishment?

  • Specify

  • 18 If more than one office or person is responsible, who has the PRIMARY responsibility or would take the lead in addressing the prevention of workplace violence? Check only ONE.

  • Specify

  • 19 Does your establishment currently have a committee, team, or working group that addresses workplace violence prevention?

  • Who makes up the workplace violence committee, team, or working group? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

  • 20 What are or were the functions of the workplace violence prevention committee, team, or working group? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

Section III: Training

  • ► Answer questions for ALL employees including contractors and subcontractors who work for the reporting site.

  • 21 Does your establishment provide material on workplace violence prevention to employees?

  • What types of material are available? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

  • 22 Does your establishment provide training to employees on workplace violence prevention,<br>even if it is given during company trainings such as new employee orientation?

  • Which of the following topics are addressed in your workplace violence prevention training? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

  • 23 During the past 12 months, how many hours of training specific to workplace violence prevention did EACH employee group receive?
    Check ONE box for each group.

  • A. Newly hired employees

  • B. Non-supervisory employees

  • C. Supervisory / managerial employees

  • D. Contractors / sub-contractors

  • E. High-risk employees Include employees that may be at greater risk of workplace violence than other employees (e.g. clerks in convenience stores, emergency department staff in hospitals, security guards, and receptionists).

  • 24 Which of the following training methods are used in your workplace violence training? Check ALL that apply.

  • A. Newly hired employees

  • Specify

  • B. Non-supervisory employees

  • Specify

  • C. Supervisory / managerial employees

  • Specify

  • D. Contractors / sub-contractors

  • Specify

  • E. High-risk employees Include employees that may be at greater risk of workplace violence than other employees (e.g. clerks in convenience stores, emergency department staff in hospitals, security guards, and receptionists).

  • Specify

  • 25 How often are employees required to participate in workplace violence prevention training at your establishment?
    Check ONE box for each group.

  • A. Non-supervisory employees

  • Specify

  • B. Supervisory / managerial employees

  • Specify

  • C. Contractors / sub-contractors

  • Specify

  • D. High-risk employees Include employees that may be at greater risk of workplace violence than other employees (e.g. clerks in convenience stores, emergency department staff in hospitals, security guards, and receptionists).

  • 26 Does your establishment provide separate training on Domestic Violence prevention?

Section IV: Reporting

  • ► Answer questions for ALL employees including contractors and subcontractors who
    work for the reporting site.

  • 27 During the past 12 months, have employees at your establishment experienced any incidents of workplace violence, even those that did not result in injury?

  • Which of the following types of workplace violence incidents occurred? Check ALL that apply. Criminal: when the perpetrator has no legitimate relationship to the business or its employees and is usually committing a crime in conjunction with the violence (e.g. robbery, shoplifting, or trespassing). Customer or Client: when the perpetrator has a legitimate relationship with the business and becomes violent while being served by the business (e.g. customers, clients, patients, students, inmates, or for any other group that the business provides services). Co-Worker: when the perpetrator is an employee, past employee of the business, or contractor who works as a temporary employee on your site and who attacks or threatens another employee. Domestic Violence: when the perpetrator, who has no legitimate relationship to the business (but has a personal relationship with the intended victim), threatens or assaults the employee at the workplace (e.g. family member, boyfriend, or girlfriend).

  • 28 When did the most recent incident of workplace violence occur? Check only ONE.

  • 29 Did your establishment’s workplace violence prevention program or policy change after an<br>incident occurred? Check only ONE.

  • 30 During the past 12 months, have incidents of workplace violence……. Check only ONE

  • 31 In your opinion, during the past 12 months, has an incident of workplace violence affected<br>employees at your establishment?

  • In which of the following ways? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

  • 32 Do you think that your establishment is……. Check only ONE.

  • 33 Do you think that your establishment is…….<br>Check only ONE.

  • 34 Do you think that the neighborhood around your establishment is……. Check only ONE. <br>

  • 35 Does your establishment track the cost of workplace injuries and illnesses?

  • 36 Does your establishment track costs related to incidents of workplace violence?

  • What types of costs related to workplace violence do you track? Check ALL that apply.

  • Specify

Sign Off

  • Prepared by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.