Title Page
Audit Title
Office Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Administrations/Programs included
Select "Add Kudos." Then select "In Place & Effective." Then add the description of the Kudos in the notes, and add photos if desired.
Preparation Work
Has the previous SHPA been reviewed?
Has the previous Corrective Action Plan (CAP) been reviewed?
Have all CAP actions been completed?
How many injuries were reported in the previous 12 months?
Is the injury trend improving?
Has the site been free from L&I Citations for the last 3 Years?
Describe any L&I Citations:
Main Assessment
There is a written Accident Prevention Program that covers the requirements [WAC 296-800-14005]
Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs) adequately address job tasks, possible hazards, and mitigation of those hazards. [DSHS AP 9.07, WAC 296-800-11010]
JHAs are updated and reviewed by employees annually (for job classes with a high potential for injury/illness) or every three years (all other job classes) [DSHS AP 9.07]
All incidents are reported and investigated using the Safety Incident/Near Miss reporting process [DSHS AP 9.07]
All serious employee accidents are investigated, documented and sent to Headquarters (Fatality, Inpatient Hospitalization, Amputation, Loss of an eye) [WAC 296-800-32020]
OSHA 300A forms are completed and have the highest ranking official on-site certified [WAC 296-27-02105(1)(c), (6)] The OSHA 300A Summary is posted Feb 1 through April 30
OSHA 300 Log, 300A Summaries are retained for the current year plus five previous years [WAC 296-27-02107]
There is a written exposure determination that includes job titles and tasks that may have exposure to blood and OPIM [WAC 296-823-11005]
There is a written Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) exposure control plan that is updated at least annually [WAC 296-823-11010]
Documented training is conducted for all exposed employees in Bloodborne Pathogens annually [WAC 296-823-12005]. There is BBP awareness training for all other employees upon initial hire [DSHS AP 9.06, 18.34]
Hepatitis B vaccines are offered to all exposed employees. Documented declination forms are completed for employees who do not want the HBV vaccine [WAC 296-823-13005]
There is an investigation for each exposure incident and proper medical follow up with employees [WAC 296-823-16005]
*Feasible controls, including appropriate equipment and safer medical devices, are used to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure (Sharps containers, splash guards, Needless systems, blunt suture needles, no-hands procedures etc.) [WAC 296-823-14005]
*All containers used to store, transport, or ship blood or other OPIM are properly labeled [WAC 296-823-14025]
*Electrical panels are properly labeled to identify disconnecting means, i.e., which equipment each breaker controls [WAC 296-800-28022]
*Electrical fittings, boxes, cabinets are maintained in good condition [WAC 296-800-28025]
*Electrical rooms are maintained in a clean state of housekeeping to permit ready & safe operation & maintenance of the equipment [WAC 296-800-28027(1)]
*Electrical cabinets have the proper clearance 30" wide and 36" in front [WAC 296-800-28027(2)]
*Flexible cords are not frayed or improperly spliced [WAC 296-800-28030(1)]
*Power strips used as listed (not daisy-chained, overloaded, etc.) [WAC 296-800-28010]
*Flexible cords are not used as a substitute for permanent wiring [WAC 296-800-28030(4)]
*Electrical cords are not running through doors, windows or wall openings [WAC 296-800-28030(4)]
*Electrical enclosures and covers do not have openings [WAC 296-800-28035] Any unguarded electrical parts?
*Electrical equipment is properly grounded [WAC 296-800-28040]
EMERGENCY ACTION AND FIRE PREVENTION PLAN [WAC 296-24-567, 296-800-310, Life Safety Code 101]
There is a written emergency action plan/fire prevention plan for the facility [WAC 296-24-567(1)]
The facility conducts and documents training for all employees in the emergency action plan [WAC 296-24-567(1)(e)]
There is documented training for portable fire extinguisher use annually [WAC 296-800-30025]
The facility annually verifies and documents that emergency alarms are audible/visible throughout the facility [WAC 296-800-31080]
There is a documented annual fire drill are conducted according to the 2018 edition of the International Fire Code, adopted by reference in WAC 51-54A-003 <br>
*The location has posted emergency escape procedures and escape routes [WAC 296-24-567(1)(b)(i)]
*Adequate first aid supplies are available, clearly marked and easily accessible for the location (periodic documented inspection) [WAC 296-800-15020]
*Portable fire extinguishers indicate a monthly inspection to verify that they are maintained fully charged and in operable condition and kept in their designated places [WAC 296-800-30020]
*Exit routes are large enough [WAC 296-800-31010]
*Exits are free from obstructions [WAC 296-800-31025]
*Exits are adequately marked [WAC 296-800-31050]
*There is adequate lighting for exit routes and signs [WAC 296-800-31053]
*Illuminated exit lights and emergency lighting are tested according to (must be documented) [LSC101 7.9.3]:<br>1) Functional test once per month for 30 seconds;<br>2) Functional test annually for 1.5 hours;<br>3) Lighting must be operational for the full duration of the test;<br>4) Must have written records of the visual inspection and test
There is a written site-specific Chemical Hazard Communication program [WAC 296-901-14010]
There is a hazardous chemicals list for the facility and it is current [WAC 296-901-14010(1)(a)]
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are available for all chemicals used on site and are current [WAC 296-800-14014(7)] SDSs are archived for all discontinued chemicals
Documented HAZCOM training is conducted for all employees [WAC 296-901-14016]
*Employees have easy access to the hazard communication program, chemical list, and SDSs [WAC 296-901-14010(4)] (Employee Demonstration)
*All containers, storage tanks, and secondary containers have proper labeling [WAC 296-901-14012]
LADDERS [WAC 296-876]
Documented ladder inspection is performed on all ladders [WAC 296-876-30005]
Documented ladder training is conducted for employees that use ladders (performed by a competent person) [WAC 296-876-15005]
*Ladders are supported and protected where they are stored [WAC 296-876-30015]
*Ladders are in good, usable condition [portable WAC 296-876-30005; fixed WAC 296-876-700] (Only Type IA, I or II ladders allowed)
*Ladders are used for their intended purpose [WAC 296-876-40005]
PPE [WAC 296-800]
The facility conducts and documents written PPE hazard assessments [WAC 296-800-16005] (can be included in JHA)
Documented PPE training is conducted to ensure that each employee understands the limitations, use, care and disposal of the PPE [WAC 296-800-16025]
*Required PPE is available [WAC 296-800-16020]
*PPE is maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition [WAC 296-800-16045]
There is a written Respiratory Protection program [WAC 296-842-12005]
An exposure evaluation has been conducted to determine if employees are exposed to airborne contaminants above the Permissible Exposure Limit, or other airborne hazards, such as biological hazards. [WAC 296-841-20005]
Feasible exposure controls have been implemented to reduce or eliminate employee exposure to airborne contaminants, including elimination, substitution, engineering, or administrative controls [WAC 296-841-20010]
There is a requirement for all employees that voluntarily wear dust masks to complete an initial "Voluntary Use of Dust Masks Information Sheet" [WAC 296-842-11005 Table 2]
Initial Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaires are completed for each employee required to wear a respirator [WAC 296-842-14005] (Documented)
Annual fit testing is conducted for all employees required to wear tight fitting respirators [WAC 296-842-15005]
Documented respirator training is conducted that covers respirator limitations, use, care, and storage [WAC 296-842-16005]
Does the location have more than 10 employees?
The safety committee conducts regular meetings as determined by the committee [WAC 296-800-13020(1)(c)]
The safety committee assists in the evaluation of the Accident Prevention Program [WAC 296-800-13020(2)]
The safety committee reviews safety inspection reports to help correct safety hazards [WAC 296-800-13020(2)]
The safety committee evaluates accident investigations to determine if the cause(s) of the unsafe situation were identified and corrected [WAC 296-800-13020(2)]
Safety Committee meetings are documented and attendance is recorded [WAC 296-800-13020(2,3)]
Safety meetings are held monthly for all staff and have at least one management representative [WAC 296-800-13025(1)
The safety meetings review safety inspection reports to help correct safety hazards [WAC 296-800-13025(2)]
The safety meetings evaluate accident investigations to determine if the cause(s) of the unsafe situation were identified and corrected [WAC 296-800-13025(2)]
Safety meeting subjects discussed are documented and attendance is recorded [WAC 296-800-13025(2)]
STORAGE & HOUSEKEEPING [WAC 296-800, 296-24, 246-360]
*All areas of the workplace, passageways, storage rooms, and service rooms are in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition [WAC 296-800-22005]
*Materials are stored so they do not create a hazard [WAC 296-800-22035]
*Storage designed to minimize ergonomic injuries [WAC 296-800-11010]
*Materials are stored at least 18 inches below sprinkler heads or 24 inches from ceiling in non-sprinkled buildings [WAC 296-24-60705(10)]
*Flammable or combustible liquids are stored in flammable storage cabinets or in flammable storage rooms [WAC 296-24-33011(2)(b)]
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE [DSHS Administrative Policies; RCW 72.23.400; RCW 49.19]
The facility has developed a plan to reasonably prevent and protect employees from workplace violence [DSHS AP 9.12; AP 18.67]
A Physical Security Survey & Vulnerability Assessment that identifies existing/potential hazards for workplace violence is conducted at least annually [DSHS AP 9.12]
Best Practices and Additional Findings (NOTE - These Items are Not Scored)
Calendar year goals have been established and are monitored throughout the year (Best Practice - Not Scored)
Injury trends are used to prevent recurrence of injuries (Best Practice - Not Scored)
Select "Add Additional Finding." Then select "In Place & Effective, Needs Improvement, or Not in Place." Then add the description of the additional finding in the notes, and add photos if desired.
Additional Finding