Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Business unit

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Site Manager accountable for safety in the facility

  • Who is the QSHE representative for the facility?

  • Issue 2 - expanded the original foundation questions to focus and expand the importance of risk assessments. Standard responses included for original foundations questions to reduce repetitive responses.

  • Issue 3 - inclusion of Staying COVID secure section

  • Issue 4 - 25 Feb 2021 Inclusion of Land based questions

General Safety Management

  • QSHE team is appointed as the H&S support for the facility. They are trained and competent to support site manager . QSHE Contact details: qshe@dbschenker.com or +44 2088314527

  • Is health, safety and environment awareness training conducted for every new employee and refreshed regularly based on local regulations

  • Are all accidents and potentials are communicated and discussed with all employees on regular basis?

  • Are detailed 8D investigations for major/significant accidents and identified trends carried out and documented?

  • Are fundamental safety aspects discussed during the daily shop floor/start up meetings (e.g. hazardous situations from other sites, benchmarks, informative short videos, refreshment of procedures, etc.)?

  • Does the site complete daily basis inspections of the workplace, for example gemba walks or from the QSHE 194 series? Provide evidence of site management involvement in this process.

  • A clear escalation path is defined to report accidents and potentials to Branch Managers via the incident reporting system (See QSHE SOP 041), as soon as reasonably practicable.

  • Accidents and potential statistics are reported by the QSHE Team to team leaders, supervisors and site manager on a monthly basis via the KPI packs

  • All accidents are reported on regular basis to the SMT via the KPI packs

  • Are any members of staff "Lone Working" at any point , day or night? (A Lone worker is someone who is working without direct supervision or contact with others for more than 20 minutes).

  • Is the QSHE SOP 044 Lone Working Process being followed?

  • Which lone working solution is being followed?

  • Detail which lone working solution is being used?

Rules and Behaviours

  • Are there clear floor markings for pedestrian walkways?

  • Do the walkways protect pedestrians from vehicle interactions?

  • Has anything been placed in front emergency exits, on pedestrian walkways or driveways?

  • Have staff or contractors been observed climbing on top of the goods/pallets/racks/forks?

  • Have staff or contractors been observed walking and standing under the load of the forklift?

  • Have staff been observed stopping at all blind spots, using horns and sirens and look for people working around?

  • Have staff or contractors been observed accessing other aisles through the racking

  • Have staff or contractors been observed using mobile phones only permitted marked areas?

  • Smoking including all forms of e-cigarette and vaping is forbidden in offices, warehouse and yard areas (Unless in dedicated outside smoking area).

  • Has a dedicated smoking area been identified?

  • Is the smoking area clean and maintained?

  • It is forbidden to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

  • Is there evidence of food and beverages being consumed in the warehouse? *Water can be consumed if contained in suitable receptical.

  • Are safety foundation rules visualized at the entrance to the warehouse and on the safety guide for the visitors (e.g. PPE, local rules, evacuation plan etc)

  • Are 3rd party drivers segregated from vehicle operations?


  • Has the task based risk assessment (QSHE 191) been completed for using this manual handling equipment?

  • Has the risk assessment been reviewed in the last two years?

  • Only licensed, trained and authorized employees are allowed to use and drive powered/industrial material handling equipment.

  • Is evidence of training available for the staff who are operating manual handling equipment?

  • Has a thorough examination/annual maintenance inspection been completed within the last 12monts and evidence available?

  • Have staff been observed reacquainting themselves with MHE, prior to use, regarding its technical and visual condition?

  • Has the the daily/pre-start inspection been completed for the MHE on iAuditor QSHE 146 (FLT) and/or QSHE 152 (VNA) for all operational equipment

  • Is access to powered/industrial MHEs controlled to make sure only authorized operators have access?

  • Have operators been observed wearing retaining devices (i.e. protective bars, seat belts, technical equipment, etc.).

  • Have operators been observed using mobile phones during MHE operations?

  • Have operators been observed routinely driving with raised forks. (unless engaged in pallet locating)

  • When driving with restricted field of view, have operators been observed driving backwards?

  • Have operators been observed standing or walking over forks, or on pallets carried by the forks?

  • Have operators been observed/heard using their horns when driving out of the racking aisles, at intersections and other critical areas (the procedure of reasonable usage should be based on risk assessment in place)?

  • When not in use, have the operators returned the MHE to the designated parking area with forks placed on the ground?

  • Do any FLT's require diesel/ LPG refueling?

  • Is the refueling area away from drains and gulleys and is there a spill kit available in the vicinity?

  • Is refueling completed outside the building, e.g. in the yard away from the warehouse?

  • Is there an accumulation of flammable materials in the refueling area?

  • Is the FLT switched off during refueling i.e. keys removed?

  • Has there been a risk assessment completed for this task?

  • Has this risk assessment been reviewed in the last two years?

Powered Pallet Trucks

  • Are PPTs (powered pallet trucks) used on site?

  • Is evidence of training available for the staff who are operating manual handling equipment?

  • Only licensed, trained and authorized employees are allowed to use and drive powered/industrial material handling equipment.

  • Has the task based risk assessment (QSHE 191) been completed for using the PPT?

  • Has this risk assessment been reviewed in the last two years?

  • Has the the daily/pre start inspection been completed for the operational PPTs on iAuditor (QSHE 145)?

  • Has the operator, before starting to work with PPT reacquainted themselves with its technical and visual condition?

  • Has a thorough examination/annual maintenance inspection been completed within the last 12monts and evidence available?

  • Have the operators been witnessed demonstrating suitable driving of a PPT including: (always being cautious of the wide swing of the PPT, keeping their body, especially feet and ankles on the platform, and when operating the PPT always face the direction of travel?

  • When not in use, have the operators returned the PPT to the designated parking area with forks placed on the ground?

MHE Batteries

  • Does the site have MHE with batteries that require charging?

  • Does battery charging takes place in a well-ventilated area?

  • Whilst charging MHE , confirm that NO potential sources of ignition are not present in the charging area, or build up of combustible materials

  • There are signs designating within the battery charging area ‘No smoking’ ‘No naked lights’ "No Food or Drink"

  • There are visible hazard warning signs present at the location, e.g. electrocution hazard warning

  • Is there any evidence of eating and drinking in and nearby the battery charging area

  • Is the battery charging area equipped with eye wash station and suitable fire extinguisher/-s

  • Are batteries changed on site?

  • Is there a safe system of work in place if and when batteries have to be changed.

  • Has the person responsible for changing the batteries had suitable training and instruction to carry out this task safely.

  • When charging vehicle batteries, follow the manufacturers instructions:

  • - ensure all electrical circuits are switched off before connecting/disconnecting batteries

  • - raise the battery cover to aid ventilation during charging; and

  • - wear the correct PPE where required (eg acid-proof apron, gloves and goggles or a visor) - NOTE only applicable for maintaining batteries.

Machines and Equipment

  • Only trained and authorized employees are allowed to use specific equipment

  • Has QSHE 163 equipment assessment(s) been completed iAuditor for the equipment that is being used on site? (e.g. Balers, Conveyors, Shrink Wrappers, Shredders etc)?

  • Is there an inventory list of equipment available (not including MHE)?

  • Has the task based risk assessment (QSHE 191) been completed for the piece of equipment being inspected?

  • Has the risk assessment been reviewed in the last two years?

  • Are safety manuals / summarized instructions for machines and equipment available on the site and visible?

  • Are there hazard labels on the machines and equipment and are they clearly visible?

  • Is regular planned preventative maintenance (PPM) carried out on machines and equipment by a qualified service person?

  • Before starting to work, does the operator reacquaint themselves with controls and visual condition of the equipment, reporting any faults to supervisor

  • Are Dock levelers used on site?

  • Has an annual inspection/ thorough examination been performed

  • Has a monthly dock leveler check been performed (QSHE 193)?

  • Are Shutter Doors used on site?

  • Has a monthly shutter check been performed (QSHE 118)?

Hand Tools

  • Have risk assessments been completed for the use of hand tools?

  • Have the risk assessments been reviewed in the last two years?

  • Are Safety knives being issued and used (no Stanley knives permitted)?

  • Can the user of a knife demonstrate correct technique?

  • Are hand tools stored adequately whilst not in use? (e.g. on a shadow board)

Loading and Unloading

  • Are all drivers denied internal access to the facility unless accompanied to welfare facilities

  • Is signage displayed outside in order to inform visiting drivers of the requirements and rules of the facility?

  • Is the warehouse and yard surface areas generally smooth and free from potholes, cracks/damage and other issues which could cause MHE to bounce, rock and list and potentially cause trip hazards for pedestrians?

  • Are there chocks under the wheels at each ramp?

  • The alternative solutions must be assessed by a member of the QSHE Department

  • What is the alternate solution to eliminate roll/ pull away?

  • Please detail the alternate solution to eliminate roll/ pull away

  • Pedestrians are not permitted to be present in the loading/ unloading area within the warehouse

  • Is there a pedestrian walkway in the yard, preventing pedestrians from interacting with trucks

  • Do the walkways protect pedestrians from vehicle interactions?

  • Ramps are well marked: both sides of the ramp should be marked with yellow/black stripe inside and outside if possible

  • Speed limits are adhered to across the site (indoors is between 7 to 10 MPH or KmPH)

  • Is there a one way system within the yard to reduce the number of reversing manoeuvers?

  • Is there capability (i.e. space) to implement a one way system in the yard?

  • Are reversing assistants supervising the manoeuvre of vehicles in the yard? (UK Only)

  • Are all standing trailers positioned on the dock levelers, supported by a trailer trellis/A-Frame or other suitable support?

  • Witnessed no pedestrian access to the warehouse via truck docks

  • Witnessed no climbing on and off truck docks

Storage Safety

  • Does the site have racking?

  • Was racking installed by certified suppliers?

  • Are certified suppliers consulted before any reconfiguration requirements, adding or changing height of beams?

  • Is there legible information on thorough/ annual examinations displayed on the racks?

  • Are the monthly racking inspection (QSHE 174) being carried out on iAuditor?

  • Is signage containing information referring to safe working loads of the racking displayed on the racks?

  • Are the racking uprights protected with visible bumpers that are complete and of good condition?

  • Is the weight on all pallets evenly placed?

  • Are pallets stored evenly across the racking beams?

  • Are any pallets overhanging the racking beams?

  • When products are stored above head height, are multiple boxes/cases/pallets wrapped/ secured to avoid products falling from height?

  • Are any damaged/ broken pallets placed in the racking?

  • Are there controls in place to avoid pedestrians working/ accessing the narrow aisles at the same time as a truck?

  • Are floor stacking rules of 10 pallets high internally followed?

  • Are pallets stored externally as a single tower greater or greater than 10 high

  • Is empty pallet storage external to the building based on risk assessment?

  • Are pallets stored away from the building, access areas and perimeter fencing?

Working at Height

  • Are ladders/ steps available on site?

  • Is there a ladder log available with all ladders or steps identified and tagged?

  • Are ladders certified to EN Standards (EN131 standard and/ or steps to EN14183)

  • Before starting to work with a ladder, does the operator confirms the suitability of the equipment and its visual condition?

  • Are operators trained and authorised to use ladders?

  • Is fall arrest equipment used on man up VNAs, mobile elevated work platforms etc?

  • Has the fall arrest equipment been thoroughly examined/ maintained within the last 6 months?

  • This equipment MUST be quarantined and not used until it has been inspected.

  • Are there any situations/ areas where of a drop more than 6 inches is not protected by a barrier?

  • Are colleagues, contractors, 3rd party drivers required to access trailers, i.e. working at height?

  • Has the drivers manual process DM SSW006 - accessing trailers been communicated?

  • Is there a risk assessment for accessing trailers?

  • Has the risk assessment been reviewed in the last two years?

  • Is any working at height being witnessed,

  • Who is carrying out this WaH

  • Has a WaH permit to work (QSHE 183c) been completed properly?

Emergency Preparation - Fire

  • Has a Fire Risk Assessment been completed for the facility by a competent person?

  • Has the risk assessment been reviewed within the last 12 months?

  • Who completed this Fire Risk Assesment

  • There is no accumulation of flammable material within the workplace

  • Is electrical equipment being regularly inspected?

  • Is the fire alarm regularly maintained?

  • Are suitable extinguishers, hydrants and hoses available, free from obstruction, regularly maintained and within expiry date?

  • Are Emergency Exits easily accessible, free from obstruction and signposted from all areas of the facility?

  • Is the evacuation plan (including utility shut off valves) available at the entrance to the facility and posted clearly around the building?

  • Is the assembly/ muster point/s determined, legibly marked and communicated?

  • Was the last evacuation exercise drill completed within the last 6 months and recorded on QSHE 127 on iAuditor?

  • Are there a suitable number of trained Fire Wardens across the facility as defined by the Risk Assessment?

Emergency Preparation - First Aid

  • Has a first aid provisions risk assessment (QSHE 168) been completed within the last 12 months?

  • Is there a 'First Aid Information Point' ?

  • Does the information point include emergency numbers?

  • Are there photos and names of trained First Aiders available?

  • Are there adequate first aid kits available and checked monthly on QSHE 141?

Dangerous Goods

  • Does the site have Dangerous goods stored on site?

  • Has a Dangerous Goods Risk assessment been completed by a DGSA?

  • Has this risk assessment been reviewed in the last 12 months?

  • Are there trained spill response personnel on site who carry out drills twice a year

  • What was the date of the last spill drill recorded on QSHE 127?

  • DGSAs

  • Is DG being stored in accordance with the separation and segregation rules?

  • Is the Spillage response equipment and necessary PPE available and checked monthly on QSHE 166?

  • Are Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for all DG products readily available?

  • Are there any tasks carried out on site that require the use of chemicals, (cleaning/lubricating etc)

  • Has a suitable hazardous materials (COSHH) assessment been completed QSHE 164?

  • Has this been reviewed within the last two years?

  • Are Dangerous goods transported from the site?

  • Are there contracts with hauliers to confirm that ADR trained drivers will be provided?

  • Are drivers assessed and confirmed as ADR trained drivers?

  • Do drivers have the adequate ADR equipment on their trucks?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are warehouse operatives wearing clean, suitable high visibility clothing?

  • Are warehouse operatives wearing suitable safety footwear?

  • Are there any tasks that eject any kind of material whilst the task is taking place.

  • Has this been noted in the risk assessment and are safety glasses/visor a requirement?

  • Are gloves required when any task could cause injury to the hands and the requirement is determined via a risk assessment?

  • Is Head protection required when any task could cause head injuries and is determined via a risk assessment?

  • Is there excessive noise in the area caused by routine activities or one off tasks? (Excessive noise can be determined without testing equipment by having to raise your voice to be heard 2 meters away)

Office Administration

  • Is evacuation marking and fire-protection marking available in the offices?

  • Are electric cables well-arranged and free from damaged

  • Are walkways clear of obstructions, clean and not slippery.

  • Do parking and external walking areas have a gritting program in winter months?.

  • Are employees witnessed holding the handrail on the stairs?


  • Is the standard of housekeeping adequate across the facility?

  • Is waste adequately streamed (Separated and Segregated with no contamination)?

  • While washing floor surfaces, are the wet floors indicated by -“Caution: slippery floor signs” until the surface is dry ?

  • Are welfare facilities adequate?

Safety of Visitors

  • Confirm that all cars are parked by reversing into clearly marked parking bays.

  • Do all visitors to the warehouse receive a safety guide containing basic information on the warehouse and site safety rules applicable therein + verbal safety instruction?

  • Are visitors escorted by DB Schenker host?

  • Have the contractors on site received an appropriate contractor induction by a competent member of staff

  • If required are permits to work being issued and suitably closed out when tasks are completed.

  • Are all visitors to the warehouse facility provided with protective clothing: a high visibility vest/ jacket and safety footwear? Additional equipment requirements (helmets, glasses, gloves, hearing protections) determined by risk assessment within the facility


  • Name and signature of inspector

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.