Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Emergency Operations Plan
Directions: Please assess the following areas and answer each question accordingly
The EOP Contains the Following Elements
Promulgation statement
Approval and Implementation
Record of changes
Table of contents
The legal basis for planning and carrying our emergency operations.
Identify the purpose of the emergency operations plan.
Identify who the plan applies to.
Explanation of terms
The EOP has an explanation of terms
Situation and assumptions
Maximum enrollment and employment figures for the school.
Information on students/staff with disabilities.
Reasonable assumptions.
Concept of operations
Describe school's overall approach to emergency operations.
Summarize the emergency responsibilities of the district/school
A statement about how and when the EOP will be implemented.
Definition of "action levels" and their implementation.
General sequence of events before, during and after the emergency situation.
Who will coordinate directly with local and State responders, and how the coordination will take place.
Address the response to a full spectrum of emergency situations.
Organization and responsibility
Describe the school emergency organization.
Describe the emergency responsibilities of the school staff,
Outline responsibilities for various emergency service functions and indicate who has primary/secondary responsibility for each.
Direction and control
Indicate the title/ position of those responsible for directing & controlling emergency response and recovery activities.
Designate a primary and alternate on-site Command Post.
Describe the local emergency facilities and summarize functions performed by each.
Summarize line of succession for key personnel.
Readiness levels
The EOP contains the function of readiness levels, who determines them, and describes the general actions to be taken at various readiness levels.
Administrative and support
Establish reference requirements for proper record-keeping.
Establish reporting requirements.
Establish post-event review requirements.
Plan development and maintenance
Outline the plan review and revision process.
Identify how the plan will be distributed.
Identify the title/position for who has the overall responsibility for the plan.
Annexes and attachments
Describe the details for a hazard specific emergency response needed in the annexes.
Describe special and unique needs generated by a particular hazard in the appendices,
Summary of Mutual Aid Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, and contracts.
Incident Command System Organizational Chart and Summary
Listing of schools and facilities.
Classroom teacher buddy lists.
Phone contact list or phone tree.
Emergency Operations Planning Team and Emergency Response Team contact list.
Emergency Contact Numbers
Resource Inventory
Sample School-Parent Letter.
Staff Skills Survey and Inventory
Master schedule
Emergency response drill procedures and log.
Distribution list
Security audit
Special needs students, faculty and staff.
The EOP has the following characteristics
Is multi-hazard in nature.
Utilizes Incident Command System and is NIMS compliant.
Is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
Was developed by a school safety planning team representative of all school staff.
Was developed with Law enforcement personnel as an integral part of the safety planning process.
Was developed with Emergency management personnel as an integral part of the safety planning process.
Was developed with Fire department personnel as an integral part of the safety planning process.
Contains a current Hazard Summary.
Contains a Vulnerability Assessment.
Contains a floor plan of the facility that is updated and current.
Floor plan contains detailed layout of all rooms and exits with room numbers.
Floor plan shows phone locations.
Floor plan shows location of emergency exits.
Floor plan shows location of utility shut off locations: electricity, gas, water, TV cable.
Floor plan shows location of fire extinguishers.
Floor plan shows locations of first aid kits.
Floor plan shows locations of AED(s).
Floor plan shows roof access points.
Floor plan shows fire hydrants and hoses access points.
Floor plan shows hazardous materials storage areas.
Floor plan shows where stairwells are located and stairwells are identified.
Floor plan shows sprinkler and alarm controls and shut offs.
The EOP contains a site plan that is updated and current.
Floor plan shows where master keys are located.
Site plan shows all building and structures and are identified or numbered.
Site plan shows utility easements and locations.
Site plan identifies fence locations and construction type.
Site plan identifies access areas for emergency vehicles.
Site plan shows school property boundaries.
Site plan includes proximity to potential hazards, i.e. highways, storage tanks, industry.
Site plan shows all portable classrooms with identifying number.
Site plan shows bus evacuation area.
Site plan shows athletic fields and playgrounds,
An updated copy of floor plans and site plans are provided to first responding agencies.
The school has an established chain of command that will handle emergency response.