Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Zone Substation
1. Station Reference Lists
Emergency phone list?
Distribution and station diagram up to date?
Monthly cyclometer report?
Battery check list?
Station log sheet?
Fire equipment location drawing?
Valid MSDS?
Valid asbestos register?
2. Station Security and Vegetation
Yard fences secured and undamaged?
Gates secured?
Are locks secured?
Emergency DC lighting functional
All AC lighting functional (e.g. rooms / yard)?
Vegetation clear of fence line?
Vegetation clear of plant and equipment?
Vegetation clear of buildings?
Station cleanliness (e.g. no tripping hazards, clean amenities)?
3. Batteries
Batteries (e.g. volts, positive, negative)?
Battery room exhaust fan serviceable?
Battery room eye wash modules in date?
4. Dangerous Goods
Are there any chemicals in use?
Are any hazardous materials and dangerous goods separately stored & labelled?
5. Floors and Aisles
Are floor surfaces suitable?
Are floors, stairs and aisles free from slip & trip hazards?
Is stock material stored safely?
Are aisles unobstructed?
Are aisles wide enough for the designed use?
6. Workstations
All station plant and apparatus serviceable?
Test transformer cooling systems?
Structural earth braids visually inspected and deemed serviceable?
Yard cable trench covers visually inspected and deemed serviceable?
Pressure guages and oil levels?
Any visible oil leaks?
Minimum oil sight levels are halfway?
No oil visible on indoor switchboards?
SF6 pressure guages OK?
No SF6 gas bottles left on site?
Barriers and signs legible?
Bunds clear of water, oil and residue?
Asset labels legible?
Access platforms serviceable for tap changers and winch cables?
All structures earthed at 2 diametrically opposed points?
PETE testing current as required?
Overall Audit Rating
- 1
- 1.5
- 2
- 2.5
- 3
- 3.5
- 4
- 4.5
- 5
- 5.5
- 6
- 6.5
- 7
- 7.5
- 8
- 8.5
- 9
- 9.5
- 10