Project Name
Conducted on
Number of Employees
Job Titles
Prepared by
Personnel (first and last name)
Audit Guidance: -All unsafe acts shall be stopped immediately. -Field Observations shall include photos for both safe and unsafe operations. Photos should be annotated with what the observer is focused on at the time of the audit. -Any item marked as a deficiency shall have a photo (if possible) and a detailed description. -All comments should identify those crew members performing the task correctly and/or incorrectly. -Equipment being inspected shall be listed and/or have a photo with the unit number displayed. -All audits shall be reviewed with the PIC prior to departure from the site. Corrective actions shall be assigned with due dates and noted on the audit. -Any audits being forwarded to the client shall be reviewed by more than one safety team member prior to being sent.
All audit findings shall have an assigned weight (1-4) assigned per the below matrix. Document the weighted number rating in the comment section associated with the applicable question.
When was the last time you were coached from a member of management on safety?
Prior to making a decision, do you think Likelihood or Consequences?
Human Performance tools observed and bieng utilized correctly?
Cell phone use by Supervision only?
Proper use of hand signals and flagging techniques? Spotters used appropriately?
Procedures and Documents
Entergy fatal five rules being complied with?
Tailboard/Job Hazard analysis completed?
Weekly/Daily inspection sheets complete?
Are SDS available for all hazardous chemicals on site ?
Displays and Labels
Is the work site properly marked and/or barricaded? (open troughs, trenches, stationary objects, around cranes, spoil piles marked 10' from leading edge).
Is appropriate signage in place on entry?
One call complete and adequate?
Controls in place prior to moving soil?
Secondary containment in place? Units parked away from waterways?
Spill kits available and stocked? Spill response understood and practiced? Spills reported?
Crew schedules identified and fatigue management addressed?
Schedules communicated for multiple operations?
Work Practices
Taglines when moving suspended loads?
Drop Zones properly barricaded when aerial work is being performed?
Are appropriate excavation and trenching techniques being used (shoring required if over 5 feet deep or in unstable soil)?
Confined Space hazards identified and controlled per OSHA 1910.146?
Are proper lifting/carrying techniques utilized?
Are proper pushing/pulling techniques utilized?
Are employees using 3 points of contact when ascending, descending, and climbing?
Are cell phones being use appropriately?
Is employee mindful of line of fire and pinch points?
Proper rigging, lifting, hand signals, and good communication being utilized?
Is the housekeeping good?
Work Planning
Job Plan (does everyone know duties)?Have the job hazards been identified, prioritized, and documented?Work area clearly defined on JSA?Has an effective control/mitigation plan for identified hazards been developed?
Ingress, Egress routes and parking areas communicated?
Severe weather contingency plan discussed and documented?
Has the emergency plan been documented and understood? (evacuation plan in place)
Were required Human Performance tools discussed/identified/used?
Is fall protection equipment in good condition and rescue plan in place?
If more than one crew present (contract or Entergy), lead(s) are identified and communication is occuring?
Animals, insects and plants mitigated?
Emphasis of schedule exceeding safe work?
Supervision interfacing with workers?
Supervision verifying the job hazard analysis/job plan is being followed?
Crew lead demonstrated leadership ability?
Powersafe complete and up to date
Crew Members qualified for task being performed?
Change Management
JSA updated periodically and whenever work task changes? Scope changes time stamped?
External Influence
Weather conditions discussed and documented?
Heat/cold mitigation plan in use and documented?
Public encrouchment on job site discussed and documented on JSA?
System/Equipment Operation
If work is being performed inside the substation or switchyard, is the gate locked or barricaded?
Are seat belts being used on applicable equipment while in operation?
Appropriate PPE and equipment for welding operations (FR clothing etc.)?
All PPE in good order and utilized? hard hat, eye protection, hearing protection, vest, footwear, gloves, face shield, chaps etc.
Cut resistant gloves utilized when stripping, cutting conduit or anytime sharp objects are present?
Arc flash protection being utilized (correct class)?
If applicable, 100% fall protection being utilized?
Personnel and Materials Management
Sufficient personnel assigned to task?
Adequate materials provided to complete task?
Equipment Selection and use
Is all equipment set up for safe use (outriggers set up properly as applicable)?
Are fire extinguishers on site, within date, and in good working order?
Skinning and Stripping tools utilized and in good condition?
Hot Sticks/shotguns inspected and in good condition?
GFI equipment and extension cords in good working order?
Are ladders (fiberglass only) in good condition and tied off as needed?
Ladders inspected prior to use and load rating tags applied?
Are guards in place on grinders, portable saws, etc?
Are the proper tools for the job being utilized, and are tools in good condition with no modifications?
Eye wash station or solution in good working order and readily available?
Short service employee's identified?
Timely response to known problems?
Policies, practices, procedures properly defined?
incidents/near misses reported in a timely manner?
Machine Maintenance/Testing
Unit photos
Has the crew performed and documented an inspection of the equipment prior to work to assure equipment is in safe operating condition?
Are safety/medical/first aid equipment/ goods on site and within date?
Di-electric testing on booms completed?
Slings and rigging properly inspected and adequate?
Back up alarms working properly
Is equipment damage/malfunctions recorded?
Design Configuration
Are appropriate DOT signs and cones in place?
Summary and signatures
Positive observations. List crew members and specific items they are doing correctly:
Inspectors signature
Crew lead signature