Title Page
Property Name
Conducted on
Inspected by
Weather Conditions
Is the property certified?
Are any biosecurity measures required?
What are they?
Add a map of the site (pre or post visit)
What is the purpose of the survey?
Supporting Literature For Guidance
FC Guidance - Restoration of Native Woodland on Ancient Woodland Sites
Woodland Trust - Restoring your ancient woodland: Guidance & training
Woodland Trust - Ancient woodland restoration: Survey & assessment of ancient woodland sites
Step 1 - Stand Notes
Give a brief description of the stand/features
Describe any management prescriptons carried out previously or in place
Tree species present
Shrub species present
Ground flora
Woodland structure
NVC type
Semi Natural Composition
- None
- 1-5%
- <20%
- 20-50%
- 50-80%
- >80%
- None
- 1-5%
- <20%
- 20-50%
- 50-80%
- >80%
Tree regeneration
- None
- 1-5%
- <20%
- 20-50%
- 50-80%
- >80%
What species are regenerating?
Are there any barriers to the regeneration establishing e.g. deer, shading etc?
What are the main barriers to regeneration?
Are there any invasive species?
What species are present?
What level of threat are the posing?
Risk of invasion of course vegetation
What species & from where?
Grazing/browsing damage
What grazing/browsing species are present?
Is a damage assessment required
Are fence repairs required?
Other comment
Soil Damage/disturbance
Water feature(s) condition
Step 2 - Assessment of Ancient Woodland Remnant Features
Woodland specialist flora
What is the extent of it
- Dominant
- Abundant
- Frequent
- Occassional
- Rare
- Absent
What plants are present
What is the threat category
- Critical (needs urgent remedial action)
- Threatened (unlikely to be lost in the short term but improvement necessary)
- Secure (robust condition, secure & likely to strengthen long-term)
Agent of threat (browsing, shading etc.)
Note any additional comments
What is the extent of it
- Dominant
- Abundant
- Frequent
- Occassional
- Rare
- Absent
What is the threat category
- Critical (needs urgent remedial action)
- Threatened (unlikely to be lost in the short term but improvement necessary)
- Secure (robust condition, secure & likely to strengthen long-term)
Agent of threat (browsing, shading etc.)
Note any additional comments
Relic Native Trees
What is the extent of it
- Dominant
- Abundant
- Frequent
- Occassional
- Rare
- Absent
What species are present
What is the threat category
- Critical (needs urgent remedial action)
- Threatened (unlikely to be lost in the short term but improvement necessary)
- Secure (robust condition, secure & likely to strengthen long-term)
Agent of threat (browsing, shading etc.)
Note any additional comments
What is the extent of it
- Dominant
- Abundant
- Frequent
- Occassional
- Rare
- Absent
What features are present
What is the threat category
- Critical (needs urgent remedial action)
- Threatened (unlikely to be lost in the short term but improvement necessary)
- Secure (robust condition, secure & likely to strengthen long-term)
Agent of threat (browsing, shading etc.)
Note any additional comments
Other notable features
Are other notable features present?
What are the features?
What is the extent of them
- Dominant
- Abundant
- Frequent
- Occassional
- Rare
- Absent
What is the threat category
- Critical (needs urgent remedial action)
- Threatened (unlikely to be lost in the short term but improvement necessary)
- Secure (robust condition, secure & likely to strengthen long-term)
Agent of threat (browsing, shading etc.)
Note any additional comments
Step 3 - Restoration Strategy (complete in the office)
Overall condition of the site (this must reflect the worst condition of any single remnant feature assessed in Step 2)
- Critical (needs urgent remedial action)
- Threatened (unlikely to be lost in the short term but improvement necessary)
- Secure (robust condition, secure & likely to strengthen long-term)
Work priority
- Priority 1 (Critical works to offset immediate threat, ASAP)
- Priority 2 (Pressing work to critical or threatened areas, ideally in 1 - 2 years)
- Priority 3 (Works in threatened stands that need to be completed in 1 -3 years)
- Priority 4 (Medium term works 3 - 5 years)
- Priority 5 (Longer term, 5 - 10+ years)
Site specific work proposals & justification for works/timescales
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Is this a repeat assessment?
If Yes, what is direction of change?
State reasons for selection
Give a brief description of the stand/features including details of overstory species, stocking density, shrub species, ground flora etc
What species are targeted for regeneration?
What areas of the stand are being targeted for regeneration (upload a map if available)?
What is the target density of regeneration?
What type of protection is in place?
- Deer fence
- Stock fence
- Rabbit/Hare fence
- Deer deterrent
- None
Is the fence still deer/stock/rabbit proof?
What action is required to rectify?
What is the timescale for completion?
Will a cull of deer/rabbits/hares be required once the repairs are complete?
Describe any management prescriptons carried out previously or in place
Describe the methodology adopted
Describe the results of the survey (density of regen, species, browsing etc)
Survey Conclusion
Has the target species & density been met?
Are the trees deemed to be established?
Note what further protection/work is required to aid establishment?
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Site specific work proposals & justification for works/timescales
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Timescale for completion (add Action & Date)
Is this a repeat assessment?
If Yes, what is direction of change?
State reasons for selection
What is the agent of threat (browsing, ground vegetation, light levels etc)?
What further protection/work required to aid establishment?
GIve a brief description of the site (ASNW, tree species, important features etc.)
What features are being monitored?
Give a description of what you observed (add photos)
Grazing/browsing damage
What grazing/browsing species are present?
Is a damage assessment required
Are fence repairs required?
Other comment
State what the problem is & describe the effect
State what, if any, action is required
Timescale for completion
- Immediately
- Within 3 months
- Within 6 months
- Within 12 months
- Review at a point in the future
Soil Damage/disturbance
Describe the damage/disturbance
State what, if any, action is required
Timescale for completion
- Immediately
- Within 3 months
- Within 6 months
- Within 12 months
- Review at a point in the future
Water feature(s) condition
State what the problem is & describe the effect
State any action required to rectify
Timescale for completion
- Immediately
- Within 3 months
- Within 6 months
- Within 12 months
- Review at a point in the future
Signature of surveyor
Date report completed