Title Page
Property name
If Other, site name
Site name e.g. Compartment No.
- Fencing
- Ground prep
- Maintenance
- Planting
- Roads
- Weeding
- Weevil spraying
- Mulching
Is the property certified?
Prepared by
Conducted on
Use current location?
General Site Details
Weather Conditions
- Hot
- Warm
- Cold
- Dry
- Wet
- Frost
- Snow
- Windy
Temperature (°C)
Condition of road/access?
State problem & action required?
Are Biosecurity (plant health) measure required?
Why & what measures are required?
Are the designated sites SAC/SSSI etc?
Name of site(s) & designation(s)
Are there any restrictions?
Any specific licences required?
Have they been obtained prior to commencement?
When will they be obtained?
Are operators aware of & adhering to restrictions/licence conditions?
What action requires to be taken?
Are there any protected species or habitats?
List species/habitats
Are there any restrictions?
Are operators aware of & adhering to restrictions?
What action requires to be taken?
Are Forest & Water Guidelines being adhered to?
Describe the issue
What action has been agreed with the contractor to rectify?
Are watercourses/water supplies present?
Are buffers marked off?
When will they be marked off?
Are operators adhering to buffers?
What action is required?
Utilities on site?
- None
- Powerlines
- Phone lines
- Gas
- Fibre Optic
Have exclusion zones been marked?
When will they be marked?
Has GS6 been carried out?
- Yes
- No
- Not required - nothing passing under line
When will this be done?
Public Access?
Are there any restrictions?
Is signage/diversion in place?
What action is required?
Are restrictions being adhered to?
What action is required?
Contractor Details & H&S
Contractor Details
Main contractor name
Name(s) of operator(s)
Are certificates of competence, first aid & insurance details held on file for all operatives?
When will certificates/insurance be obtained?
Justification for work continuing?
Health & Safety
Signage in place & in correct order?
What action is required?
Site paperwork & risk assessment available & being adhered to? Has paperwork been seen?
What is the fail?
What action is required?
Correct PPE available & being used?
What action is required?
Are there any new risks not covered by the RA?
State risk & action required
Is there any lone working & is this covered by the risk assessment?
- Yes lone working & NOT covered by RA
- Yes lone working & covered by RA
- No lone working
What action has been agreed with contractor to ensure worker safety?
Is lone working procedures in RA being adhered to?
What action has been agreed with contractor to ensure worker safety?
Are welfare provisions on site?
State type
When will it arrive & what is it?
Justify why not
- Fencing
- Ground prep
- Maintenance
- Planting
- Roads
- Weeding
- Weevil spraying
- Mulching
Is fence line marked out?
When will line be marked?
Are the strainers in?
Are strainers straight, firm & in correct place?
State action agreed with contractor
Are the posts in?
Are they straight, firm & correct depth?
State action agreed with contractor
Has rylock been hung?
Is it tight?
State action agreed with contractor
Stapled satisfactorily?
State action agreed with contractor
Lashing rods on?
State action agreed with contractor
Underbuild & watergates complete?
State action agreed with contractor
Gates hung?
State action agreed with contractor
Do they close & fasten securely?
State action agreed with contractor
Are sections marked?
How do contractors know what to repair?
Are sections marked for removal?
How do contractors know what to repair?
Are old materials neatly bundled?
Are materials being taken off site & disposed of correctly?
Where are materials to go?
Is the machinery in apparent good working order?
Can maintenance records be reviewed? What action(s) agreed with contractor?
Are fire extinguishers available in all machines & suitably pressurised?
- Yes - available & pressurised
- Available but NOT pressurised
- None available/only in some machines
State action agreed with contractor
Fuel stored safely in bunded containers & away from watercourses?
State action agreed with contractor
Is there any steep slope work?
Has appropriate method been selected & undertaken in a safe manner?
State action agreed with contractor to undertake work safely
Boundaries marked?
How does operator know where to work?
State type of ground prep
What is required spacing?
What are results of plots?
Spacing correct?
State action agreed with contractor
Spacing - how far apart should lines be?
Is the spacing correct?
What spacing has been achieved?
State action agreed with contractor
Ditches present?
Are they under 2 degree slope?
State action agreed with contractor to rectify
Is the water in them clean?
State action agreed with contractor to stop pollution
Do they connect to watercourses?
State action agreed with contractor to disconnect
Are there any silt traps or sumps?
Are they clean & functioning?
State action agreed with contractor
Are they required?
State why not
When will they be created?
Ground damage?
State action agreed with contractor
Is there any steep slope work?
Has appropriate method been selected & undertaken in a safe manner?
State action agreed with contractor to undertake work safely
Are trees on site?
Bare root or cells?
Do they require water?
When is this to be done & who by?
Are bags upright & closed?
Who will rectify & when?
How long have they been on site?
Are they stored in a sheltered place?
What is to happen with them?
Has planting commenced?
Trees planted correctly?
- Yes
- No - hockey stick roots
- No - not straight
- No - wrong planting position
- No - wrong spacing
State what action agreed with contractor
When will planting start?
Are treated trees being planted?
COSHH provided, PPE being worn & empty bags stored correctly?
State what action agreed with contractor
Are trees being fertilised?
Correct amount per tree?
State what action agreed with contractor
Fertiliser stored correctly & away from watercourses?
State what action agreed with contractor
Is there a deer fence?
Is it deer/stock proof?
Location of weakness
What action is required to correct?
Are gates being kept closed at all times?
Have contractors been told to close?
Why not?
Additional protection for broadleaves
Stake correct height & in straight & firm?
State what action agreed with contractor
Tubes flush with ground?
State what action agreed with contractor
Have they been added yet?
Canes being used?
Correct height & in straight & firm?
State what action agreed with contractor
Guards pushed into or flush with ground?
State what action agreed with contractor
When are they being added?
Any wildlife issues?
Describe the problem
Create & allocate action
Describe the work being carried out?
Type of weeding
- Hand
- Chemical
What type of weeds are the problem?
Is the specification for weeding been adhered to?
What action has been agreed with contractor?
Has there been any damage to the trees caused by weeding?
Describe the damage (take a photo)
What action has been agreed with contractor to prevent further damage?
What proportion of the site has been treated to date?
Has an ESRA been produced?
Are copies available on site and available to operators?
What action is being taken to get copies on site?
Has the paperwork been seen by operators?
Are all sections of the ESRA (PPE/RA/COSHH) being adhered to?
What is/are the failures?
What action/s have been agreed?
State action/s agreed with contractor
When will ESRA be completed?
State basis work has been permitted to carry on
What chemical is being applied?
- Blue Dye
- Glyphosate
- Propyzamide
- Asulox
- Other
Name of chemical & active ingredient
How are chemicals being stored on site & what are remedial actions agreed if storage is non-compliant?
Has an ESRA been produced?
Are copies available on site and available to operators?
What action is being taken to get copies on site?
Has the paperwork been seen by operators?
Are all sections of the ESRA (PPE/RA/COSHH) being adhered to?
What is/are the failures?
What action/s have been agreed?
State action/s agreed with contractor
When will ESRA be completed?
State basis work has been permitted to carry on
What chemical is being applied?
- Acetamprid
- Cypermethrin
- Blue dye
What is the justification for using Cypermethrin?
What spraying application is this in the current season?
MAX. 2 APPLICATION LIMIT PER SEASON - why is additional treatment being applied?
How are chemicals being stored on site & what are remedial actions agreed if storage is non-compliant?
What proportion of the site has been treated to date?
Have all trees in the area treated so far been sprayed?
State action agreed with contractor
Is the specification for treatment been adhered to?
State action agreed with contractor
Is the machinery in apparent good working order?
Can maintenance records be reviewed? What action(s) agreed with contractor?
Are fire extinguishers available in all machines & suitably pressurised?
- Yes - available & pressurised
- Available but NOT pressurised
- None available/only in some machines
State action agreed with contractor
Fuel stored safely in bunded containers & away from watercourses?
State action agreed with contractor
Is there any steep slope work?
Has appropriate method been selected & undertaken in a safe manner?
State action agreed with contractor to undertake work safely
What work is being carried out?
- New Road
- Improvements/upgrade (adding stone etc)
- Maintenance (pot holes, scraping etc)
Scotland - has Prior Notification/planning been approved? England - is a determination/planning consent in place?
Why not and what action is required?
If water crossings, is there a requirement for CAR registration?
Has this been obtained?
Why not & what action is required?
Are there roadside ditches present/being created?
Are they/will they be disconnected from watercourses?
State what action is being taken to avoid siltation risks
What type of traffic is the road designed for (HGV's, light vehicles etc?
Is the specification for the road being adhered to?
What has changed & has this been agreed with contractor?
Where is the stone coming from?
Was an EIA Opinion required?
Has this been obtained & permits the quarry to go ahead?
State reason for not obtaining
Is there any blasting required?
Has a blasting licence been obtained?
What is justification for work continuing?
Has the blasting been done in accordance with the licence?
What were the failings & what action has been agreed?
Is the stone of the right specification/quality?
What is the problem?
State action agreed with contractor
What type of traffic is the road designed for (HGV's, light vehicles etc)?
What is the works specification?
Is the specification for the maintenance works being adhered to?
What has changed & has this been agreed with contractor?
If required, where is the stone coming from?
Was an EIA Opinion required?
Has this been obtained?
State reason for not obtaining
Is there any blasting required?
Has a blasting licence been obtained?
What is justification for work continuing?
Has the blasting been done in accordance with the licence?
What were the failings & what action has been agreed?
Is the stone of the right specification/quality?
What is the problem?
State action agreed with contractor
Is the machinery in apparent good working order?
Can maintenance records be reviewed? What action(s) agreed with contractor?
Are fire extinguishers available in all machines & suitably pressurised?
- Yes - available & pressurised
- Available but NOT pressurised
- None available/only in some machines
State action agreed with contractor
Fuel stored safely in bunded containers & away from watercourses?
State action agreed with contractor
Is there any steep slope work?
Has appropriate method been selected & undertaken in a safe manner?
State action agreed with contractor to undertake work safely
Boundaries marked?
How does operator know where to work?
Are all risks zones being observed?
In what way are they breached?
State action agreed with contractor
Ditches present?
Is the water in them clean?
State action agreed with contractor to stop pollution
Are there any silt traps or sumps?
Are they clean & functioning?
State action agreed with contractor
Are they required?
State why not
When will they be created?
Ground damage?
State action agreed with contractor
Site Notes
Site progress & observations
Action required & by whom?
Manager signature
Contractor signature