Service strike incestigation
Document No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Incident details
Date and time of incident;
Type of Incident
Name of Principal Contractor
Site Address that the incident took place.
Detailed description of location of incident (please be specific, plot numbers, etc).
Photos of various aspects of the location of the incident. Do not approach any damaged service in such a way that you may sustain Injury doing so.
Weather conditions.
- Clear
- Overcast
- Fog
- Snow
- Rain
- High Winds
- Extremely warm day
- Extremely cold day
- Dark (Low visibility)
- Below 0 degrees Celcius
First Aider
First Aid
Was first aid administered?
Detail what first aid was administered
Where the emergency services called?
Was the individual taken to hospital?
What information do you have at current time?
Plant/Equipment involved
Was plant/equipment involved in this incident?
Has all plant received weekly inspections?
Do all operatives involved have relevant qualifications to operate plant?
Who has been contacted, by who, and when?
Principle Contractor
Internal TW H&S
Next of Kin
HSE Informed?
Witness statements
Witnesses 1
Name and signature of the witness 1
Witnesses 2
Name and signature of the witness 2
Witnesses 3
Name and signature of the witness 3
Training Qualifications & Experience
Do all people involved hold relevant training cards/qualifications?
What training qualifications do relevant people have
Action: Short Term
Contributing causes of the Incident: (Inadequate training, Inadequate supervision. Employee not following correct safety procedures and instructions)
What was the immediate action taken to correct the issue (how was this done):
Who was the responsible party for correcting the issue:
Moving forwards
Lessons Learned:
What is the long term action needed to correct the issue:
Investigation Conclusions
Where does the fault fall, and why did this happen?
Person Completing Form (please sign below)
The above report a true reflection of the Incident to the best of my knowledge.