Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Educational Establishment

  • Inspection conducted on

  • Inspection carried out by:

  • FM staff Present:

1. Safety Critical Documentation

  • Is the Gas Boiler certificate available for review?

  • Is there any observations noted?

  • Have observations been closed off?

  • Is there a BIOMASS boiler on site?

  • Is the Biomass Boiler certificate available for review?

  • Is there any observations noted?

  • Have observations been closed off?

  • Is the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) available for review?

  • Does the EICR declare the overall assessment of the system as "Satisfactory"?

  • Legionella - Have monthly water hygiene checks been carried out?

2. Chemicals & Chemical Storage

Catering & Cleaning Chemicals

  • Are all containers clearly labelled with contents, hazards warnings, etc?

  • Are substances used/stored in minimum quantities and in secure cabinets or locked cupboards?

  • Is there a dedicated hazardous waste area?

  • Are emergency and clean up procedures readily available? Is training provided in the safe use of chemicals and on what to do in an emergency (spillage, poisoning, splashing etc.)? Look for signs

  • Are COSHH assessments available for substances used/stored?

Scientific, Technical & Other Chemicals

  • Are there any Scientific, Technical or any other chemicals present?

  • Are COSHH assessments available for substances used/stored

  • Are all containers clearly labelled with contents, hazard warnings, etc...

  • Are substances used/stored in minimum quantities and in secure cabinets or locked cupboards?

  • Are emergency and clean up procedures readily available? Is training provided in the safe use of chemicals and on what to do in an emergency (spillage, poisoning, splashing etc.)? Look for signs

  • Are COSHH assessments available for substances used/stored?

  • Other

3. Electrical Safety

  • Is there evidence of PAT testing?

  • Who carries out PAT Testing?

  • Is there any equipment that is missed off the PAT testing regime? (ICT equipment, catering equipment, other equipment?

  • Other

4. Emergency and Fire Precautions

  • Is there any EVAC Chairs present on site?

  • Have EVAC chairs been inspected and certified as safe to use?

  • Have sufficient number of staff had appropriate training in how to use EVAC chairs?

  • Are flammable/explosive materials stored in appropriate cabinets/facilities?

  • Have all actions in FSR closed off?

  • Fire Safety Risk Assessment outstanding actions

  • Please number the above according to itemised number on checklist - Folder located at "H:\Restrict\Health&Safety\Fire & First Aid\Fire & First Aid\Fire Safety Risk Assessments\FSRAs

  • Other

5. First Aid

  • Is there a first aid box and is it fully equipped and accessible to staff?

  • Are any of the contents past their sterile expiry date?

  • Is there a contents list?

  • When were the contents last checked?

  • Is it clear who the first aider(s)/appointed person(s) is/are and how to contact them? It should be evident in a sign

  • Have appointed first aiders carried out appropriate training and are their certificates in date?

  • Is there a list on display which shows staff /pupils who have specific allergies?

6. Gas Safety

  • Do staff know what to do if there is a gas leak?

  • Is there any CO detectors installed on site?

  • Are CO detectors installed where fuel burning appliances are located and other locations such as corridors with flues/chimneys?

  • Are all CO detectors interlinked?

  • Are CO detectors regularly tested and inspected?

  • Is there a comprehensive record of tests & inspections?

  • Do staff know what to do if there is a CO alarm activation?

  • Is there any proving unit linked CO2 detectors installed on site? (i.e. in technical departments)

  • Are CO2 detectors interlinked with gas proving units?

  • Are CO2 detectors regularly tested and inspected?

  • Is there a comprehensive record of tests & inspections?

  • Do staff know what to do if there is a CO2 alarm activation

  • Gas proving units may be present in all classrooms where there are gas supplies present (Technical classes, Science Classes, Home Economic Classes)

  • Are there gas proving units linked to ALL classroom gas supplies?

  • Are there gas proving units linked to SOME classroom gas supplies

  • How many classrooms DO NOT have gas proving units present (State how many and subject areas)

7. Machinery and Work Equipment

  • Do staff have the appropriate competences and/or trained to use machines/work equipment?

  • Has training been carried out within the previous 3 years?

  • Are all guards on machinery in place and well maintained?

  • Is all equipment regularly inspected and maintained?

  • Is there documented evidence of inspections & maintenance in the form of a machine/work equipment record/log book?

  • Are all staff trained to clean and adjust equipment safely?

  • Is there a procedure for reporting faulty equipment and for taking it out of use until repaired? Ask FM if they know

  • Has defective equipment been taken out of service awaiting repair?

  • Where applicable, has LEV and other tech machinery/equipment been checked in line with statutory requirements?

  • Is there any observations or issues noted with the LEV system?

  • Other

8. COVID-19

  • Is corporate signage in place? (posters etc.)

  • Is there a Test & Protect register in place when entering?


  • HSB engineering reports on plant, PUWER, LOLER logged observations

  • Please check in Dashboard any observations related to plant for the specified establishment. If necessary/relevant, include report or copy observation

  • Outstanding repairs to be actioned

  • Please check Estates spreadsheet

  • Please add a general overview of findings

  • Observations / Photos / Evidence

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.