Title Page

  • Site conducted
  • Educational Establishment

  • Inspection conducted on

  • Inspection carried out by:

  • FM staff Present:

1. Six Pack

  • Is there a six pack available for review?

  • Section 1 completed

  • Section 2 completed

  • Section 3 completed

  • Section 4 completed

  • Section 5 completed

  • Section 6 completed

  • Gas Boiler certificate included?

  • Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) included?

  • Is EICR Satisfactory?

  • Evidence of Legionella – Water checks being carried out?

  • Other

2. Access and Egress

  • Are vehicle and pedestrian routes separated and kept clear?

  • School entry gates secure and in good condition?

  • Are doors to restricted areas (e.g. plant room) secured?

  • Is a sign in/out process in place?

  • Are security systems adequate? Controlled access

  • Other

  • If you have stand-alone classrooms (portacabins)

  • Are access steps or ramps properly maintained?

  • Are access stairs or ramps provided with handrails?

3.a Outside of Building

  • Is there debris/not tidied/random things lying around perimeter/grounds, not secured?

  • Is the perimeter fencing in good condition?

  • Any protruding parts of the building obvious to sight?

  • Are manholes secure?

  • Are grass areas reasonably even and free of glass, needles etc?

  • Is play equipment well maintained and free from sharp edges or rough surfaces?

  • Has the Building Manager and Senior Education staff carried out school playground inspections using P05 H&S School Playground and Equipment Inspection?

  • Has the Building Manager and Senior Education staff carried out school playground inspections using P05 H&S School Playground and Equipment Inspection?

  • Other

3.b Inside of Building

  • Are the windows in good working condition?

  • Are the doors in working condition? Attached to its hinges?

  • Are there any areas of the building in disrepair? Moulded walls, paint chipping off?

  • Other

4. Asbestos

  • Has any Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) or Presumed ACMs been identified at the establishment?

  • Are any areas containing asbestos identified and marked?

  • Are materials containing asbestos in good condition/sealed?

  • Is a copy of the asbestos management plan readily available?

  • Is the Building Manager aware of sharing the AMP with contractors if they have to work in areas where asbestos might be present?

  • Does the Building Manager know what to do if there is a disturbance of asbestos?

5. Chemicals

  • Are all containers clearly labelled with contents, hazards warnings, etc?

  • Are COSHH assessments available for substances used/stored?

  • Are emergency and clean up procedures readily available? Is training provided in the safe use of chemicals and on what to do in an emergency (spillage, poisoning, splashing etc.)? Look for signs

  • Are substances used/stored in minimum quantities and in secure cabinets?

  • Other

6. Cleanliness

  • Are work surfaces, walls and floors kept tidy and clean?

7. Electrical Safety

  • Is electrical equipment, tools, etc checked and maintained (in-date); and sockets not overloaded?

  • Are plugs and leads in good condition?

  • Evidence of PAT testing?

  • Are socket outlets at least 1m away from running water?

  • Is there a procedure for reporting faulty equipment and for taking it out of use until repaired or replaced? FM staff should know

  • Is access to electrical cupboard secured and free from combustible items?

  • Is access to electrical system restricted to authorised persons?

  • Is there a warning sign displayed? Is there an electric shock first aid poster displayed?

  • Other

8. Emergency and Fire Precautions

  • Are escape routes clear of obstructions?

  • Are exit doors free from internal/external obstruction?

  • Are evacuation notices displayed adjacent to alarm call-points and key locations?

  • Are fire drills held at least twice a year?

  • Is the alarm audible?

  • Are extinguishers where they meant to be sited? Looks for any signs of moving them about or to hold doors

  • Are emergency instructions displayed throughout the workplace?

  • Is rubbish safely disposed of? Check outside where bins are located

  • Are flammable materials stored in appropriate cabinets/facilities?

  • Are escape routes/exits clearly marked and illuminated ? Look for the green man light

  • Is there emergency lighting in place?

  • Have all actions in FSRA closed off?

  • If no, see FSRA section for outstanding actions

  • Have sources of ignition been identified (portable fan heaters, etc.) and where possible replaced with safer alternatives?

  • Other

9. First Aid

  • Is there a first aid box and is it fully equipped and accessible to staff?

  • Is it clear who the first aider(s)/appointed person(s) is/are and how to contact them? It should be evident in a sign

  • Are staff aware of our policy for administering medicines? It is separate from First Aider's role

  • Are First Aiders available at all times the establishment is occupied?

  • Is it covered for school hours?

  • Is there an appointed person when the first aider is not available?

10. Lighting

  • Is the lighting suitable for the task, especially for intricate work?

  • Are stairs and corridors etc properly lit?

  • Is there adequate natural light (are windows clean)?

  • Are light diffusers clean?

  • Other

11. Lifting, Manual Handling and Storage

  • Is mechanical moving and handling equipment (trolleys) available and used whenever possible?

  • Where mechanical assistance is not possible, are staff trained in safe lifting techniques, and is there enough space to use them?

  • Are heavy items stored at a convenient height to suit the user?

  • Is frequent or prolonged stooping, stretching or reaching above shoulder height, or sideways twisting of the body avoided?

  • Ask staff (education and non-education) on site about some of their MH tasks at hand and how they feel about it. Insert Comments:

12. Gas Safety and other fuel burning appliances

  • Is there any gas or other fuel burning appliances on site?

  • Are staff trained to use gas appliances safely?

  • Do staff know what to do if there is a gas leak?

  • Do staff know what to do if there is a CO alarm activation?

  • Are CO detectors installed where fuel burning appliances are located and other locations such as corridors with flues/chimneys?

  • Are CO and or CO2 detectors regularly tested and inspected with records?

  • Are plant rooms and meter box/housings free from combustible material. Is there a gas meter box key?

  • Do all fuel burning appliances have inspection records, Oil, LPG, Solid fuel, Biomass?

  • Are staff trained about the risk associated with Biomass boilers and are there RAMS/Procedures present?

  • Are manufactures instructions for all appliances available on site?

  • Other

13. Storage Areas

  • Is racking/shelving in good repair, inspected and the load capacity clearly labelled where appropriate?

  • Is the weight of loads known and/or clearly marked?

  • Other

14. Machinery and Work Equipment

  • Do staff have the appropriate competences and/or trained to use machines/work equipment?

  • Are all guards on machinery in place and well maintained?

  • Is all equipment regularly inspected and maintained?

  • Are all staff trained to clean and adjust equipment safely?

  • Is there a procedure for reporting faulty equipment and for taking it out of use until repaired? Ask FM if they know

  • Has defective equipment been taken out of service awaiting repair?

  • Other

15. Noise

  • Are noise levels acceptable or are adequate controls implemented to mitigate to an acceptable level?

  • Check for noisy plant or contractors on site

  • As a last resort, are earmuffs or plugs provided, and are they regularly checked, cleaned and maintained and stored in a clean and safe place?

16. Space

  • Is there enough space for staff to undertake their tasks safely and comfortably?

  • Other

17. Personal Protective Equipment

  • Is appropriate PPE provided effective, comfortable, well-fitting and used?

  • Is PPE stored in a clean and safe place?

18. Slips, Trips and Falls

  • Are floors and stairs in good condition and kept dry and clear of obstructions?

  • Are trailing leads and cables secured or covered?

  • Are guardrails, handrails, edge protection etc in place and in good repair?

  • Other

19. Risk Assessments

  • FM staff on site have their own RAs and are aware of them? Have they received training?

  • Are risk assessments in place for physical activities, outdoor activities and other non routine activities? Templates are available on the hub or contact the H&S team.

  • Other

20. Working at Heights

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out on all work from heights and are the measures required being used?

  • Has access equipment received a pre-use safety check? (e.g. ladders)

  • Is there a ladder asset register and evidence of a detailed inspection regime?

  • Are steps or ‘kick-stools’ available and used appropriately?

  • Is a window-opener provided for opening high-level windows?

  • Other

21. Ventilation and Temperature

  • Is the temperature comfortable and does it reach at least 16°C ?

  • Are there stagnant areas evident when walking around? Example cloakrooms, etc

  • Are windowless rooms still able to get ventilated? Check mechanical ventilation/extractor fans are on/working

  • Are ventilation systems to remove fumes, steam etc working and used properly?

  • Is there an adequate supply of fresh air?

  • Are staff able to control ventilation in the room they are working in by using windows/high level windows, trickle vents, mechanical ventilation/fans, etc.?

  • Other

22. Toilets and Washing Facilities

  • Are toilets clean and in good repair?

  • Are washing facilities (hot water, soap and towels) in good condition and maintained?

  • Is it clean, properly lit and ventilated?

  • Other

23. Vehicles On Site

  • Are traffic routes marked or signed?

  • Where possible, is there segregation of vehicles and pedestrians?

  • Is there designated parking?

  • Are there designated loading/unloading bays?

  • Are traffic warning signs and markings clear?

  • Other

24. Catering Kitchen

  • Have the kitchen appliances been inspected and in working order?

  • Have associated mechanical ventilation with interlock systems been inspected where applicable?

  • Are service certificates available?

  • Are the risk assessments and SSOW available for reference for staff?

  • Other

25. Secondary schools only

  • LEV and other Tech machinery/equipment in working order and has been checked including statutory requirements?

  • Other comments

26. Classroom, staffroom and Other

  • Is furniture in good condition and suitable for the size of the user, whether adult or child?

  • Are wall mounted fixtures, shelving, furniture etc. in good condition and secure?

  • Is portable equipment stable, eg a TV set on a suitable trolley?

  • Do office staff have enough working space?

  • Are hot surfaces of radiators etc protected where necessary to prevent the risk of burns to vulnerable young people?

  • Have trolleys been provided for moving heavy objects, eg computers?

  • Is there enough space in the staff room?

  • Is the health and safety law poster displayed?

  • Do staff know who are the school safety reps and how to contact them?

  • Do staff know how to submit a Near miss or accident form or how to contact the H&S Team?

  • Is there a H&S Poster available with HS1a forms or the H&S Team telephone number 0141 777 3210 or main EDC phone line and ask for H&S team?

  • Request the H&S team for poster and information by emailing Health.safety@eastdunbarton.gov.uk


  • Fire Safety Risk Assessment outstanding actions

  • Take a photo of paper copy on site or use FSRA in Fire & First Aid folder

  • HSB engineering reports on plant, PUWER, LOLER logged observations

  • Please check in Dashboard any observations related to plant for the specified establishment. If necessary/relevant, include report or copy observation

  • Outstanding repairs to be actioned

  • Please check with Building Manager is there are outstanding repairs that have been logged on Repairs Hub and awaiting response, if they have a date, please make note of date against action

  • Please add a general overview of findings

  • Observations / Photos / Evidence

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.