
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


STEP ONE: (If all three are checked, it is a Permitted - Confined Space)

  • Is the space large enough for an employee to bodily enter and perform work?

  • Are there limited means of entry or exit?

  • Is it NOT designated for continuous occupancy?

STEP TWO: (If ANY one hazard is present, it's a "PERMIT-REQUIRED" Confined Space)

  • Is there a potential for an atmospheric hazard?

  • Is there a potential for an engulfment hazard?

  • Is the space so configured that it poses a hazard?

  • Is there any other recognized hazard (not listed here)? If Yes, list.

ATMOSPHERIC HAZARDS ......................REQUIRED PPE and/or Equipment.......................RESCUE/ENTRY PROCEDURES

  • Oxygen Deficiency (<19.5%)?

  • Flammable Materials?

  • Toxic Substances?

  • OTHER Hazard? If Yes, List.

  • Monitoring Equipment Required? If Yes, List.

  • Ventilating Equipment Required? If Yes, List.

  • Communication Equipment Required? If Yes, List.

  • Is a Rescue Team on site?

  • Is an Off-Site Rescue Team on Standby? If Yes, list who & where.

  • Is a retrieval system required and/or available?

  • Are wristlets required and/or available?

  • Is a Tripod & safety harness required and/or available?

  • Are Communication Devices Required and/or available?

  • Is an Emergency Call list available?

  • OTHER requirement not identified? If Yes, List.

ENGULFMENT HAZARDS ......................REQUIRED PPE and/or Equipment.......................RESCUE/ENTRY PROCEDURES

  • Is there a potential for Flowable Materials?

  • Are Hard Hats required and/or need to be available?

  • Is Eye Protection required and/or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Is Hearing Protection required and/ or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Are Gloves required and/or needs to be available? IF REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Is special Safety Footwear required and/or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Is Respiratory Protection required and/or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Is Special Clothing required and/or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

CONFIGURATION HAZARDS ......................REQUIRED PPE and/or Equipment.......................RESCUE/ENTRY PROCEDURES

  • Are there downward sloping floors?

  • Are there inwardly converging walls?

  • Is Special Lighting required and/or needs to available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Are Explosion-Proof or Spark-Proof Tools required and/or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Is Special Electrical Personal Protective Equipment required and/or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Are Ladders required and/or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Are SDS (Safety Data Sheets) required and/or needs to available?

  • OTHER requirement NOT listed:

  • Is cleaning or purging required?

  • Is Ventilation required and/or needs to be available? If REQUIRED, list type(s).

  • Is Isolation and/or Block & Bleed required?

  • Is Testing and/or Monitoring - Oxygen (19.5 - 23.5%) required?

  • Is Testing and/or Monitoring - Flammable (<10% LEL) required?

  • Is Testing and/or Monitoring - Toxics (<PEL) required?

  • Review of applicable SDS (Safety Data Sheets) required?

  • Is a HOT WORK PERMIT required?

  • OTHER requirement NOT listed?

OTHER HAZARDS ............................REQUIRED PPE and/or Equipment............................RESCUE/ENTRY PROCEDURES

  • Are there Mechanical Hazards? If Yes, list.

  • Are there Electrical Hazards? If Yes, list.

  • Are there Wet/Slippery Conditions? If Yes, Explain.

  • Are there Heat and/or Cold Safety Concerns? If Yes, Explain.

  • Is there a potential for Reduced Visibility? If Yes, Explain.

  • Is there a Noise Concern? If Yes, Explain.

  • OTHER Hazardous Concern NOT listed?


  • Photograph of Space #1 OPTIONAL

  • Photograph of Space #2 OPTIONAL

  • Photograph of Space #3 OPTIONAL

  • Photograph of Space #4 OPTIONAL

  • Can the space be locked or sealed?

  • Is it possible to eliminate all the hazards without anyone entering the space?

  • Permanently?


  • Ground Safety Rep

  • Concur

  • Fire Protection Rep

  • Concur

  • Bio-environmental Rep

  • Concur

  • Group Commander

  • Concur

  • Wing Commander

  • Concur

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.