Conducted on
Prepared by
Lab Inspection
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Lab Emergency Information (LEI) door card posted
Since Month/Year
Hot surfaces and equipment labeled
Since Month/Year
Appropriate hazard signs posted
Since Month/Year
PPE required posted
Since Month/Year
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Aisles and exits kept clear and accessible
Since Month/Year
Heavy items stored on lower shelves
Since Month/Year
No storage within 18" of sprinkler heads
Since Month/Year
Sinks kept clean and uncluttered
Since Month/Year
Pest traps are available and free of pests
Since Month/Year
General Safety
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Safety shower accessible
Since Month/Year
Eyewashes accessible
Since Month/Year
Weekly eyewash activations completed by department
Since Month/Year
First Aid Kit available and stocked
Since Month/Year
No evidence of food or beverages present
Since Month/Year
PPE is available
Since Month/Year
PPE is being used
Since Month/Year
No evidence of tripping or slipping hazards
Since Month/Year
Clothing appropriate for laboratory
Since Month/Year
Fire extinguishers mounted and accessible
Since Month/Year
Fire extinguishers monthly inspections are up-to-date
Since Month/Year
Spill kit available
Since Month/Year
Chemical Safety
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
All chemical containers properly labeled
Since Month/Year
Chemical containers in good condition
Since Month/Year
Chemicals stored to avoid incompatibilities
Since Month/Year
Chemical containers are kept closed
Since Month/Year
Corrosives stored in plastic trays or acid cabinets
Since Month/Year
Hazardous chemicals stored at or below eye level
Since Month/Year
Peroxide formers, shock sensitive, reactives are dated and disposed of upon expiration
Since Month/Year
Flammable liquid storage is within the limits for each floor according to the LEI card and benchtop storage is within the following limits:<br>B1: IA < 6.6 gal & comb < 20 gal<br>2: IA < 15 gal & comb < 45 gal<br>3: IA < 6.6 gal & comb < 20 gal<br>4: IA < 1.5 gal & comb < 5 gal
Since Month/Year
Secondary spill containment being used (plastic containers)
Since Month/Year
Flammables are stored in flammable cabinet
Since Month/Year
Chemical storage within fume hood is limited/restricted
Since Month/Year
No open flames or source of ignition near flammable storage areas
Since Month/Year
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Generated Regulated Medical Waste is contained in the appropriate waste containment
Since Month/Year
Contaminated sharps are disposed of into sharps containers
Since Month/Year
Sharps containers are not more than 3/4 full
Since Month/Year
Autoclave efficacy log is up-to-date
Since Month/Year
Other sharps disposed of in a sturdy puncture-resistant container
Since Month/Year
BSC certifications are up to date
Since Month/Year
Compressed Gases
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Gas cylinders adequately secured
Since Month/Year
Valve caps in place when regulator is off
Since Month/Year
Cylinder labeled for contents and hazards
Since Month/Year
Oxygen cylinders separated from flammable gas
Since Month/Year
Hoses and tubing in good condition
Since Month/Year
EPA Compliance
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Accumulation containers are clearly marked as "Hazardous Waste"
Since Month/Year
Waste is stored in a designated area which is posted
Since Month/Year
Waste is stored in secondary spill containment
Since Month/Year
Containers are compatible with waste and are in good condition
Since Month/Year
Waste inventory is up-to-date
Since Month/Year
Waste is not venting off in fume hoods as means of disposal
Since Month/Year
Waste containers are not more than 3/4 full
Since Month/Year
Laboratory and Safety Equipment
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Fume hoods are clear of obstructions both in front and behind
Since Month/Year
Safe operating sash height is marked
Since Month/Year
Fume hood has been tested annually
Since Month/Year
Flammable cabinet is in good condition
Since Month/Year
O2 monitors have been calibrated quarterly
Since Month/Year
O2 monitor sensors have been replaced annually
Since Month/Year
All equipment is in good working condition
Since Month/Year
Portable ladders and step stools are in good working condition
Since Month/Year
Refrigerators/freezers are clean and free of frost
Since Month/Year
Refrigerators/freezers, lab microwaves, coolers are labeled "No Food/Drink"
Since Month/Year
Refrigerators/freezers that are not meant to contain flammable liquids are marked with "No Flammables"
Since Month/Year
Moving parts, pinch points, belts, etc. are guarded
Since Month/Year
If hot work is being conducted, hot work permit is posted
Since Month/Year
There is no evidence of combustibles in or near hot work area
Since Month/Year
Electrical Safety
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Electrical panels are accessible and closed
Since Month/Year
Extension cords are only used temporarily
Since Month/Year
Power strips are used correctly (no piggy-backing)
Since Month/Year
Electrical cords are in good condition (i.e. not nicked or frayed, grounding pin intact)
Since Month/Year
GFCI outlets are working correctly
Since Month/Year
Cover plates on electric outlets and switches in place
Since Month/Year
Radioactive Safety
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Radioactive materials labels on door, refrigerators, equipment, etc.
Since Month/Year
Radioactive materials are stored securely
Since Month/Year
Radioactive waste properly stored and labeled
Since Month/Year
Radioactive materials are in labeled containers
Since Month/Year
Work areas and radioactive sink demarcated
Since Month/Year
Work areas covered with absorbent paper
Since Month/Year
Inventory logs current
Since Month/Year
Incidental sink disposal log present
Since Month/Year
Laser labs are posted at entrance
Since Month/Year
Lasers are labeled with class & hazard warnings
Since Month/Year
Eye protection appropriate for the laser is present and worn during operation
Since Month/Year
Additional Items
For any lighting/plumbing/maintenance issues noted on the report, please submit a CARS request via the CARS website or by calling (608) 263-3333.
Additional Item
Since Month/Year
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Since Month/Year
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Since Month/Year
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Since Month/Year
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Since Month/Year
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Since Month/Year
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