Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

TSA/In-Room Dining Ordering

  • Answer phone within 3 rings

  • Use guest name during call

  • Ask how many in party

  • Inform guest of the specials and/or house specialties (lunch/dinner)

  • Provide recommendations of menu items, if asked

  • Quote estimated delivery time

  • Repeat back complete order to guest, including any special requests and condiments mentioned by guest

  • Upsell additional items (e.g. side order, dessert)

  • Inform guest that gratuity is included on the check, if applicable

  • o It is acceptable if server informs guest of included gratuity when presenting the check

  • Offer additional assistance

  • Express appreciation (e.g. “Thank you”, “It was a pleasure”)

  • Provide proper closing (e.g. Enjoy your meal, Have a pleasant day/evening, Goodbye)

  • Mention own name during interaction

  • If guest makes a special request employee must Not just say “No” but use a polite denial, e.g. “I am afraid that we are unable to do that at this time”

  • Offer alternatives that may help meet the need in another way

In-Room Dining Service

  • Delivered on time

  • o Continental breakfast/coffee - within 15 minutes of placing order

  • o All other orders - within 25 minutes of placing order

  • Quoted accurately:

  • o Within 5 minutes of actual delivery time

  • Knock three times and repeat until response is given

  • o Announce their department when knocking

  • Make immediate eye contact, smile, and acknowledge guest (guest will be looking at you through the peephole)

  • Provide a proper greeting and/or salutation

  • o e.g. "Good morning, my name is …… with In-Room Dining, Mr. Smith, may I enter your room?"

  • Provides eye contact and smiles throughout the warm welcome

  • Request permission to enter room

  • Use door stop to keep door open during entire delivery

  • Bring newspaper in with breakfast order, if outside door

  • Use the guest's name throughout interaction

  • Asks where to position table/tray

  • o Offer to position chairs and tables, if applicable

  • o Removes plastic wrap from items, as applicable

  • o Offers to adjust viewing angle of television, if applicable

  • Review order with guest by taking cover off each item in turn, confirming:

  • o Order accuracy

  • If order inaccurate:

  • Server assumes correction is required (e.g. "I'll get that missing soup for you")

  • o Special cooking/preparation instructions (e.g. dressing on side, no sauce), if applicable

  • o Temperature (e.g. medium-rare), if applicable

  • Offer to present the wine, if bottled

  • o Present bottle to guest

  • o Allow guest to taste wine

  • If approved, wine is poured without picking up wine glass

  • Explain tray pick-up card or gives verbal instructions for tray pick-up

  • Remove previously used dishes and utensils from room, if applicable

  • Employee must offer a service/solution/opportunity to meet an anticipated need (items below are suggestions, not requirements)

  • o Adjust TV and provide guest with remote control

  • o Offer to adjust lighting to create a dining ambiance

  • In-Room Dining order must minimally be delivered As ordered

  • o All items requested

  • o No incorrect items

  • o Items prepared as requested, if applicable (e.g. steak medium-rare)

  • With accompaniments (e.g. sugar, bread basket)

  • With appropriate service items (e.g. soup spoon for soup)

  • Check must be Accurate and complete

  • Presented inside a Ritz-Carlton folder with a Ritz-Carlton pen

  • o Hotel-specific folders acceptable

  • Offer further assistance to the guest (“Is there anything else I may assist you with?”, “Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your stay more enjoyable”,

  • Demonstrate appreciation (e.g. “Thank you,” “We appreciate you ordering in room dining,” “It was a pleasure”)

  • Provide a warm & sincere closing (e.g. “Enjoy your stay,” “Enjoy your afternoon”, “have a pleasant evening/afternoon”)

  • Mention own name at any time during encounter

  • Employees are expected to provide a service experience that positively influences emotional engagement

  • Tray must be removed from room/hallway within 2 hours of delivery, or

  • within 15 minutes following guest's call for removal

IRD Menu and Set Up

  • Table/cart must be level and stable

  • Table setting minimally must Be clean and in good condition

  • ·   Bud vase/arrangement is neat, fresh and presentable (optional)

  • ·   Flatware - free of tarnish/wear

  • ·   Condiments served in appropriate containers (e.g. ramekins, miniature bottles)

  • o      No full sized bottles or portion packs, except for sweeteners

  • ·   Linens neat (if applicable)

  • o      A damper or pad must be placed under all table cloths

  • ·   Napkins - pressed all-cotton or linen

  • ·   Salt and pepper shakers are present

  • Food and beverage presentations must Be of high quality and fresh

  • Adequate in portion size

  • Delivered at right temperature (cold/hot/warm)

  • Properly prepared (well-done, salty, etc.)

  • Show attention to detail and visual appeal

  • Cold beverage served with fresh garnish

  • Menu must offer The Ritz-Carlton Cake and/or offer it as a daily special

  • A specially designated, age appropriate menu for children must be available and minimally Include items made with organic, hormone free, preservative free ingredients

  • o These items must be designated on the menu

  • Include a minimum of one (1) gluten-free item

  • Have a flat price including entree and beverage

  • o Must note that children under 2 eat free

  • Have five (5) healthy options

  • Not list soda/soft drinks in the children's section

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.