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690-2 Aircraft Operations Audit Checklist
1. Air Operator Certificate
The Operator holds a valid AOC which includes up-to-date Ops Specs.
2. Management of Personnel
Operator has competent and experienced personnel in key management positions
4. Drug and Alcohol Policy
The Aircraft Operator has a documented policy on the use/abuse of alcohol, medicines, and <br>narcotics
5. Automation
The automation procedures contain requirements for the appropriate use of automation to <br>reduce cockpit workload and increase standardization.
6. Helicopter Terrain Awareness Warning Systems
The Aircraft Operator has documented procedures for the use of Helicopter Terrain <br>Awareness Warning Systems (HTAWS)
7. Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems
The Aircraft Operator has documented procedures for the use of Airborne Collision Avoidance <br>Systems (ACAS).
8. Helicopter Flight Data Monitoring
A Helicopter Flight Data Monitoring (HFDM) programme is in place.
9. Helicopter Performance Class
All offshore CAT operations are carried out in the appropriate performance class.
11, 12 & 13 Flight Crew – Experience, Quals & Medical
Ensuring flight crew are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate training, <br>qualifications, knowledge, skill, and experience.<br>The operator demonstrates flight crew meet the required experience and qualification levels <br>by entering at the appropriate stage in the process.
16. Composition of Flight Crew
Two pilots operate the aircraft
17 to 20. Flight Crew Fatigue Management
Table 17-1: Maximum flight times<br> Period (consecutive days) 1 7 28 365<br> Maximum flight time in period for dual-pilot crew (hours) 10 45 120 1200
18: The maximum Flight Duty Period (FDP) is 14 hours.
20: After a day duty period, each pilot has at least 12 hours rest prior to being rostered for night <br>standby duty.
21 & 22. Aviation Weather
All CAT flights are conducted under IFR, unless Visual Flight Rules (VFR) is a safer option, <br>or when IFR flight is not possible.
An adverse weather policy has been developed by the Company (Client) in conjunction with the aircraft <br>operator.
23, 24, & 25. Helidecks
The Aircraft Operator only uses moving helidecks when the reported motion is within limits for <br>the helicopter.
26 to 29. Flight / Fuel & Offshore Alternates Planning
The Aircraft Operator has established flight / fuel and offshore planning procedures
30 & 31. Flight Procedures & Sterile Cockpit
The Aircraft Operator has developed appropriate flight & sterile cockpit procedures
32. Flight procedures - Helicopter Stabilized Approaches
Stabilized approach procedures are documented that define when to conduct a missed <br>approach or abort a landing if deviation criteria for a stabilized approach are not met.
35. Flight Following
Flight following is achieved by Air Traffic Control (ATC) delivered radar, voice or electronic <br>surveillance. A satellite flight following system is installed that records aircraft position <br>when the aircraft is outside an effective ATC surveillance service
37. Bird Strike Avoidance
In the area where bird strike risk is identified, mitigating actions are implemented by the <br>aircraft operator including documented defined, speed and altitude limits and the use of <br>personal safety equipment, if appropriate.
39 & 40 Flight Crew Training & Recency
The Aircraft Operator has a documented type and role programme for recency and absence of <br>flight crew
41. Flight Crew Training – Recurrent Training and Maintenance Check Flights
All pilots receive recurrent training and checking to the standards of the NAA, including a <br>six-monthly aircraft OPC.
The aircraft operator develops a specific training program for complex Maintenance Check <br>Flights (MCF), appropriate for the complexity of the aircraft and the level of the MCF <br>required.
43 & 44. Use of Flight Simulation Training Devices
Flight Crews conduct training in suitable Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs) every six months
46 to 51 Other & Role Specific Training
The Aircraft Operator has a CRM and DG training programme in place for all crew
Flight Crew are HUET and trained on the use of Compressed Air Emergency Breathing Systems (CA-EBS)
When loading or unloading passengers from helicopters with rotors running, a member of <br>the flight crew remains guarding the controls and only performs cockpit duties related to the <br>identification of external hazards and passenger movement around the aircraft.
Aircraft Operations - Findings & Observations