Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

General Information

General Information

  • Name of Applicant

  • Address of Applicant

  • Date of Inspection

  • Place of Inspection

  • Registration Marks

  • C of A Category

  • Helicopter Manufacturer

  • Date of Manufacture

  • Type of Helicopter

  • Helicopter Serial No.

  • Total Airframe Hours

  • Helicopter Serial No.

  • Total Airframe Hours

  • Total Airframe Cycles

  • Hrs/Cycs. Since Last C of A Renewal

  • Engine Manufacturer

  • Engine Designation

  • Main Rotor Blades Manufacturer

  • Main Rotor Blades Designation

  • Tail Rotor Blades Manufacturer

  • Tail Rotor Blades Designation

Engines, Rotor Details:

  • Engine TBO/TBI

  • Rotor TBO/TBI

  • Rotor Scrap Life/ Time to Life limit

Engine 1

  • Serial Numbers

  • Total Engine Hours

  • Total Engine Cycles

  • Hrs. to Overhaul/Shop visit

  • Cycles to Shop Visit

Engine 2

  • Serial Numbers

  • Total Engine Hours

  • Total Engine Cycles

  • Hrs. to Overhaul/Shop visit

  • Cycles to Shop Visit

Main Rotors

  • Serial Numbers

  • Total Rotor hours

  • Hours since Overhaul

  • Date Fitted

Tail Rotors

  • Serial Numbers

  • Date Fitted

  • Total Rotor hours

  • Total rotor Cycles

  • Hours since Overhaul

  • Hours since Overhaul

Aircraft Documents

  • Last Major Maint. Certificate of Release to Service

  • Current C R S (if different from 1 above)

  • Certificate of Insurance

  • Radio Station Licence

  • Weight and Balance Schedule

  • AD’s and SB’s Compliance Status

  • Compliance Status with Aircraft Maintenance Programme

  • Minimum Equipment List (MEL) Approval page &<br>MMEL Rev. Status

  • Technical Records – Complete and Updated

  • Log-Books Entries Update and Certification

  • Rotorcraft Flight Manual Revision Status

  • Approval of Aircraft Maintenance Programme

  • Manufacturer’s Documents (AMM, SRM, WDM,<br>etc.)Available and current

  • Production or Flight Test Report (For First of its type) on<br>Nigerian Register or as applicable

  • Technical Log-Book up-to-date

  • Allowable Deferred Defects Clearance

  • A/C Ageing Programmmes &Corrosion Control Program<br>Compliance

  • Aircraft Instruments and Avionics Equipment Form

  • Aircraft C of A Issue / Renewal Status Report

  • Standby Compass Swing Status

  • Helicopter life limited component status

  • List of Avionics Equipment(issue only)

  • History of Accidents/Reportable Incidents Statement

  • Dent and Buckle Mapping

  • Last Flight Data Recorder Data Readout

  • Noise Certificate (issue only)

  • Certificate of Airworthiness (or Export C of A)

  • Manufacturer Delivery Documents (If New) (issue only)

  • Electrical Load Analysis (as applicable)

  • Approved LOPA and Safety Equipment Layout(issue only)

  • Modification and Repairs Record

  • Aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) (issue only)

  • FDR Data Frame Layout Information Available

  • Annual examination of the recorded signal on the CVR

  • Statement of Compliance with Nig. CARs Part 7 (Issue<br>only)

  • Airworthiness Review Report by CAMO (every 6 months)



  • Cockpit Placards – (e.g. Flight Manual Helicopter airspeed and power plant limitations, MEL Placards) - Check presence and legibility

  • First Aid Equipment – Check presence of and adequacy of contents. (Note: Do not open if<br>sealed).

  • Sliding Window (Push out Window)

  • Safety belt and shoulder harnesses – check condition, type approval, proper operation,<br>expiry date, etc.

  • Life jackets (if applicable):- condition, expiry date etc.

  • Crew compartment lights.

  • Blackout curtains / sun visors.

  • Fire extinguishers – expiration date.

  • Torch Light

  • Radio Altimeter – date of last functional check (as per requirements)

  • Check completeness and currency of Helicopter documents aboard, viz;

Onboard Library

  • Certificate of Registration.

  • Certificate of Airworthiness

  • Helicopter technical log.

  • MEL and Configuration Deviation List (CDL).

  • Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and Opspecs, if required

  • Noise certificate

  • Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM)

  • Category II or III Manual, as applicable

  • NOTAMs briefing documentation

  • Mass and balance documentation

  • Radio station licence

  • Insurance certificate

  • Maintenance Release

  • Forms for reporting of MOR to the Authority.

  • Function Check Mandatory equipment visible:

Function Check Mandatory equipment visible:

  • FDR (must be digital )

  • CVR

  • GPS (Navigation database up to date)

  • Radio Altimeter

  • GPWS (Terrain and Obstacle database up to date)

  • ELT 406Mhz (Check battery validity, that ELT is registered, copy<br>hexadecimal Code)


  • Passenger Door and other exits – Check for proper markings and operation.

  • Emergency and other exit lights (including floor lights) – check proper for functioning.<br>

  • Access to emergency exits – Check seat reclines with emergency exit door clearance.

  • Cabin crew and passenger safety seat belts – Check for type approval, condition, proper<br>operation, expiration date, etc.

  • First Aid equipment – Content, expiry date and locations.

  • “No Smoking” and “Fasten Seat Belts” signs available and legible.

  • Fire extinguishers – numbers and expiry dates.

  • Life jackets and Life rafts (if applicable) – Check for proper location, expiry dates etc.<br>

  • Door Safety Straps (if available).

  • Emergency instructions on all seats and “life jacket under your seat” sign displayed (if<br>applicable).


  • Registration Markings:<br>(i) Tail boom: must be on both sides.<br>(ii) Fuselage: (or equivalent structure): must be on either side of the structure.

  • Identification and Data Plate (location and condition/ legibility)

  • Engines :- check security and condition of cowlings, nacelles, air intakes, fire access<br>panels, main gear box etc.<br>- check for leaks (fuel, oil, etc.)<br>- check for presence of fuel and oil specification markings.<br>

  • Swashplate, pitch change rods, Main rotor blades, scissors links etc. check for condition, physical damages

  • Check for evidence of leakage of hydraulic and other fluids

  • Passenger Door Markings.

  • Windshield/ Canopy – Check for proper installation and cracks, evidence of delamination etc.

  • Nose cone/ radome – Check condition, evidence of paint stripping, delamination, pitting etc.

  • Fuel and hydraulic fluid specification markings.

  • Towing angles markings.

  • Floats – “NO STEP” etc. condition and location.

  • Nose/Flood Lights (serviceability)

  • Nitrogen – Cylinder replenishing points and instructions, expiry date and quantity.

  • Markings for static vents.

  • Condition of the landing gear/skid gear

  • Condition of:<br>(i) Main rotor blades.<br>(ii) Tail rotor blades (including check of static discharge wicks)

  • Horizontal stabilizer – Check condition and stabilizer datum and range markings (if any ).

  • Condition of the fuselage and tail planes/tail boom/tail guard.

  • Baggage hold loading instruction labels: Check for presence of and the compartment door for security.

  • Tail rotor drive shaft fairings – for safety and condition. Check tail rotor gear box for leaks

  • External lights – Navigation.<br>Landing - Check for proper functioning of<br>Anti collision

  • Markings and Placards in accordance with AMM/AFM (check for presence and legibility)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.