Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Pre-Visit Work

  • Have ready for review or scan and upload, email prior to arrival. 2 weeks to visit community request - deadline for email = 3 business days before arrival

  • 1. Have team members participated in a building evacuation/fire drill within the last 12 months. Drill conducted within 45 days of a facility move.

  • 2. New team member participated in an evacuation drill within 30 days of employment.

  • 3. Post disaster evaluation forms drill/evacuation completed within last 12 months. Disaster documents available for review

  • 4. Safety meeting and local training rosters are available for review.

  • 5. Most recent self-inspection and improvement plan available for review. (Paper or digital – keep rolling 6 months)

  • * 6. Are 4 most recent Pest control reports available?

  • 7. Are the 4 most recent Ecolab reports available?

Safety Checks

  • 8. Locally developed Emergency Evacuation Route/Map

  • 9. Emergency Procedures Flip Chart - Completed with current management information, available at each entrance.

  • 10. Appropriate exit signs

  • 11. Emergency lighting signage identifying all emergency lights.

  • 12. First aid signage posted by first aid kits

  • 13. Current hazard communication SOP (unless located within SDS binder) SOP-SVC-US-0046 on NA site

  • 14. Chemical solutions and or Hazardous substances are clearly labeled with hazard and expiration dates and stored properly. (e.g. EcoLab chemicals)

  • 15. Any chemical solutions that is taken out of its original container must be properly labeled with the product in the bucket/container and have a HMIS/WHIMS label (includes cleaning cart buckets).

  • 16. Chemical spill kit is available, and employees know how to use it. *Only needed at SVC that have laundry facilities* (Check shelf life)

  • 17. Fire extinguisher signage identifying fire extinguisher locations ABC fire extinguishers, mounted, identified and fully charged. Annual tag documented with monthly check dates.

  • 18. Eye Wash Station has identifying and visible posting, drains properly, covers and unit are clean and calcium free – eye wash station weekly checks correctly documented on the eye wash tag.

  • 19. Processing area has appropriate slippery floor or equivalent posting for when there is a potential for wet/slippery floors.

  • 20. All used batteries are stored properly in closed plastic container with vented lid.


  • 21. Geotab telematics device installed and working.

  • 22. Service Consultants know how to view previous DVIR in Geotab Drive. Hard copy DVIR on file for 90 days.

  • 23. Check prior day's DVIR report for Pre/Post trip Inspections. Verify there are no missing inspections when comparing to truck trips in GeoTab.

  • 24. If using hard copy DVIR, required DVIR in vehicle:<br>Previous driver DVIR<br>Current driver DVIR

  • 25. All required team members compliant with use of Truce.

  • 26. Vehicle maintenance up to date – no past due PMs or required inspections.

  • 27. Vehicles have a binder with all the required documents. Refer to SOP-SVC-US-0079-A, B or C for required documents.

  • 28. Driver qualification: have all drivers show you their license and medical certificate. Are all compliant?

  • 29. PPE located in vehicle along with First Aid Kit.

  • 30. Fire Extinguishers are in cab and fully charged; emergency triangles are available.

  • 31. Truck cab, exterior and cargo areas are clean and all equipment loading and functioning.

  • 32. Required equipment to secure frames is available, including foam for truck sides.

  • 33. View all truck cargo area postings.<br>Loading Inventory Diagram<br>Wall Position Loading Diagram<br>Proper Use of Ratchet

  • 34. Observation of product loaded appropriately.

  • 35. Dirty/clean product is clearly identified and separated.


  • 36. Warehouse and Common areas are clean and organized. <br>*Clear evidence of bi-monthly mopping in warehouse; weekly cleaning of common areas. <br>*All trash bins and laundry carts have clean liners and/or plastic liners are replaced daily. <br>*Evidence of daily mopping and trash bins emptied in Processing area.

  • 37. T-Card System is being used correctly. Initialed and dates showing.

  • 38. Evidence of appropriate signage in all locations. i.e. Dirty, Processing, Ready, etc.

  • 39. Quality processing observation of team member. If Contract Worker, have they been trained correctly?

  • 40. All products not currently be worked on are appropriately covered; blue for dirty/clear for clean.

  • 41. Processing carts have needed supplies, are neat and labeled. Correct HMIS for One Step process.

  • 42. Team members are wearing appropriate PPE. Are they removing it before leaving the Dirty and Processing areas?

  • 43. Tools/Test equipment are appropriately stored in Processing and Repair areas and available for use.

  • 44. Weights are labeled and verified---100g weight available if needed (only for Roto-Rest).

  • 45. Mattress tester has current PM label and correct log is in use.

  • 46. (if required) Steri-Fab sprayers have marbles for proper disbursement. Correct log being used and completed correctly. Law labels available.

  • 47. All parts are easily viewed and clearly labeled.

  • 48. Repair area and parking bays are clean and orderly.

  • 49. Random Check of Ready assets:<br>*Product is clean and covered with clear plastic.<br>*Copy of Service Order Inspection Lot found on product.<br>*QRG attached/ QR codes appropriately located.<br>*Blue return cover included.<br>*Correct labels on product; LOOK for new Arjo Rental Sticker AND Secondary Serial number labels. Refer to WI-SVC-US-0210.<br>*Battery and PM dates are not expired/past due.<br>*Box units are in clear plastic bags on top of the plastic bed cover w/Service Order Inspection Lot visible.<br>*Beds are in Transport configuration; Collapsed to transport length, mattress deflated and siderails lowered on Citadel, Frame is lowered.

  • 50. Down Unit Tag check – product handled appropriately within requirement timeframe. Products in repair must be covered in clear plastic with a copy of the completed Service Order Inspection Lot and Down Unit Tag indicating the required repair and any parts ordered.

  • 51. Random check with team member on knowledge of how to find: controlled procedures, SDS website or other online tools. List team member name and action performed below:

  • 52. 5S- SCORE * Scoring: * 5 points- 90-100 * 4 points- 80-89 * 3 points- 70-79 * 2 points- 60-69 * 1 point- 50-59 * 0 points- 49- 0

  • 53. Employees understand customer complaint process - how service swaps are handled?

  • 54. Overall, any notable observed issues? Or are there any observations/findings from the most recent Audit which have either not been corrected or have resurfaced?


  • 55. Review MyMediset / Reservation Monitor for any issues. What are the daily practices for managing open and aging orders? WI-SVC-US-0122

  • 56. Review IW73 / IW72 for any pending order issues. What are the daily practices for managing open and aging orders?

  • 57. Are all products in dirty storage found in the report? What is the process for reconciliation?

  • 58. Box units needing repair have been shipped to designated depot and transferred correctly in SAP. (Weekly basis) If Box units are still in SVC do they have a correctly completed Down Unit Tag and Service Order Inspection Lot including FTRE Boxes and are they Simple Repairs?

  • 59. Product disposal – check paperwork and SAP SO for correctness. No evidence of scrapped products >60 days repair.

  • 60. Use Quarterly SAP Review using WI-SVC-US-0141-A. The review includes: 2 FTRE which includes the RE3, ZRCE and the ZSR. <br>1 ZSM with the attached ZRCE. 1 Box repair order which may include the RE3, ZRCE and the ZSR and if the Box was shipped to the San Antonio repair depot. <br>There may be some variation depending upon service orders available for review.

  • 61. Team members demonstrate knowledge and skill with all required SAP transactions. Are Contract Workers present? Do they have an SAP Login and have they been trained to transact a Hygiene order? Review hygiene transactions, truck movements, SO transactions and overall documentation.


  • Completed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.