Audit Number
Assessment Type
Employee Name
Employee Phone
Office Manager
Conducted on
Prepared by
The recommendations made by the Enterprise Risk Management Office are strictly advisory,
intended to inform employees and their supervisors of proven proactive measures which can help an employee avoid or reduce workplace discomfort. Workstation changes, if any, need to be coordinated with your facility/building personnel. All equipment mentioned may be found in your supply room or through your supply clerk, through the Surplus warehouses (DSHS & DES), or may be purchased.
Backrest provides enough support for the employee's lower back (Lumbar Area).
Seat width and depth accommodate employee.
Seat cushioning has rounded front edge.
Armrests support both forearms while employee performs computer tasks and does not interfere with movement.
Seat height is set at an appropriate height, so the legs are comfortable.
Does the chair fit the employee?
Work Area
Employee's Height:
Type of Desk
Current desk height
Ideal desk height
Current desk height
Ideal desk height
Current desk height
Ideal sitting desk height
Ideal standing height
Current desk height
Ideal sitting height
Ideal standing height
Current desk height
Ideal sitting height
Ideal standing height
The workstation has sufficient adjustability and fit the employee.
Keyboard tray is set properly, stable and large enough to hold the keyboard and mouse.
Keyboard is appropriate for the work being done.
Mouse or trackball is located next to the keyboard so it can be operated without reaching
Mouse is easy to activate, and shape/size fits the hand of the employee.
The keyboard tray, keyboard and mouse fit the employee.
Top of the screen is at or below eye level so the employee is able to read it without bending head or neck.
Employee with bifocals/trifocals is able to read the screen without leaning head, neck, or body forward or backward.
Monitor distance allows employee to read the screen without leaning head, neck, or body forward or backward.
Monitor position is centered directly in front of the employee to reduce twisting of the head or neck.
Does the employee use a document holder?
Document holder is stable and large enough to hold documents that are used.
Document holder is placed at about the same height and distance as the monitor screen so there is little head movement.
Wrist rest is padded and free of sharp or square edges.
Wrist rest allows employee to keep forearm, wrists, and hands straight and parallel when using the keyboard/mouse.
Telephone can be used with head upright and shoulders relaxed if employee does computer tasks at the same time.
A headset is provided to use with the telephone.
A footrest is provided.
Additional Comments