
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Is management reviewing and addressing LPD exceptions at least weekly?

  • Is management using LP Dashboard employee reports to identify high risk exception transactions and engaging with team members?

  • Are high risk products being identified via the LPD?

  • In reviewing the Top 100 Unsaleable (1506) Claim items in LPD, are there any products with unusually high claim activity (% to sales percentages)?

  • Does management have a corrective action plan for products with a high percentage of claims?

  • On the 4 week pharmacy price modify report from LPD, were the top 10 modifications processed using the correct price modify reason code?

  • Are SDLs processed for all price modifies with an SDL reason code?

  • Has the Price Modify report been reviewed by management for the last 5 days?

  • Are Auto Ledger Reconciliation (ALR) exceptions reviewed and responded to in a timely manner?

  • For the last 3 months was the EOM inventory for cigarettes properly completed?

  • Are at least quarterly inventory counts for liquor being completed?

  • Have any large negative variances in cigarettes or liquor been researched or investigated?

  • Is management reviewing and acting on exceptions in the Cash Management system?

  • Is the store following the standard cash management practices, including ensuring proper accountability during pickups, drops, and banking procedures?

  • If the store carries stamps, are they posting receipts and accounting for them properly?

  • Is the store following proper manufacturer coupon procedures?

  • Does management utilize the shoplifting incident on-line form to report shoplifting incidents?

Sales Floor

  • Are high risk product losses being addressed using appropriate levels of protection?

  • Are HRP protection devices installed properly?

  • Are call buttons installed adjacent to all locked merchandise?

  • Is any private label product locked up?

  • Checking 10 regular items with a telxon, does the scanned price accurately reflect the shelf price?

  • Checking 5 ad items with a telxon, does the scanned price accurately reflect the ad price?

  • Are there any full cases of cigarettes on the sales floor or behind registers that have not been merchandised and are accessible by customers?


  • Are proper vendor receiving procedures being used by store staff? (i.e. merchandise counted, returns not mixed with new product, rear door used, etc.)

  • Is the store staying current with their Unsaleable Merchandise (1506) claims?

  • Are empty packages correctly scanned using the Empty Package function and not being processed as a 1506 claim?

  • Are items that were damaged in transit being identified and handled as such when receiving and not included in a 1506 claim?

  • Are cigarettes being received properly?

  • Is liquor being received properly?

  • Is the store processing warehouse returns in a timely manner?

  • Has a claim been created in the system for any items set aside for return in the stockroom?


  • Is the pharmacy using the Auto RX Vendor Return report that is auto-printed every Wednesday morning to identify and return items to the vendor?

  • Is the RXM regularly monitoring negative adjustments through the LPxRx report and Negative Received v. Sold report to identify unexplained adjustments and contacting DLPM as needed?

  • Is there a binder for refused controlled substance prescriptions based on Good Faith Dispensing practices and has a copy of any refused prescriptions been faxed to the local DEA office?

  • Has the bin reconciliation been completed weekly for the past 90 days and is the report being retained?

  • Have the prescriptions appearing on the bin reconciliation report been investigated with appropriate action taken and documented on the report?

  • Are the CII drugs checked in immediately upon receipt by the pharmacist on duty and then secured in the CII cabinet?


  • Are store expense items primarily ordered from the warehouse?

  • Are any items taken from the sales floor for store use properly tagged and does management follow the correct procedures to account for them in the inventory?

  • Indicate the name(s) of the manager the walk results were reviewed with.

  • Additional Comments

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