Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Review Applicable Information
Review parts 43 and 145.
Review the RSM/QCM.
Review OpSpecs.
Review SPAS.
Review VIS.
Review the CHDO file.
Identify the Process/Task to be Inspected
Identify the process/task to be inspected and identify the documents (i.e., task cards, work orders, maintenance/component maintenance manuals) that will verify the use of approved or accepted data, materials and/or tools.
Inform air agency management personnel as to what particular process/task will be observed during the inspection.
Inform air agency person in authority of the inspection criteria and the areas that will be verified. Note: During the inspection pay particular attention to any deviations from approved data or procedures.
Conduct the Process Review - Verify the following if applicable to the process
Procedures, Methods and Systems
Determine whether procedures/methods/systems have been prepared for all process.
Determine whether procedures/methods/systems reflect the technical data contained in appropriate maintenance manuals or other approved documents.
Determine whether procedures/methods/systems define accept/reject criteria, required tools, test equipment, inspection equipment, details of method of inspection to be performed, and tolerance limits, as applicable.
Determine whether procedures/methods/systems denote and detail the function to be performed, sequence of operations, and inspection points to ensure proper handling of products from one station to another through all phases.
Determine whether procedures/methods/systems have been approved, controlled, and documented after revisions are made.
Determine whether procedures/methods/systems maintain traceability after completion of all operations.
Inspection Systems
Determine that inspection records (indicating the number of inspections made, conformance or non conformance, and the action when the product is non conforming) are maintained.
Determine that when required, re-inspection/retests are performed following rework.
Determine that assemblies are inspected for conformity before closure.
Determine that all required inspections and tests have been satisfactorily accomplished before final acceptance of the completed products/parts.
Determine that personnel performing required inspection item inspections for an air carrier are identified and authorized by the air carrier.
Determine that inspection personnel are not exceeding their area of authority.
Determine that internal audits are conducted to verify compliance with FAA approved or acceptable data and appropriate procedures.
Technical Data
Verify that personnel are provided with current technical data and changes.
Verify that inapplicable, inappropriate, illegible, or obsolete data is removed from areas of potential use.
Verify that non-destructive inspection (NDI) processes are reviewed for conformance with FAA approved data.
Verify that process specification changes are submitted to the FAA for evaluation and approval.
Verify that tags, forms, and other documents used are controlled.
Major Repairs and Alterations
Verify that if the task involved is a major repair or major alteration that FAA approved data was used to accomplish the task.
Verify that authorized individuals referenced in the operator's Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) 36 procedures manual have approved SFAR 36 data used for major repairs.
Verify that the scope of the SFAR 36 authority has not been exceeded.
Verify that Designated Engineering Representative (DER) approved data has been documented on FAA Form 8110-3, Statement of Compliance with the FAA, and the revision level is correct.
Verify that the DER is authorized by the residing Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) to approve the data.
Verify that any FAA approved data procured by the repair station for use on 14 CFR part 121, 125, 129, and 135 aircraft is in accordance with the air carrier's manual.
Materials and Parts
Determine whether the materials, test records, and standards used in NDI are identified and controlled.
Determine that when required, special identification and controls for materials or parts are identified and are in place before the materials and parts are used.
Determine that when required, special handling and storage requirements for materials and parts are identified and used.
Determine whether there is traceability of material or parts received from distributors and that the records of receiving inspection data is retained and list the name, part number, quantity, and inspection results.
Tools and Test Equipment
Verify that when required, special tools and test equipment are identified and used for an operation or process.
Verify that calibration records are maintained for all tools and test equipment requiring calibration.
Verify that the facility's personnel are trained appropriately for their assignments.
Additional Considerations (if applicable)
Verify that shift turnover procedures are in place and are being complied with.
Verify that adequate numbers of personnel trained, qualified, and authorized to perform the specific task are available throughout the maintenance process.
Verify that as work is routed through the facility, it flows through the process with no interruptions due to personnel, facilities,or parts/materials availability that might affect airworthiness.