
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

General Review

  • Have any and all issues from the previous inspection been addressed?

  • Was the previous inspection reviewed prior to starting this inspection?

  • Is the First Aid Kit easily accessible and Properly Stocked?


Entryway, Lobby, and Dining Rooms

  • Is the menu case clean/secure and are the displayed menus current?<br><br><br>

  • Are any stair railings clean and secure?<br>

  • Are any steps undamaged and free of debris and grease/dirt build-up?<br>

  • Is entranceway area clean and free of trip hazards?<br>

  • Are all lights and bulbs throughout the entranceway working correctly?<br>

  • Do any and all exterior doors work properly and lock?<br>

  • Are front doors working properly?<br>

  • Is flooring in lobby area clean and in sound condition?<br>

  • Are all lights and bulbs in the lobby and desk area working correctly?<br>

  • Is the phone working properly and is emergency/important contact information close by?

  • Are the phone ringers set to correct volume?<br>

  • Is the area free of pest presence/infestation in the lobby area?<br>

  • Are all ceilings/walls/and vents in the lobby area clean?<br>

  • Do we have business cards available at the front desk?<br>

  • Are all dining room tables level, stable, clean, and in good condition?

  • Are all dining room chairs/benches level, stable, clean, and in good condition?

  • Is dining room floor clean and in sound condition?

  • Is flooring beneath all dining room tables clean?

  • Are all table appliances [shakers, caddies, baskets] clean and in good condition?

  • Are all POS terminals clean, dusted, stable, and in working order?

  • Are side stations clean and organized?

  • Are waste receptacles on the dining floor and in the stations clean and in good condition?

  • Are brooms/dustpans clean and in good visual/physical condition?

  • Are there any signs of pest presence/infestation in the dining room?

  • Are dining room service station shelves and doors in good condition?

Guest and Staff Rest Rooms

  • Are bathroom fixtures [toilets, sinks, faucets] functioning, clean, and in good condition?

  • Are all restroom aroma dispensers loaded and functioning?

  • Do all restroom faucets dispense hot water?

  • Are soap and towels readily available in all rest rooms, including back-up supplies?

  • Are all rest room soap and towel dispensers working properly?

  • Are rest room mirrors in good condition, clean and undamaged?

  • Are countertops clean and in good condition?

  • Are changing tables in good condition?

  • Are all appropriate rest room signs displayed and in good condition?

  • Is the area free of pest presence/infestation?

  • Did we pour 1 gallon of water down each rest room floor drain to fill "P-trap"?

Patio Areas

  • Are ceilings/walls/vents clean?

  • Is the area free of pest presence/infestation?

  • Are all drains clean?

  • Is all flooring clean and in sound condition?

  • Are all general storage areas clean and in sound condition?

  • Are all required tables and chairs available for service?

  • Is the flooring beneath the table bases clean?

  • Are all ceilings/walls/vents clean?

  • Are tables level, stable, and in good condition?

  • Is the flooring clean and in sound condition?

  • Are chairs/benches clean, level, and in good condition?

  • Are table appliances [shakers, caddies, baskets] clean and in sound condition?

  • Are all POS terminals clean, dusted, stable, and in working order?

  • Are waste receptacles on the floor and in the stations clean and in good condition?

  • Is the area free of pest presence/infestation?

Coffee and Server Stations

  • Is all Shelving clean, stable, and properly secured?<br>

  • Are all ice bins spotless and draining properly?

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

  • Are all cut fruit/open perishables dated, labeled, and wrapped?

  • Is CO2 tanks properly secured and chained.

  • Do all coolers have working thermometers, and are all holding temperature below 40 degrees?

  • Are all gaskets clean and in good condition?

  • Are all cups/saucers/glasses and their storage areas clean, neat, and free of debris?

  • Are all bulbs and lights in the area functioning properly?

  • Are all coffee and tea makers clean inside, outside, and underneath?

  • Do all ice bins have proper ice scoops and do those scoops have proper holders?

  • Are all the B-in-B Soda boxes within the "sell by" date?


  • Are all bulbs and lights in the area functioning properly?

  • Are the ceilings/walls/vents clean?

  • Are all storage areas clean, well-organized, and stable?

  • Is flooring clean and in sound condition?

  • Do all coolers have working thermometers and are they all holding below 40 degrees?

  • Are all gaskets clean and in good condition?

  • Are all ice bins spotless and draining properly?

  • Are all cut fruit/open open perishables labeled, dated, and wrapped?

  • Are we sure no expired products are being used?

  • Is a sanitizer testing kit available for all glasswasher systems?

  • Does a test of the automatic glasswasher show that it is operating correctly?

  • Do all bar sinks have hot water?

  • Are all bottles and wells clean and free of debris?

  • Are all liquor displays clean, stable, and organized?

  • Are all drains clean?

  • Is the area free of pest presence/infestation?

  • All bar seating is clean and stable?

  • Frozen drink machines are clean and functioning properly?

  • Are all waste receptacles clean and in good condition?

Hand Sinks, Carts, and Ice Machines

  • Do all hand sinks have proper signage?

  • Does each hand sink have ample supply of soap and paper towels?

  • Are all soap and towel dispensers in proper working order?

  • Does every hand sink have hot water?

  • Is every hand sink freely accessible, draining properly, and being used only for handwashing?

  • Do all carts have clean wheels and casters and are they working properly?

  • Are all ice machines draining properly?

  • Are all ice machines clean and free from mold/mildew/deposits inside and out?



  • Is there an accurate equipment log available?

  • Are all ingredients pre-chilled and cooled under 41F in less than 4 hours?

  • Are all proteins and vegetables in hot hold stored above 135F?

  • Food Handlers Section: Free of sickness or symptoms? No personal food, drinks, chewing gum, gloves worn, hats, or hair restraints and uniform standards, thermometers worn, calibrated (as the cook how), no tobacco products, day dots labeling system present?

  • Is the first aid kit and employee medication properly stored and labeled?

  • Are all chemicals stored, covered, further than 1 feet away from food contact surfaces, or below food and sinks?

  • Is MSDS available for all chemicals?

  • Do all shellfish tags have identification, date, and last date of sale; kept for 90 days?

  • Is parasite destruction information available and held for 90 days?

  • Are all steritech and engineering tags in place?

  • Is an anti-choking sign present and visible?

Dry Storage

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

  • Are the walls clean and in good repair?

  • Is the proper use of food hierarchy occurring in storage's?

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Are all lights working and the proper light?

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

  • Do the hand-washing sinks contain soap and paper towels?

  • Are the cans free of dents, no expired product, and all product properly wrapped, labeled or dated?

  • Are all contact surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • Is the produce walk in temping under 41 degrees?

  • Is all food product store 6" or higher?

Back Hot Line

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

  • Are the walls clean and in good repair?

  • Are all utensils stored handle up?

  • Is re-heating done within 2 hours and above 160F?

  • Are all proteins and vegetables in hot hold stored above 135F?

  • Are all lights working and the proper light?

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Sanitation Stations: Are all wiping cloths used and stored properly? Proper red and green buckets? Pink sani wipes? Sani test strips present? Test the solution it's correct?

  • Is cooler 4 temping under 41 degrees?

  • Are all contact surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • Are all utensils, rags, equipment, stc. stored properly?

  • Are all hand-washing sinks clean, free of obstruction, and only used for hand-washing?


  • Is cooler 5 temping under 41 degrees?

  • Are the walls clean and in good repair?

  • Are all foods Mis-en-Place outside/above work spaces, properly iced, and below 41F?

  • Are all utensils stored handle up?

  • Are all lights working and the proper light?

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Sanitation Stations: Are all wiping cloths used and stored properly? Proper red and green buckets? Pink sani wipes? Sani test strips present? Test the solution it's correct?

  • Does the hand-washing sink contain soap and paper towels?

  • Are all reach ins temping under 41 degrees?

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

  • Are all contact surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • Are all utensils, rags, equipment, stc. stored properly?

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

Expo/The Pass

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

  • Are all proteins and vegetables in hot hold stored above 135F?

  • Are all foods Mis-en-Place outside/above work spaces, properly iced, and below 41F?

  • Are all utensils stored handle up?

  • Are all lights working and the proper light?

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Sanitation Stations: Are all wiping cloths used and stored properly? Proper red and green buckets? Pink sani wipes? Sani test strips present? Test the solution it's correct?

  • Is the reach in temping under 41 degrees?

  • Are all contact surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • Are all utensils, rags, equipment, stc. stored properly?

  • Is hand-washing sink CH 50 clean, free of obstruction, and only used for hand-washing?

  • Sanitation Stations: Are all wiping cloths used and stored properly? Proper red and green buckets? Pink sani wipes? Sani test strips present? Test the solution it's correct?


  • Are all utensils, rags, equipment, stc. stored properly?

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

  • Are all chemicals stored, covered, further than 1 feet away from food contact surfaces, or below food and sinks?

  • Are the walls clean and in good repair?

  • Are all lights working and the proper light?

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Sanitation Stations: Are all wiping cloths used and stored properly? Proper red and green buckets? Pink sani wipes? Sani test strips present? Test the solution it's correct?

Desert Prep

  • Are all contact surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

  • Are the walls clean and in good repair?

  • Are all utensils, rags, equipment, stc. stored properly?

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Are all lights working and the proper light?

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

Back storage

  • Is the Coco-cola cooler temping under 41 degrees?

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

Main hot

  • Is re-heating done within 2 hours and above 160F?

  • Are all foods Mis-en-Place outside/above work spaces, properly iced, and below 41F?

  • Are all proteins and vegetables in hot hold stored above 135F?

  • Are all lights working and the proper light?

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Sanitation Stations: Are all wiping cloths used and stored properly? Proper red and green buckets? Pink sani wipes? Sani test strips present? Test the solution it's correct?

  • Does the hand-washing sink contain soap and paper towels?

  • Are all reach ins temping under 41 degrees?

  • Are all contact surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • Are all utensils stored handle up?

  • Are all utensils, rags, equipment, stc. stored properly?

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

Employee Restroom and Stewarding Storage

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

  • Are all hand-washing sinks clean, free of obstruction, and only used for hand-washing?


  • Are the spice containers free of dents, no expired product, and all product properly wrapped, labeled or dated?

  • Is all food and or bevg in coolers properly temped and wrapped labeled and dated? Good quality as well<br>

  • Are all lights working and the proper light?

  • Are the walls clean and in good repair?

  • Are the floors clean and in good repair?

  • Are all contact surfaces clean and in good repair?

  • Are all utensils, rags, equipment, stc. stored properly?

  • Pest Inspection: Is the area free of roaches, ants, birds, flies, vermin, fruit flies, etc.

  • Is all equipment stored and protected properly?

Not asked

  • Loading dock free of trash?<br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.