Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Before the Session

Before Session (30 Minutes Prior)

  • Is the floor/equipment set up for the session?

  • Is the floor clean and tidy?

  • Did you have music playing (using 130bpm and above) to set the atmosphere and create energy?

  • Is the workout properly displayed on the TV screen and functional?

  • Are the fans on/remotes nearby to turn up when workout begins?

  • Are you available 30 minutes prior to the start of the session to check in members/mingle with them to get to know them?


  • Are you prepared and available for your intro before the sales staff hands them over to you? (i.e. the sales staff not trying to search for you)

  • Have you introduced yourself to the intro?

  • Did you bring the intro over to the (workout) TV?

  • Did you go over the workout/session for the day?

  • Did you go over the 5 key elements?

  • Did you go over the heart rate zones?

  • Did you ask the intro if they have any injuries/exercise restrictions?

Introduction / Warm-up


  • Did you announce “5 minutes till we get started team!” ?

  • Did you bring the members over to the mats at the start of the session?

  • Did you introduce yourself? (Hey guys! Welcome to 5EF, my name’s Susie and I’ll be your coach for today!)

  • Did you welcome any intros, by name, to the group announcing it’s their first session?

  • Did you ask if anyone has not taken the session yet?

  • Did you welcome anyone that is new to that session?

  • Did you announce the name of the session?

  • Did you announce the emphasis of the session? (ex: upper body strength)<br>

  • Did you give clear instructions on how to do the session?

  • Did you give the heart rate goal for the session?

  • Did you use the TV screen (workout slides) to follow along with your class instructions?

  • Did you leave the exercise slide up on the TV screen for the demo’s?

  • Did you demo every single exercise providing 2-3 reps with perfect form and correct appropriate weights?

  • Did you show proper modifications for any exercises that have/need regressions?

  • Did you use the correct terminology for the sessions stations? (Ex: Battleground, war zone, heart rate burst, pods, etc.)

  • Did you turn the fans down during the demonstration?

  • Was the volume of your voice loud enough during the instructions/demo’s?

  • Did you finish the exercise demonstration with “Does anyone have any questions?”

  • Did you show passion and enthusiasm to set them up for a fun and inviting session?


  • Did you instruct the members to grab some floor space?

  • Did you use the correct warm up for the day?

  • Did your warm up last longer than 3 minutes? (YES)

  • Did the volume of your music stay the same the whole warm up? (i.e. not turning it up and down)

  • Was your music set and already playing from the demo’s ready to begin at any moment?

  • During the warm up, did you exude high energy and enthusiasm to get them pumped for the session?

  • Upon finishing the warm up, did you instruct them to partner up/find a station?

During the Session

  • Did you give a clear 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 countdown to starting the session?

  • Did you motivate the class with positivity and high energy?

  • Did you interact with the members during the working intervals?

  • Are you correcting the members form (if needed)?

  • Are you ignoring the members that have the worst form? (NO)

  • Are you approachable to the members? (i.e. giving eye contact, good body language, not having your back to the group, etc.)

  • Are you paying attention to everyone in the room? (scanning the room for the ones that need the most help/attention)

  • Is your timing correct?

  • Are you giving “halfway” time cues?

  • Are you giving proper rest times?

  • Is the volume of your voice loud enough?

  • Is the music at an appropriate level?<br>

  • Are you keeping the volume of the music moderately high even during transitions?

  • Are you available for questions during rest time?

  • Are you giving proper time cues during the rest time?

  • Are you checking in with your intro’s making sure they’re doing okay

  • Are you checking in with your intro’s during the rest time? (giving them high fives, making sure they understand the workout, making sure they aren’t going to pass out, etc.)<br>

  • Are you motivating members with high fives and positive encouragement during rest times?

Heart Rates

  • Are you incorporating the heart rate zones into your session?

  • Are you announcing the correct zones for the exercises/pods?

  • Are you forcing members to reach the red zone? (NO)

  • Are you encouraging members to give their best when announcing the zones?

  • Are you using the OnBeat screen to congratulate people for doing their best/or not?

After the session

Cool Down

  • Did you finish your session on a proper countdown? (1 minute to go, 30 seconds to go, and/or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, etc.

  • Did you tell members to rest and grab a drink and meet you back on the turf?

  • Did you turn the workout slides over to the “Announcements”?

  • Did you stretch the proper muscle groups that were worked for the day?

  • Did you talk about your upcoming events?

  • Did you give a proper explanation on the heart rate results?

  • Did you congratulate everyone for a hell of a session and get everyone to clap/high five someone?

  • Did you finish with the 5EF clap?

  • Did you switch your workout slides over the “Accomplished” slide for a group picture? (If taking group picture)


  • Did you congratulate your intros, by name, on a job well done during the cool down?

  • Did you bring your intro’s over to the correct heart rate results screen?<br>

  • Did the intro get their post-recovery shake?

  • Did you give a clear explanation of the heart rate goal for the day?

  • Did you explain what the heart rate result screen in detail? (what their calorie burn is, their time in the zones, etc.)<br>

  • Did you inform them/congratulate them on achieving an afterburn effect by spending 15-20% of their time in the orange and red zones?<br>

  • Did you tell the intro they will receive the summary via email to keep track of their results?<br>

  • Did you clearly answer any questions the intro had?<br>

  • Did you finish on a positive note before handing over to the sales staff?<br>

  • Did you tell the intro you can’t wait to have them back in your session?<br>

  • Did you give a proper handoff to the sales staff? (did you tell the intro “I’ll hand you back to ___, they’re going to go over your bio scan results and any membership questions you may have. You are in good hands, I’ll see you back soon!”<br>

After Session

  • Did you rearrange the equipment back to its normal set up?

  • Did you clear the floor from any sweat, towels, water bottles, etc.?

  • Did you put the workout slides back to the correct title slide for the day? (ex: Ares, Athena, etc.)

  • Are you available to chat to members if needed?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.