Audit Details

  • Document No

  • Area

  • Conducted on

  • Audited By

Audit Results


  • Is there evidence of regular red tagging? As the name implies, the Red Tag process utilizes 5S red tags to sort through items that are taking up space and may no longer be needed.:

  • Are only the required tools and equipment present in the work area?:

  • Are only the required materials, WIP and Stock present in the work area?:

  • Are benches / cupboards / work surfaces clear of clutter?:

  • Are defined storage locations neat and tidy?:

  • Are all completed jobs or finished goods removed from the work area?:

  • Are documents that only relate to the current job in the work area?:

  • Do team members in the area understand the reason for Sort? Remove what is not needed.?

Set In Order

  • Locations for materials, WIP, stock and scrap in the work area, are identified, visible and accessible?

  • Are the required tools and equipment in the work area free of obstructions and easy to access?

  • Are locations for Tools and Equipment identified, visible and accessible, on shadow boards (if available), stored in allocated drawers, toolboxes, cupboards or home positions?

  • Are Company supplied tools labelled and in good condition?

  • - Are floor markings, such as tape, used to outline work areas, mark the positions where equipment should be located, denote hazardous areas, and kept in good condition?

  • - Are cables, wires, and pipes etc. neat and straight?

  • - Are 5S cleaning stations suitably located in the area?

  • - Are shelves and other storage areas labeled?

  • - Are any SOP's, documents, and paperwork stored neatly, up to date, and easily accessible?

  • - Do team members in the area understand the reason for Set in Order? Arrange essential items in order for easy access.


  • Are floors kept shiny, clean, free of waste, dust and oil?

  • Are machines cleaned often and kept free of waste, dust and oil?

  • Is behind the machines and surrounding areas kept clean?

  • Are walkways clean, clear and uncluttered?

  • Are 5S Shine Stations clean, stocked, organised and labelled?

  • Is there a 5S Cleaning Roster for the area on the 5S Board?:

  • Are bins being used effectively? There should be no mixed waste in bins.:

  • Are work surfaces, benches and tables clean and damage free?:

  • Do team members in the area understand the reason for Shine? Keeping things clean and tidy.:


  • Is the area 5S board standardized and current?

  • Is the previous month's 5S Audit displayed on the area's 5S Board?

  • Are team members aware of who is responsible for cleaning? What and when?

  • Is line marking the correct colors in the area?

  • Are the first three S's (Sort, Set In Order and Shine) being maintained? <br>Check the current score from this audit and if below 50%, mark "No".

  • Do team members in the area understand the reason for Standardise? To establish guidelines to maintain a clean workplace.


  • Are safety rules being adhered to - glasses (Where required) / safety shoes etc.?

  • Is the 5S Policy / Methodology displayed on the area 5S board?:

  • Do the area Team follow the 5S Cleaning Roster correctly?:

  • Are Team Members adequately trained in 5S?:

  • Are 5S Audit results and findings communicated adequately to Team members by their area Supervisor?:

  • Are area team members encouraged in 5S Activites?:

  • Do team members in the area understand the reason for Sustain? To make 5S a habit.:

  • Please add any SUSTAIN photos from area.

General Comments

  • Add any additional comments


  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.