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  • 1. 门头招牌完整性检查:不破损、不缺角、不出现发光字不亮(除了门头招牌和家私上的旧logo外,其他画面logo使用最新版本)

  • 外立面灯箱.画面不破损、不变形、使用最新画面标准规范

  • 3. 门口海报不破损、不缺角、海报画面不变形;<br>摆放海报不使用过期画面(如上期新品/上期活动画面海报)

  • 4. 桌贴不破损、画面清晰整洁、保持桌贴干净不出现污渍,扫码桌贴二维码可跳转

  • 5. 台卡外观不破损、不缺角;<br>台卡外观整洁干净,不得出现涂鸦或污渍;<br>画面不变形、不缺失、不使用过期画面

  • 6. 涂层类餐具是否完好:涂层损坏起皮、起泡或脱落面积不得大于接触2/3;<br>镀铜金色类:器具表面金色涂层掉漆是否严重,底部是否出现凹凸严重变形、破损有缺口;<br>不锈钢类:器具是否出现严重弯曲、变形,影响产品制作;炒锅的锅底是否严重凹凸不平

  • 7. 员工制服整洁.表面是否有严重油渍或污垢,严重影响品牌形象;<br>表面是否褪色发白或出现破洞2厘米以上,已严重影响品牌形象(员工在进入工作岗位时必须按要求着装)

  • 8.门店的背景音乐应以适当的音量播放(即60hz)。

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.