Site conducted
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Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
External Area
Are ALL car parks clean and free of any rubbish? If any litter is found answer No.
Have the Trolleys been removed from the car park & roadside? If any trolleys are found answer No.
Have the garden plants and olive trees been watered? (Taylor Rd only)
Are there at least 4 of each type of trolley available?
Are the trolleys clean and free from any rubbish? If any trolley has rubbish then answer No.
Is the Floor clean, dry and free of any debris? If any litter is found on the floor then answer No.
Are the plants and flowers tidy and condensed? If they are inhibiting access for customers then answer No.
Is the welcome mat clean and free from dirt? If the mat is dirty then answer No.
Are the tables clean and free from any rubbish and in good condition? (Taylor Rd only).
Are the bins at the front of the store clean and free of overflowing rubbish? If the bins are overflowing then answer No.
Is the Automatic Hand Sanitiser unit clean and has the unit has been filled up? If the unit is dirty then answer No.
Front Service Area
Are the checkout counters clean and tidy in compliance with company standards? If any counters are not clean answer No.
Are the newspapers well stocked and kept in a tidy fashion?
Have the checkouts been swept underneath and are they clean and tidy? If stock or dirt is visible then answer No.
Has any unwanted stock been returned to the shelves?
Do all registers have adequate shopping bags? if any are empty answer No.
Are the baskets clean and well stocked ready for the customers? Check 10 baskets for cleanliness. If any are dirty then answer No.
Is the floor clean, tidy and free from any debris? If there is any litter answer No.
Are the drinks fridges well stocked and presented ready for the days trade? If the full fridge is not faced then answer No.
Office and Team Kitchen
Is the office neat, tidy and vacuumed? If the office floor is dirty then answer No.
Are all dishes washed and dried? If any dishes are left in the sink area unwashed answer No.
Is the paper towel well stocked in the staff room? If paper towel is empty answer No.
Coffee Machine area
Has the bin near the coffee machine neat and tidy? If overflowing answer No.
Has the milk been replenished? If milk is empty answer No.
Have all surfaces around the coffee machine been cleaned?
Take a photo of the coffee machine area.
Fresh Produce
Do all items have a ticket? If any are missing then answer No.
Are the fruit and vegetable sections well stocked, neat and tidy?
Are the cut fruit sections full and presented? Take a photo of the front cabinet.
Are the cut vegetables sections full and well presented? Take a photo of the wall cabinet.
Are the Produce plastic bags well stocked including mushroom and potato paper bags? if any holders are empty answer No.
Are the bins clean, neat and not overflowing? If any of the bins are overflowing then answer No.
Are the hot box items neatly displayed and ticketed? Take a photo of the hot box display.
Are all the products well ticketed and priced correctly?
Have the glass cabinets been cleaned in line with company standards? If the glass is dirty on any section answer No.
Are the display bowls clean and well stocked?
Is the floor in the prep area cleaned, dry and free of any debris?
Are the bread drawers clean, tidy and pulled forward to the front of the drawer? If there is stock at the back answer No.
Are there enough cooked chickens in the warmer? If there is less than 4 of each then answer No. Include a photo.
Are the meat cabinets clean, tidy and well presented?
Are the meat products well ticketed and in good condition?
Has the meat cabinet been correctly rotated in compliance with company standards?
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