
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Attendants name

  • Valet/Door attendant assisted with arriving guests

  • Acknowledge cars in queue

  • Open the vehicle doors ( ladies first)

  • Ask if you are checking in

  • Provide you a valet ticket

  • Inform you of car retrieval process

  • Offer luggage assistance

  • Ask/Confirm all luggage has been removed from vehicle

  • Provide a luggage ticket/ explain luggage delivery process

  • Valet/Door attendant Escorts and introduces guest to front desk staff

  • Opens hotel door

  • Escorts to front desk, introduce guest to employee

  • Valet/Door attendant takes care and pride of personal appearance

  • Name badge worn on the left side

  • Uniform must be clean and pressed, consistent among employees

  • Service pins - max 2

  • Shoes- polished, closed toe and maximum of 3 inches

  • Hair - male clean and natural color, bangs above eyebrow, sideburns, not extended past midpoint of ear, mustaches- neat, well groomed not past mouth

  • Jewelry - max 1 ring per hand, bracelet/ watch, 1 per arm, no earrings allowed

  • Hair female, clean well groomed, accessories neutral color, bangs end above the eyebrow

  • Female- makeup appears natural

  • Jewelry - female 2 rings per hand, bracelet/ watch 1 per arm,earrings - smaller than 1 inch

  • Hose must be neutral in color

  • Valet/Door attendant provides a warm welcome

  • Immediately make eye contact, smile and acknowledge

  • Extend a warm greeting

  • Provide eye contact throughout the warm welcome

  • Employee either asks for guest name or gets it from luggage tag and uses it throughout the transaction

  • Valet/Door attendant provides a fond farewell

  • Provide a fond farewell

  • Offers additional assistance

  • Mention their own name during the interaction

  • Valet/Door attendant uses appropriate verbiage and is "on stage"

  • Uses appropriate verbiage

  • Smiles and maintains eye conact

  • Maintains on stage presence and posture

  • Engage in genuinely warm conversation to connect with your emotions

  • Only engage in work related conversation with other employee

  • Valet/Door attendant anticipates needs

  • Employee must offer a service/ solution/ opportunity to meet an anticipated need

  • Valet/Door attendant enhanced emotional positive engagement

  • Must positively influence emotional engagement by doing 1 of the following: Confidence, Integrity, Pride, Passion

  • Valet/Door attendant enhance emotional negative engagement

  • Must negatively influence emotional engagement by doing 1 of the following: Confidence, Integrity, Pride, Passion

  • Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.