Title Page
Fire Alarm Panels
Is the panel on ?
Does the panel say communicating ?
Any Problems ?
Fire Extinguishers
Is the gauge in the green ?
Can it be easily accessed ?
Are the inspection tags up to date ?
Is the fire extinguisher mounted properly ?
If the extinguisher is in a wall mounted container is the container free of trash ?
PROBLEMS ? Take pictures of problems so they can be included in your report and document so they can be fixed.
Emergency Lights
Did the lights come on after they were tested ?
Are all exit signs in the building operational ?<br> <br> --Such as illuminated and properly labeled
PROBLEMS ? Take pictures of problems so they can be included in your report and document so they can be fixed.
Are all exits doors clear ?
Are all hallways clear ?
Are all of the fire doors closed ?<br><br>(If they have a personal alarm is it functioning?)
Are stairwells empty of stored items & trip hazards ?
PROBLEMS ? Take pictures of problems so they can be included in your report and document so they can be fixed.
Is the unit in a readily available location with nothing blocking the device ?
Is the battery is properly installed and charged ?
Does the status light indicate proper operational status ?
There are no Audible/ Visual warnings currently on.
Are all the supplies that are provided in tact and free of damage ?<br><br>Such as . . .<br>--- Masks<br>--- Electrodes <br>--- Gloves <br>--- Razor<br>Anything else included in the AED Kit
Are the electrodes installed properly ?
Are the electrodes still in date and not expired ?
PROBLEMS ? Take pictures of problems so they can be included in your report and document so they can be fixed.