
  • Document No.

  • Machine Identification

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Points of Operation

  • Is there a guard or safety device provided for each point of operation of the machine?

  • Are the guards complete? (Do the guards allow the operator's hands, arms, or other body parts to make contact with hazardous machine parts?)

  • Are the guards effective? (Is there evidence that the guards have been tampered with or bypassed to make them ineffective?)

  • Are the guards firmly secured and not easily removed?

Operator Controls

  • Are starting / stopping controls within easy reach of the operator?

  • If there is more than one operator station, are separate controls so located that operators can see the entire operation?

  • Are controls, including foot controls, guarded against accidental activation?

  • Are controls labeled to identify their function?

  • Are controls similar in type and arrangement to other similar machines in the plant?

  • Are emergency stop controls easily accessible and clearly identified?

  • Is the machine wired so that it must be manually restarted if power is interrupted and then reapplied?

General Safeguarding Requirements

  • Are controls that require two handed activation wired to include the following:<br>- Concurrent use of both hands?<br>- Anti-Repeat?<br>- Anti-Hold Down?

  • Can the machine be locked out at each power source?

  • If applicable, has a separate circuit and lockout capability been provided for auxiliary equipment (i.e. Hot melt pot) on the machine which may require power during short duration maintenance shut downs?

  • If equipment is provided with a jog function, is it designed so that it cannot be used to operate the machine continuously (instead of inching)?

  • If access is normally required to a danger zone of the machine, (such as for clearing jams) are interlocked barrier guards or similar system used to prevent access while the machine is in operation?

  • If the machine has a thread speed mode, do safety devices (e.g. interlocks, photocells, etc) continue to function in this mode?

  • Do interlocked barriers incorporate a braking system, or zero motion detection system, when coast down time is a concern?

  • Are the guards designed so that they will not create hazards such as shear or pinch points or sharp edges?

  • Can adjustments be made without removing or opening any guards?

  • Can the machine be lubricated without opening or removing any guards?

  • Is there sufficient room for maintenance and repair?

  • Is there adequate lighting in general at the points of operation?

  • Is there adequate supervision to ensure that employees are following safe machine operating procedures?

  • Are safety procedures in place for minor intervention activities (such as jam clearing, cleaning, adjustments) and start up?

  • Are employees trained on all applicable safety procedures relating to machine operation?

  • Is all machinery and equipment kept clean and properly maintained?

  • If special hand tools are used for placing and removing material, do they protect the operator's hands?

  • Are provisions made to prevent machines from automatically starting when power is restored after a power failure or shut down?

  • Is the operator dressed safely for the job? (i.e. No loose fitting clothing or jewelry)?

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.