Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
I. Pre-Inspection
1. Reviewed previous inspection?
1a. Outstanding items?
List all outstanding items from previous inspections (describe mitigation and time frames that will be used)
II. Runways
1. Length
2. Width
3. Surface Condition
4. Pavement Edge
5. Runway Object Free Area / Primary Surface
6. Approach Surface (separate form is required)
7. Transitional Surface
8. Runway Protection Zone
9. Surface Gradient
10. Line of Sight
III. Taxiways
1. Width
2. Surface Condition
IV. Safety Areas
1. Dimensions Maintained
2. Ruts/Surface Variations
3. Drainage
4. Objects in Safety Area/Frangible Mounting
V. Markings, Signs and Lighting
1. Runway Markings
2. Taxiway Centerline
3. Taxiway Edge Markings
4. Holding Position Markings
5. Signs Identifying Taxiing Routes
6. Holding Position Signs
7. Signs Internally Illuminated
8. Runway Lighting/Reflectors
9. Taxiway Lighting/Reflectors
10. Airport Beacon
11. Obstruction Marking/Lighting
12. Markings/Signs/Lighting Properly Maintained
VI. Fuel Storage Areas
1. Fencing/Locks/Signs
2. Piping protected from vehicles
3. No Smoking signs posted
4. Deadman Controls for loading stations
5. Fire Extinguishers - Inspected/Accessible
6. Emergency Shutoff - Signed/Accessible
7. Fuel Leaks
8. Bonding wire/clips
9. Grounding
10. No vegetation or trash
11. No evidence of smoking
12. Fuel filters
VII. Mobile Fuelers
1. No Smoking sign in cab
2. Flammability signs/haz mat placards all sides
3. Bonding cables and clips
4. Deadman control
5. Fire Extinguishers - proper type/inspected
6. Emergency shutoffs operable and marked
7. Fuel leaks
8. Vehicle exhaust system - shielded
9. No evidence of smoking - no ashtray in cab
10. Vehicle parking - 10' apart/50' from buildings - on pavement
VIII. Traffic/Wind Indicators
1. Wind cones provided/condition
2. Segmented Circle
IX. Wildlife Observations
X. Miscellaneous Observations
XI. Sketches
Add drawing
XII. Runway Length Change (required if there was a change in the runway length or displaced threshold)
Was there a change in the length/direction of a runway or displaced threshold?
Note: Horizontal DATUM should be NAD83 / Vertical DATUM should be NAVD88
1. Runway ID
2. Type of change
3. Date of change
4. Old runway length
5. New runway length
6. Distance runway extended or shortened/Direction
7. Runway width
8. Runway end changed
9. New Latitude and Longitude
10. New runway end elevation
11. New runway touch down zone elevation (highest elevation in the first 3,000 feet)
12. New runway azimuths (true)
13. Displaced threshold length
14. Displaced threshold width
15. Displaced threshold Latitude and Longitude
16. Displaced threshold elevation
17. Change to ARP Latitude and Longitude (if appropriate)
18. Additional information
Airport Representative
State Inspector