
  • OHS Contractor Inspection [number] [first] [last]

  • Contractor

  • Job

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Induction / Paperwork

  • Attended contractor Induction

  • Supplied appropriate licenses /training

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Supplied copy of register/ MSDS

  • Current workers comp insurance

  • Current liability/works insurance

  • Supplied site safety management plan

  • Safe work method statements (SWMS)


  • Safe work method statements (SWMS)

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Hazard/Risk Assessment

  • Photograph of Evidence

Confined Spaces

  • Qualified (sight certificate)

  • Work must stop immediately if any of the above requirements are not meet.

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Permit completed and authorised

  • Work must stop immediately if any of the above requirements are not meet.

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Emergency equipment in place

  • Work must stop immediately if any of the above requirements are not meet.

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Atmosphere monitored

  • Work must stop immediately if any of the above requirements are not meet.

Hot Work

  • Permit sighted and authorised

  • Work must stop immediately if permit has not been issues.

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Fire extinguisher within 5 metres

  • Work must stop immediately if permit has not been issues.

  • Wielding screens in place (if required)

  • Work must stop immediately if permit has not been issues.

  • Flammables removed

  • Work must stop immediately if permit has not been issues.

Lockout / Tag Out

  • Equipment isolated tag/lock

  • Work must stop immediately if permit has not been issues.

  • Name & dated tag (of contractor isolating)

  • Work must stop immediately if permit has not been issues.

  • Photograph of Evidence

Working At Heights

  • EWP- level ground , outriggers extended

  • Appropriate licenses e.g. 11m boom

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Fall protection being used

  • Fall protection condition

  • Safe work method statement (SWMS)

Signage / Barricades

  • Clear/ legible/ understandable

  • Adequate barricades/signage

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Suitable locations


  • No electrical leads across access areas

  • Power tools – test/tag, RCD

  • Extension leads –test/tag, RCD

  • Appropriate use of extension cables

Gases & Chemicals

  • Register / MSDS sighted

  • Photograph of Evidence

  • Storage

  • Labelled

  • Training - SWMS

Personal Protective equipment

  • Head Protection

  • Foot Protection

  • Eye/ Face – including welding helmets

  • Respiratory

  • Hearing

  • Clothing – welding, chemical

  • High visibility clothing

  • Hand

  • Training

  • Sunscreen


  • Cleaning – sweeping

  • Loads covered

  • Excess/ unnecessary equipment/articles

  • Rubbish / waste

  • Storage – tidy/accessible/stable


  • Walkways/stairs/access

  • Access to emergency equipment

  • No hoses, or cables crossing walkways

Work Enviroment

  • Layout & positioning of work area

  • Dust control (not causing dust)

  • Note Controls

  • Fume control (not causing fumes)

  • Note Controls

  • Adequate emergency equipment

  • Access to first aid kits

Plant & Equipment

  • Damage / unsafe conditions

  • Note Controls

  • Leaks – Gas/oil/air

  • Guarding – not fitted/ damaged

  • Isolation – emergency stop - labelled

  • Routine inspections – fork lift trucks/ crane

  • Trained/licensed operators

  • Photo Documentary Evidence

  • Work must stop immediately if Trained/Licensed Operator documentation is not observed.

Site Traffic Rules

  • Authorised vehicle access

  • Authorised personnel access

  • Signed in

  • Photo Documentary Evidence

  • Abide be speed limits

  • abide by traffic rules


  • Note any additional comments:

  • Auditor Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.