Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
The view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link: https://connect.avivab2b.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_accident_recording_and_riddor_reporting_lps.pdf
Accident Recording
1. Are compliant and relevant accident books/recording systems in place?
2. Are there sufficient books to cover all premises/areas of operation as appropriate?
3. Is there a system in place to achieve the confidentiality requirements under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018?
4. Is a system in place to investigate all incidents?
5. Are investigations undertaken by persons competent to do so?
6. Are learnings following investigations acted upon and communicated as appropriate?
7. Is regular analysis of incident trends completed and findings acted on?
8. Are risk assessments reviewed following incidents, as appropriat
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
9. Is the appointed Responsible Person aware of what constitutes a reportable incident under the regulations?
10. Is there a system in place to notify the Responsible Person of events that may be reportable under the regulations?
11. Are all reportable incidents investigated as appropriate?
12. Is analysis of reportable incidents undertaken?
13. Are the findings of investigations and trend analysis acted upon as appropriate?
14. Are learnings communicated to employees/appropriate persons?
15. Are risk assessments reviewed following reportable incidents?
16. Are suitable records maintained that can be provided to the HSE if requested?
Additional Comments
Completed by (Name and Signature)
Please Note:
This document contains general information and guidance only and may be superseded and/or subject to amendment without further notice. Aviva has no liability to any third parties arising our of ARMS' communications whatsoever (including Loss Prevention Standards), and nor shall any third party rely on them. Other than liability which cannot be excluded by law, Aviva shall not be liable to any person for any indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of whatsoever kind arising out of access to, or use of, or reliance on anything contained in ARMS' communications. The document may not cover every risk, exposure or hazard that may arise and Aviva recommends that you obtain specific advice relevant to the circumstances.