Title Page
Project Name
Employee Name
Temperature Scan Results
Health and Safety Officer
If an employee answers “Yes” to any of the screening questions, immediately activate your company’s emergency protocol. The screener should:
• Ensure the screening results are accurate.
• Ask the employee to go home and call their primary care physician.
• Notify management.
1. Have you or someone in your household or workplace been in close contact with a person who has signs of or has COVID-19?
2. Have you been medically directed to self-quarantine?
3. In the last 72 hours, have you had: a new fever of 100.4°F, a new cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, new muscle aches or a loss of taste or smell?
4. Do you have a clean face mask and other proper PPE?
Health and Safety Officer Signature
Employee Signature