
  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Personnel

Section 1: Child Tracking and Supervision

Section 1: Child Tracking and Supervision

  • 1. Daily Tracker is with/near teaching staff.

  • 2. All children that are present have been signed in/out by parent or staff.

  • 3. The total count on bottom of Daily Tracker matches the actual children present.

  • 4. The tracking codes are used properly.

  • 5. Transition trackers are used to document individual and small group transitions.

  • 6. Child Supervision, Tracking and Authorized Release Certification Form complete for all new teachers.

  • 7. Teachers' daily trackers and transition trackers are pre-populated with current class rosters, complete and submitted to Center Directors.

  • 8. Daily Health and Safety Checklists are completed by Teacher/ Assistant Teacher and included in Master Binders.

  • 9. Stop signs are updated and posted at all classroom, bathroom, playground, building entrances and exits.

  • 10. Updated Emergency Contact Forms are on file for each child.

  • 11. Authorized release procedures are posted on the parent board in each classroom for quick reference.

Section 2: Emergencies


  • 1. Regular and emergency exits are clearly marked and free from obstruction, with emergency lighting available.

  • 2. Emergency telephone numbers (e.g., EMS, Fire, Police, Poison Control) are clearly posted by all telephones, including in classrooms.

  • 3. First aid kits, emergency contact info, and consent are readily accessible on playgrounds and in the kitchen.

  • 4. At least one first aid- and CPR-certified staff person is on site, whenever children are present.

  • 5. Nonporous gloves are available for use when dealing with bodily fluids.

  • 6. There is a "sick child area" (a room, part of a room, or separate area) furnished with sleeping equipment and sheets or other coverings, for children who are feeling ill or exhibiting symptoms of illness or disease.

Section 3: Health & Nutrition Practices


  • 1. Number of staff and children present in the classroom is consistent with required ratio.

  • 2. Cots are placed at least 3 ft apart.

  • 3. At meal/snack time, all (toddlers and preschool) children, classroom staff and volunteers eat together family style and share the same menu to the extent possible.

  • 4. At meal/snack times, sufficient time is allowed for each child to eat.

  • 5. At meal/snack times, each child is encouraged, but not forced, to eat or taste his or her food; food is not used as punishment or reward.

  • 6. Staff, volunteers and children wash their hands (with soap and running water) before food-related activities.

  • 7. Point of service is completed during designated meal time.

  • 8. Once daily, after a meal, adults assist children (age 2+) in brushing their teeth.

  • 9. Toothpaste is stored out of children's reach. Toothbrushes are stored in clean sanitary containers (holders).

  • 10. Staff, volunteers, and children wash their hands (with soap and running water) after diapering or toilet use; whenever hands are contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids; after handling pets or other animals.

  • 11. Staff and volunteers wash their hands (with soap and running water) before and after giving medications, before and after treating or bandaging a wound, and after assisting a child with toilet use.

  • 12. Whenever a toy is placed in a child's mouth, or otherwise contaminated by body secretion or excretion, it is removed from general use and washed (either by hand, using water and detergent, then rinsed, sanitized and air dried, or in a mechanical dishwasher/washing machine).

  • 13. If bodily fluids were spilled, clean-up included all of the following:<br>* Nonporous gloves worn<br>* Spills/fluids cleaned up immediately<br>* All areas cleaned and sanitized<br>* Contaminated materials placed in a plastic bag and secured

  • 14. The allergy/special diet list is hung or stored properly (according to delegate specific procedures).

Section 4: Infants and Toddlers (EHS)


  • 1. The indoor and outdoor space for infants and toddlers is separated from general walkways and areas used by preschoolers.

  • 2. Swaddling of infants is permitted if requested by the parent. If a child pulls the blanket out during nap time the provider must ensure that the blanket is kept away from the child's mouth and nose.

  • 3. Staff use blanket sleepers or sleep sacks (recommended).

  • 4. The number of children under one year admitted at any one time is less than or equal to the number of cribs and playpens.

  • 5. Staff allow each infant and toddler to form and follow their own pattern of sleeping and waking.

  • 6. Classrooms are posted with signs in English and Spanish indicating that adults must wear booties/wash hands when entering.

  • 7. Cribs are at least 3 feet apart from each other.

  • 8. Infant sleeping arrangements use firm mattresses, and contain no soft materials such as comforters, pillows, fluffy blankets, or stuffed toys.

  • 9. Infant toys are made of non-toxic materials and staff sanitize toys regularly.

  • 10. Staff give assistance with the infant's bottle when feeding.

  • 11. If a child falls asleep in a swing or car seat, staff remove the child and place him/her to sleep on his/her back in a crib.

  • 12. When non-mobile children are awake, the child care worker should change the children's body position (laying on his/her stomach and back) and location in the room periodically.

  • 13. Ensure that the formula prepared by the center is of the commercial, iron-enriched type and mixed according to the manufacturer's directions.

  • 14. Facilities are available for the proper storage and handling of breast milk.

  • 15. If the diapering surface is above floor level, there is a barrier or restraint to prevent falling. No child is left unattended on diapering surface.

  • 16. Bottles and cups are used only once, rinsed out and sent home with children at the end of each day.

  • 17. Infant gums are wiped with a gauze pad after feedings. Toddlers brush their teeth at least once/day.

  • 18. Diapering policies and procedures are posted in the classroom.

  • 19. Infants are placed to sleep on their backs, and "back to sleep" policy is posted in the classroom.

  • 20. The diaper-changing area is located away from areas used for cooking, eating, or children's activities. No items, other than diaper-changing supplies, are placed on or under the changing table or the sink used for diapering.

  • 21. Diapers are disposed of in a safe and sanitary manner.

  • 22. Staff record the use of and apply lotions, powders or salves to a child during diapering only at the specific written direction of the child's parent or the child's physician.

  • 23. Toilet training equipment is available for children being toilet trained.

  • 24. Potty chairs (if in use) are cleaned and sanitized after each child's use, in a utility sink designated for this purpose.

  • 25. Bathrooms have barriers to prevent entry by unattended infants and toddlers.

  • 26. There is a solid barrier between the diapering area and any food preparation area.

  • 27. Before walking on surfaces that infants use specifically for play, adults and children remove, replace or cover with clean foot coverings any shoes they have worn outside that play area.

  • 28. If diapering was observed, staff did all of the following when changing diapers:<br>* Before bringing the child to the diaper-changing area, washed hands and brought supplies to the diaper-changing area<br>* Always kept a hand on the child<br>* Cleaned the child's diaper area<br>* Changed gloves prior to putting on clean diaper<br>* Washed the child's hands and returned the child to a supervised area<br>* Cleaned and disinfected the diaper-changing surface<br>* Washed hands

  • 29. Breast milk is properly refrigerated and all containers are labeled with the child's full name and the date the breast milk was collected. (EHS only)

  • 30. Refrain from heating breast milk in the microwave.

  • 31. Procedures for heating infant formula, milk and food in a microwave oven are posted near the microwave oven.

  • 32. Frozen breast milk is defrosted in the refrigerator. (EHS only)

  • 33. Discard leftover milk or formula after each feeding and rinse bottles after use.

  • 34. Formula is stored in the original container and labeled with the child's full name and date opened. (EHS only

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.