
  • Site conducted

  • Job number/Project name

  • Site Address

  • Supervisor Name

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • The purpose of this safety audit is to ensure a safe working environment for all workers and to ensure all onsite contractors are aware of the Rivergum Homes site rules.


  • Provide photo of construction stage of dwelling

  • Provide photo of site sign erected onsite.


  • Site general housekeeping (neat and tidy)

  • Internal Housekeeping (neat and tidy)

  • Walkways clear from clutter/debris and obstructions

  • Access to doorways and garages clear and unobstructed

  • Are there any visible risk/hazards evident

  • Have you completed a Hazard Inspection

  • Reason why a Hazard Inspection has not been completed


  • Is the site management plan/layout displayed and easily accessible for the QR code.

  • Have the lifesaver/site rules been displayed for easy access?

  • Has the Emergency Assembly Point/First Aid/Emergency Contact list been displayed

  • Any comments to add for onsite signage/QR code


  • Is there contractors onsite

  • Name of contractor

  • Is the contractor orderly and professional?

  • Has the contractor used the QR code?

  • Has the contractor provided a JSEA/SWMS for their scope of works

  • Have all the workers for the contractor read and signed the JSEA/SWMS

  • Take a photo of the contractors JSEA/SWMS

  • Does the Contractor have a JSEA/SWMS?

  • Has the contractor provided a copy of their relevant and current Insurance

  • Who has received the relevant and current insurance?


  • Has a "CONSTRUCTION SITE - DO NOT ENTER" signage been displayed

  • Is there perimeter boundary fence/hoarding in place

  • Is perimeter fencing/hoarding secured and safe from unauthorized access.

  • Add Photo of secure and safe fencing/hoarding

  • Are there access gates provided

  • Are access gates lockable and secured every night

  • Are all perimeter fencing/hoarding secured from adverse weather conditions (high winds)


  • Is there a Traffic Management plan in place

  • Is Traffic Management required for all works

  • Have the Traffic Management personnel the appropriate ticket

  • Are the Traffic Management personnel wearing appropriate Hi Vis

  • Are appropriate witches hats or bollards in place

  • Is the footpath required to be closed?

  • Has the appropriate footpath closed signage been displayed?

  • Is Traffic Management for a short duration period

  • Explain duration period Traffic Management is required.


  • Are all contractors onsite wearing Minimum PPE as per site requirement?

  • Photo of contractors onsite using adequate PPE

  • Are Covid-19 guidelines for PPE being observed by contractors

  • Have contractors onsite used the QR code to sign in.


  • Is there any Hazardous Substance work or materials cutting onsite

  • Are contractors wearing the correct PPE for Hazardous Substance work

  • Name of contractor cutting Hazardous Substance materials.

  • Does the contractor have appropriate vacuum systems for cutting Hazardous Substance Material


  • Are there Ladders/Trestles being used onsite?

  • Are ladders a minimum of 4 steps (3 step ladders are banned on RGH sites)

  • Are Ladders/Trestles in good condition and free of defects.

  • Are ladders being used correctly (3 point of contact)

  • Are Ladders/Trestles industrial rated

  • Photo required

  • Are Perimeter Guard Rails in use?

  • Is the Perimeter guard rail in place before starting works to upper floor levels

  • Has the perimeter guard rail been signed off and tagged

  • Has the perimeter guard rail been tampered with?

  • Has appropriate ladder access been provided (if required)

  • Photo required


  • Are Stairvoids installed onsite

  • Have stairvoids been installed prior to works starting on 1st floor level?

  • Have the stairvoids been signed off and tagged?

  • Have the Stairvoids been tampered with?

  • Does the access ladder protrude 1 meter past the Stairvoids landing

  • Is the ladder in good condition and free of defects

  • Photo required


  • Is there scaffold onsite?

  • Has the scaffold been signed off and tagged

  • Provide a photo of the tag

  • Has the scaffold been tampered with?

  • Explain how it has been tampered with, who is responsible.

  • Has appropriate ladder/stair access been provided

  • Are all decks free of rubbish and have clear access

  • Have SCAFFOLD INCOMPLETE signage been installed for unsafe or incomplete scaffold

  • Has a scaffold inspection been completed?

  • Why has the inspection not been completed?


  • Is there any roof work being carried out onsite?

  • Have perimeter guard rail been installed prior to roof works commencing?

  • Photo of the guard rail sign off and tag if applicable.

  • Have appropriate access points been provided for roof access

  • Have appropriate access ladder been provided that exceeds 1 metre past the access point and is in good condition and tied off/secured.


  • Is there any electrical work/equipment being used and/or live electrical works onsite.

  • Electrical equipment being used onsite have all been tested and tagged and tags clearly visible.

  • Photo of electrical equipment tag.

  • Are contractors onsite aware that live electrical works are not permitted at any time.

  • Are contractors onsite required to penetrate into any walls that may be live.

  • Has a tag out system/decommissioning procedure been implemented prior to penetrating live walls.

  • Are RCD boxes being used onsite?

  • RCD boxes being used onsite are compliant and as per regulations

  • Have the RCD boxes been tested and tagged (monthly Vic) & (3 months SA)

  • Are the RCD boxes in good condition

  • Are electrical leads in good condition and free of defects

  • Is there power close to the work area to avoid leads being piggy backed

  • photo of compliant RCD/electrical cords


  • is there any work being carried out near overhead power lines?

  • Is a permit required for conducting works near overhead powerlines?

  • Has a permit been obtained

  • Permit Number

  • is an electrical spotter required for conducting works near overhead powerlines

  • Have DANGER OVERHEAD POWERLINES signage been displayed and bunting installed if works are permitted in proximity of overhead powerlines.

  • Photo of overhead powerlines/controls implemented


  • Are there any excavations being undertaken onsite.

  • Has a PERMIT TO EXCAVATE/DIG been completed prior to disturbing any ground.

  • Have all underground services been identified and marked up prior to disturbing any ground.

  • Are there any trenches greater than 1.5 meters in depth?

  • Has a mobile plant operating zone been established around the plant

  • Have appropriate benching - battering or shoring been put in place

  • Has appropriate access been provided for entering trenches

  • Will trenches be left open at the end of the day

  • have trenches been made safe by providing covers/para webbing/bunting off.

  • Photo of trenches being left overnight safe.

  • Has danger open/deep trench signage been displayed

  • Are all personnel working around excavators wearing Hi Vis and Hard Hats (if applicable)


  • Is there any hot works being undertaken onsite?

  • Has a HOT WORKS PERMIT been issued.

  • Are the requirements of the permit being observed by the contractor


  • Are there tools and equipment being used onsite?

  • Are all electric tools tested and tagged and in current date

  • Photo required

  • Are all tools in good condition and fit for purpose

  • Are all guards in place and in working order

  • Are contractors using the correct tool for the task


  • Are there any plant and equipment being used onsite

  • Has the Plant and Equipment Checklist been completed

  • explain why a plant and equipment checklist has not been completed

  • Photo of the Plant and Equipment Checklist

  • Do the Plant Operators hold the appropriate HI RISK LICENSE or COMPETENCY for the Plant they are operating and is it current?

  • Has the Plant Operator completed a Prestart?

  • Have EXCLUSION ZONES been setup around the work area of the Plant?

  • Has the plant a functioning beacon/flashing light operating

  • Are safety pins in place where required for excavators

  • Please explain why an exclusion zone has not been set up.

  • Are all personnel working in and around the mobile plant wearing Hi Visibility clothing and Hard Hats as required

  • Photo of plant use/personnel/safety pins in place.


  • Is there a crane operating on site?

  • Has a Mobile Crane Checklist been completed?

  • Has the Crane Operator completed a Prestart?

  • Has a SWMS/JSEA been provided for the Crane Operator

  • Please provide a photo of the SWMS/JSA

  • Is the weather conditions satisfactory for crane operations?

  • Are maintenance/Inspection records available for the Crane and Lifting Equipment?

  • Please explain why the maintenance/inspection records are not availible.

  • Has the Crane a Safe Working Load (SWL) greater than 10 tonnes?

  • Has the crane been registered with the appropriate authority?

  • Has an EXCLUSION ZONE been set up around the crane and lifting area

  • Is the crane setup area away from Pits - Excavations - on Unstable ground

  • Are appropriate Bog Mats or Timber Blocks in place for the out riggers

  • Are the out riggers fully extended

  • Does the Crane operator hold the appropriate HI RISK license for the crane

  • Does the Dogman hold the required license


  • Is there a concrete boom pump on site?

  • Has the Concrete boom pump been registered with the appropriate authorities?

  • Has the Plant and equipment checklist been completed?

  • Are Maintenance/Service records available (including thickness test for the pipes)

  • Give reason why Maintenance/Service records are not available.

  • Does the operator hold the appropriate Hi-Risk license for the operation of the boom pump (PB)

  • Has a SWMS/JSEA been provided for Concrete Pump opertions?

  • Have all personnel signed off on the SWMS

  • Give reason why a SWMS/JSEA has not been provided.

  • Has the operator completed the prestart prior to commencing pumping operations?

  • Are the outriggers fully extended

  • Give reason why outriggers are not fully extended.

  • Are Hose clamps secured

  • Is the Hose tethered/secured to the boom?

  • is the Hose Operator wearing the required PPE whilst pumping?

Sign Off

  • Name & Signature of Site Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.