Document No.
Administration Audit
Branch / Depot
Conducted on
Prepared by
Number Legend:
3. Exemplary system in place - All criteria consistently met (Acceptable).
2. System in place - Most criteria met (Acceptable).
1. System only partly in place - Only some criteria met (Unacceptable).
0. No system in place - No criteria met (CAR).
1.1 Purchasing & Receipt of Goods
FRM-GEN-217-1 Parts Requisition Form, WP-GEN-412 Receiving of Invoices
Does a designated person exist to receive goods? (Add the name)
Does the designated person sign the Order as having received the goods, checking quality, quantity, damage and for credits?
Is FRM-GEN-217 Parts Requisition being used by outlying Depots?
Does the overall process operate effectively?
1.2 Registrations
SBMP FRM-GEN-201-11 Fleet Service Schedule, SBMP FRM-GEN-290-1 (a) NHVAS Maintenance Management Vehicle Register, FRM-GEN-209-5 Daily Tally Form
Check what type of registers are kept of all the Rego dates for each JJR vehicle.
Is the NHVAS Scheme applicable to your depot?
Is the Daily Tally Form for NHVAS requirements supplied to the Workshop Manager?
Who manages the Registrations, NHVAS and Machineries?
2.1 Team Briefs
SBMP 4.2-1 Team Briefs
Are Administration Team Briefs conducted in accordance with IMS procedures for ALL staff?
Were all issues raised by staff actioned, signed off, or carried forward?
Team Briefs reviewed: date range
2.2 Family Relationships
Identify family and employee relationships relative to management.
Names: Duties:
2.3 Under/Over Staffed - Benchmarking
Total Administration/Operations Staff:
Name & primary duties performed.
To achieve efficient & effective work practises. Ask staff about their duties for each day - Is it a full day, any useless, unnecessary, duplicated or time wasting tasks.
Do duties flow well through the stages of the overall process?
Is the process efficient and with no duplication of effort?
2.4 Training Records
LMS Modules & Competencies, SBMP 7.01-06 Induction Checklist - Administration & Corporate, SBMP 7.2-1 Training Record, FRM-GEN-400-01 Document Acknowledgement
Is the online Learning Management System (LMS) up to-date and accurate?
Is there a site-specific training register / matrix in place to illustrate staff cross-training?
(Review new staff files for training records SBMP 7.2-1 and list the procedures used)
Are all mandatory Admin compliance completed?
Are all mandatory Admin compliance completed?
Are all mandatory Admin compliance completed?
(Review Procedure Files)
Do staff have all procedures completed relevant for their role?
Do staff have all procedures completed relevant for their role?
Do staff have all procedures completed relevant for their role?
2.5 Payroll
SWI-GEN-470-01 Kronos Training
SBMP 11.14-02 Bonus Scheduler, SBMP 11.14-01 Bonus Assessment Form
2.5-1 Annual Leave
What annual leave has been accrued and does it exceed 6 weeks?
What process is in place to ensure procedures are followed during staff leave?
2.5-2 Payroll Data Entry
Who keys payroll for the site?
Are Management approving time cards? If not, are Management approving the weekly report before time card entries are approved?
Are the employee schedules approved by Management?
How often are the employee schedules reviewed by Management?
Is there a Driver Bonus Scheme in place?
Is the Bonus Scheduler being used - SBMP 11.14-02?
Is the Bonus Assessment Form being used - SBMP 11.14-01?
Work Cover claims - are these signed off?
Name of authorised person?
Are all Work Cover claims filed independently from other personnel files?
3.1 Service Agreements
SWI-GEN-437-06 Increasing or Decreasing a Service, SWI-GEN-437-05 Resign, SWI-GEN-437-04 Undo a Cancellation, SWI-GEN-437-02 Change of Owners, SWI-GEN-437-01 Adding a New Customer, GEN-503-1 Service Agreement, Audit Report-Operational-Customer-Recent Customer List for Site Audit
Are manual Service Agreement books being used and for what purpose?
Check for accuracy and completeness.
Check signatures and dates on front & back pages.
Check that an ABN has been given and is not a deregistered company -
Are manual agreements filed in a fire proof cabinet?
3.2 Breach Of Contract
SWI-GEN-402-27 Breach of Contract Stops
Ensure that the flow diagram is being followed.
Who manages the process and how?
Files in Progress
3.3 Marketing Giveaways
SWI-GEN-445-01 Marketing and Promotion Products
Is there a person authorised to order stock?
Name of authorised person:
Look at the security & control of giveaways.
What was purchased recently?
3.4 Commissions
Is there a published Depot commissions structure?
Are there checks in place to compare Commissions authorised against Payroll entries?
Must be exclusive of GST - Directive.
Who calculates them?
Do Reps sign-off on their commission?
Which reps were reviewed?
4.1 Run Sheets (Paper)
SWI-GEN-407-04 Printing Runsheets, SWI-GEN-407-05 Re-Ordering Runsheets
SWI-GEN-407-10 Preparing to Key Runsheets, SWI-GEN-407-21 Keying Runsheet - Frontlift and Wheelie Bins, SWI-GEN-407-22 Keying Runsheets - Roro, SWI-GEN-407-30 Runsheet Keying Anomolies Report
Are there any reasons for outstanding runsheets and who is managing these?
Check sample of runsheets to review data entry process to ensure non service codes are keyed, truck stats and fuel data errors are at a minimum and docket numbers are transferred accurately. Check maximum of 30 runs including RoRo/Liquid, Frontlift & Wheeled Bins.
Ensure process in place to bill all services on run sheet (non-auto bill).
Are you happy with the quality of data provided for Admin keying?
Are JJR green dockets attached to the run sheets?
Are there minimal unallocated services on runs?
Is Delta capturing all Waste Receivers correctly?
Are Waste Receiver schedules up to date?
Is there manual data entry into Delta that could be automated/imported?
4.1-1 Run Sheets (JTrack)
Is the Depot using Commercial JTrack runs?
How many and what type of vehicles are using JTrack?
Check sample of runsheets to review data entry process to ensure non service codes are keyed, truck stats and fuel data errors are at a minimum and docket numbers are transferred accurately. Check maximum of 30 runs including RoRo/Liquid, Frontlift & Wheeled Bins.
Is there a process in place for data capture vs JTrack system?
Is a process in place for data capture in the event of truck computer failure?
How are foreign bins managed?
4.1-2 DEHP Reporting
Audit Report - Operational-Agreement/Sales Tablet-Agents Agreement Status, Audit Report - Operational-EPA Report Review, SBMP FRM-GEN-127-01 EWTS dockets.
Are all regulated waste runsheets keyed for the previous calendar month?
If there are any outstanding runsheets identify the reason.
Who is responsible for managing this?
Are there any manual waste tracking certificates being used at this Depot?
Who is responsible for managing these and what is the verification process?
Are EWTS dockets being used at this Depot?
Is there a current Agent Agreement for each customer?
Review audit report and identify a selection of customers Agent Agreements and their service types.
Are there any expired Agent Agreements?
Who manages the expired agent agreements?
Have Waste Receiver Agent Agreements been signed and created in Delta?
Have these been uploaded to the intranet?
Who is responsible for reviewing the audit report EPA Report Review?
How frequently is this report being reviewed?
Who is responsible for creating, reviewing and sending the EPA CSV file to DEHP?
Review saved file for any anomolies.
4.2 Truck Statistics
SWI-GEN-415-2 End of Day Debtors
Ensure that data is captured Daily/Weekly.
Is there a process in place to review End-Of-Day to check for data capture errors.
How are errors managed?
4.3 Fuel Data Capture
FRM-GEN-144-1 Daily Fuel Record Sheet
Is the correct Form - FRM-GEN-144-1 Daily Fuel Record Sheet being used?
Ensure that fuel is captured weekly - including utes, forklift, other.
Check process & frequency of data capture.
4.4 Bulk Fuel Tanks
WP-GEN-144 Fuel Inventory Control and Reconciliation, SWI-GEN-144-1 Tank Dipping
FRM-GEN-144-1 Daily Fuel Record Sheet, FRM-GEN-144-2 Daily Fuel Movement Log
Is the daily movement log used?
Scrutinize daily record sheets and dips.
Review variance size, frequency and corrective actions.
5.1 Council Runsheets
SWI-GEN-129-2 Domestic Run Review Report (DRRR), GEN-129-2 Domestic Run Review Report
Is the site using Domestic JTrack?
How many trucks?
Check Council run sheets DRRR from DCMS, JTrack, DRS for data accuracy and clarity.
Is a process in place for data capture in the event of truck computer failure?
5.2 New Customers
Are Council Requests received that are outside of the contract?
If so, how does the Depot manage these?
Ask the relevant person how to add a new service to the council vouchers and how the bin gets to the customer.
5.3 Council Bins - Stocktake - Scrapping
What frequency are wheelie bins stocktakes conducted?
When was the last stocktake of wheelie bins done?
Who decides to order new bins? (Whb, Steel)
Is there a process for receipting of bins - count, damage, shortage, sign, name & contact details?
Are stock & repair bins, lids, wheels, axles seperated?
Who has access to bins?
Where are the bins kept? (Wheelie bins)
Where are the bins kept? (Steel)
Who keeps track of who takes the bins?
6.1-1 Vendor Invoice Review
SWI-GEN-401-16 Reconciling Statements, SWI-GEN-401-14 Searching for Vendors, SWI-GEN-401-08 Setting up Vendors
SWI-GEN-401-13 Preparing Batches for Keying, SWI-GEN-401-9 Keying Invoices
SWI-GEN-401-11 EFT Reports, SWI-GEN-401-12 Cheque Run
SWI-GEN-401-03 Authorised Signatures, FRM-GEN-401-3 Authorised Signatures
FRM-GEN-401-07 Prompt Payment, SWI-GEN-401-07 Prompt, Statement or 30Day Vendor Report, FRM-GEN-491-1c EFT Request Form
SWI-GEN-415-03 End of Day - Creditors (Accounts Payable)
SWI-GEN-3.1-1 Supplier Subcontractor Registration, SBMP 3.1-4 Subcontractor Preselection Questionnaire, SBMP 3.1-5 Critical Document Request Letter, SBMP 3.1-6 Supplier Subcontractor Register.
What process is in place for data entry of creditors invoices?
Do staff have a copy of the authorised signatory list?
Are all Purchase Orders being raised necessary?
What checks are in place for truck washing?
Do the staff signing invoices understand what they are signing for?
6.2-1 Direct Debit Capture
SWI-GEN-402-8 Direct Debit Request, FRM-GEN-402-8 Direct Debit Request, SWI-GEN-402-15 Unsuccessful Direct Debit Bank Account Payments, SWI-GEN-402-16 Unsuccessful Direct Debit Credit Card Payments, SWI-GEN-402-17 Updating Direct Debit Details, Audit Reports-Transactions-Direct Debit/Credit Card Transactions/Details-Direct Debit Payment Forecast.
Ensure all forms are captured and checked independently for data entry accuracy with signatures.
Where are forms stored?
Has each dishonoured document been completed?
Has a $10 fee been charged (if applicable)?
Has the account stop been applied (if applicable)?
6.2-2 Bad Debts/Write Offs
SWI-GEN-402-6 Bad Debts, FRM-GEN-402-6 Customer Accounts-Bad Debts, SWI-GEN-402-25 Writing Off Credit Balances-Customer Invoices
Ensure complying - check write-off policy with site.
Ensure all forms are authorised by relevant person.
Ensure write-offs have an explanation in notes to the account.
Months checked.
6.2-3 Overdues
SWI-GEN-402-28 Accounts Receivable Reconciliation, SWI-GEN-402-26 Accounts Receivable Queries, SWI-GEN-402-29 Overdue Fee
SWI-GEN-402-18 Referring New Debts to CMA, SWI-GEN-402-20 Status Check on Accounts with CMA, SWI-GEN-402-19 Debt Recovery Charges from Agency
SWI-GEN-402-23 Payment Plans, SWI-GEN-402-24 Suspend Overdue Actions, SWI-GEN-402-31 Accounts Receivable Collection Calls
SWI-GEN-402-05 Refund Cheque, FRM-GEN-402-05 Customer Refunds
Are the Bounceback Report customers being contacted?
Is the Whitelisting Procedure being provided to customers?
Are customers having their On Stop default deactivated?
If so, by whom and who authorised these?
Are the reasons for these deactived customers legitimate?
Are customers being handed over to Collection Agency?
When were they handed over?
Are the ratings consistent with the standards?
Is the depot meeting monthly Overdue targets?
6.2-4 Credits/Debits and Transfer of Funds
FRM-GEN-402-10 Debit Credit Adjustments, SWI-GEN-402-32 Credit Request Procedure, SWI-GEN-402-33 Electronic Credit Request Approvals, SWI-GEN-402-10 Manual Credit Preparation and Keying
SBMP SWI-GEN-402-04 Transfer of Funds
On review of the 'Generated Credit Transaction Listing', are there any credits processed outside of the electronic Credit Request System?
If so, were these manual credits authorised and checked after data capture?
Ensure EOD is checked, so that no unauthorised credits are processed.
Date range checked?
Is the Transfer of Funds function being used at this Depot?
Who has access to this?
Is the procedure being followed?
6.2-5 Scrap Metal/Plastic Funds
SBMP 9.2-7 Scrapped Industrial Bins Report
Does the Depot scrap metal or plastics and is there a rebate received for this product?
Ensure funds are being banked to JJR and not social club account?
Where do the scrap bins go - do we get destruction certificates?
If no destruction certificate, is there a standing letter or is there confidence that the bins are being destroyed?
Does each Vendor have a customer account for data capture?
Is the payment deposited directly into the bank?
Check for a schedule of rates for different materials.
Source of all scrap metals.
Source of all scrap plastics.
Who decides when to scrap old bins - Wheeled Bins, Frontlift, Compactors, Skips?
Check IMS Form 9.2-7 for completion and forwarding to Finance department for all metal bins.
6.2-6 Rebates - Oil
Does the Depot receive an oil rebate?
Is the payment deposited directly into the bank?
Does each Vendor have a customer account for data capture?
Are any rebates passed on to customer accounts and if so list customer numbers?
6.2-7 Rebates - eg Visy / Orora
SWI-GEN-477-26 Reconciliations - Rebates, SWI-GEN-477-27 Rebate Dockets - Adding, SWI-GEN-477-28 Rebate Docket - Editing, SWI-GEN-477-29 Rebate Docket - Deleting, SWI-GEN-477-30 Edit Reconciliation View - Rebate.
Ensure that there is a process in place to reconcile the amount of rebate received from Receiver.
Is the procedure being followed?
Who is familiar with the process and as a backup?
Is Delta capturing all Rebate Waste Receivers correctly?
Is there manual data entry into Delta that could be automated/improved?
Is this used consistently during reconciliations?
Are all exceptions to the rules approved by Management?
6.2-8 MRF Income
FRM-GEN-812-1 Daily Received/Despatched Form
Ensure that there is a process to reconcile the amount of rebate received from Receiver.
What type of products are despatched?
Is the procedure being followed?
Who is familiar with the process and as a backup?
6.2-9 Manual/Sundry Invoicing
SWI-GEN-402-07 Sundry Invoice, FRM-GEN-402-7 Sundry Invoice
Are all manual invoicing keyed to the appropriate Customer Number in Customer Maintenance?
If not, why?
Is the current IMS template being used?
6.2-10 External Debtor Billing
Ensure spreadsheets and data input is correct.
Check procedures for special jobs - how do they know what to bill?
Which customers and for what purpose?
6.2-11 Staff Accounts
Ensure that each staff has their own account.
All accounts to start with - Staff - "Employee Name".
Are the staff accounts being paid within the 30day period?
Are the accounts correct with no unusual credits or transactions occuring?
Verify amounts paid to invoice value.
Check GST has been accounted for correctly.
6.2-12 Cash Sale Accounts
Are Cash Accounts used at the depot and what are the customer numbers?
What are the Cash Sales Accounts used for eg general accts, uniforms, customers with no account status?
Who manages the reconciliations of these accounts and is there a procedure to ensure payments are recovered?
6.2-13 Corporate Accounts
SWI-GEN-406-08 National Corporate Accounts
Has the End of Month spreadsheet been implemented at the Depot?
Who is responsible to receive and input data if the 'Charging Depot'?
Who is responsible to supply and despatch data if the 'Servicing Depot'?
Is an alert message added to show which Depot is controlling the account?
When was the last audit performed on the accounts to ensure all data is correct?
WP-GEN-441 Telephone & Reception Enquiries Administration
Are all staff answering calls following the general guidelines of "Welcome to JJ Richards, this is ...."?
Are all staff talking at a pace the customer is able to understand ie not too fast?
Are staff clear in their enunciation?
Are staff showing attentiveness to the customers query?
Are staff using the customers name when referring to them within the conversation?
Have staff been able to assist the customer with finding a solution to their query?
Have staff been knowledgable about the services JJ Richards provides?
Are staff recognising further opportunities to promote our service?
8.1 Reception areas - outsiders approach
8.2 Storage areas
8.3 Yard in general
8.4 Vehicles
8.5 Attitudes of staff - co-operativeness, open, friendly, comfortable.
8.6 Compliments and Complaints forms reviewed.